Seek and ye shall find: full-text search in PostgreSQL ====================================================== :author: Dan Scott (denials) :institution: Laurentian University :license: CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported :duration: 50 :Date: September 18, 2012 :Email: :Copyright: {date={localdate}}: {author}, {institution} * {license} :icons: :iconsdir: ./images/icons/ :slidecalloutwidth: 2% :data-uri: It happened to me ----------------- * Summer project created large amounts of text from scanned newspapers * Wanted an independent & useful search engine * Lucene-based search engines like Solr and ElasticSearch are not integrated with the database * I'm a library geek _and_ a database geek and, since 2006, have been hacking on the[Evergreen library system], which uses PostgreSQL full-text search * Housekeeping: slides are at Simplistic (straw-man) approach ------------------------------- [source,sql] .I'll just use LIKE / ILIKE / regex matching... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE SCHEMA lunews; CREATE TABLE lunews.issues ( id TEXT, text_uri TEXT, volume TEXT, issue TEXT, content TEXT ); COPY lunews.issues (id, text_uri, volume, issue, content) FROM 'raw_lambda_text.tsv'; SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE content LIKE '%picket%'; SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE content ILIKE '%picket%'; SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE content ~ E'p[iao]cket'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... with simple problems ------------------------ :incremental: * Fast for test data (50 rows with ~10,000 words per row) but does not scale to real world data ** Table scans are _not_ our friends ** Index expressions are wonderful but can't anticipate the wide variety of human questions * We could build something based on +pg_trgm+ extension - but that's work! * Full-text search is built into PostgreSQL, so let's use it image:oleg_bartunov.jpg["Oleg Bartunov",align="left"] image:teodor_sigaev.jpg["Teodor Sigaev",align="right"] _(Thank you,[Oleg Bartunov] and[Teodor Sigaev]!)_ 2-minute demo - 50 rows ----------------------- . As a proof of concept, create and populate our table containing the full text of 50 newspaper issues. . Create a +tsvector+ index on the text column of interest (_content_): + [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE INDEX ON lunews.issues USING GIN (to_tsvector(content)); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + . Run some search queries: + [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('strike & picket'); SELECT id, ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector(content), to_tsquery('picket | pocket | packet')) FROM lunews.issues WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('picket | pocket | packet') ORDER BY 2 DESC ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-minute demo - 1 million rows ------------------------------ . Create and populate a table containing the titles and subjects of 1 *_MILLION_* books from OpenLibrary. . Create weighted and unweighted +tsvector+ keyword columns. [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE openlib (id INT, title TEXT, subjects TEXT, unweighted_kw TSVECTOR, weighted_kw TSVECTOR); COPY openlib (id, title, subjects) FROM STDIN; -- <1> <2> UPDATE openlib SET unweighted_kw = to_tsvector('english', title) || to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(subjects, '')); -- <3> UPDATE openlib SET weighted_kw = setweight(to_tsvector('english', title), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector('english', COALESCE(subjects, '')), 'D'); -- <4> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> 2012-09-15 12:33:05-04 - started loading <2> 2012-09-15 12:33:10-04 - finished loading <3> 2012-09-15 12:33:51-04 - populated unweighted_kw <4> 2012-09-15 12:34:40-04 - populated weighted_kw 5-minute demo - 1 million rows (cont.) -------------------------------------- . Create indexes on the weighted and unweighted keyword columns. . Create separate expression indexes on the title and subjects columns. [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE INDEX openlib_title ON openlib USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', title)); -- <1> CREATE INDEX openlib_subjects ON openlib USING GIN (to_tsvector('english', subjects)); -- <2> CREATE INDEX openlib_unweighted ON openlib USING GIN (unweighted_kw); -- <3> CREATE INDEX openlib_weighted ON openlib USING GIN (weighted_kw); -- <4> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> 2012-09-15 12:35:13-04 - created openlib_title index <2> 2012-09-15 12:35:39-04 - created openlib_subjects index <3> 2012-09-15 12:36:04-04 - created openlib_unweighted index <4> 2012-09-15 12:36:30-04 - created openlib_weighted index 5-minute demo - 1 million rows - searching ------------------------------------------ With an unweighted search: [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT id, SUBSTRING(title FROM 0 FOR 20), ts_rank_cd(unweighted_kw, to_tsquery('government & history')) FROM openlib WHERE unweighted_kw @@ to_tsquery('government & history') ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 5; id | substring | rank ----------+---------------------+---------- 6836768 | Pietre e potere | 0.35 17995790 | Reform and insurrec | 0.236111 8669133 | American Political | 0.229545 866182 | Lives in the public | 0.225 16640636 | HeĢ„ katastatikeĢ„ no | 0.214286 (5 rows) Total runtime: 84.942 ms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-minute demo - 1 million rows - searching ------------------------------------------ With a weighted search: [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT id, SUBSTRING(title FROM 0 FOR 20), ts_rank_cd(weighted_kw, to_tsquery('government & history')) FROM openlib WHERE weighted_kw @@ to_tsquery('government & history') ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 5; id | substring | rank ----------+---------------------+---------- 11331254 | Global Issues: Hist | 2.09091 5284994 | Michigan: a history | 0.615909 5857361 | California history | 0.590909 23324185 | Outlines of the his | 0.525974 14832714 | History of federal | 0.508333 (5 rows) Total runtime: 86.443 ms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5-minute demo - 1 million rows - searching ------------------------------------------ With a weighted search and relevancy algorithm tweak: [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT id, SUBSTRING(title FROM 0 FOR 20), ts_rank_cd(weighted_kw, to_tsquery('government & history'), 4) FROM openlib WHERE weighted_kw @@ to_tsquery('government & history') ORDER BY 3 DESC LIMIT 5; id | substring | ts_rank_cd ----------+---------------------+------------ 20696993 | A study of general | 0.5 11830422 | 21st Century Comple | 0.5 16606467 | History of the gove | 0.333333 9930696 | Judiciary and Respo | 0.333333 13681611 | history of local go | 0.333333 (5 rows) Total runtime: 92.518 ms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Parsing process --------------- . Start with a _document_ - the text to be searched; can be a single word or an entire book . Parse the document into _tokens_ - with types like words, numbers, paths, email addresses, white space . Normalize the tokens to create _lexemes_ - including case-folding, stemming, and using dictionaries and thesauruses to unify different forms of a token ifdef::backend-slidy2[>>>] Text search data types ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * _tsvector_ - text search vector (array-ish thing) containing lexemes with positional information to inform relevance ranking * _tsquery_ - a preprocessed text search query Show me the tokens! ------------------- [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT alias, description FROM ts_token_type('default'); -----------------+------------------------------------------ asciiword | Word, all ASCII word | Word, all letters numword | Word, letters and digits email | Email address url | URL host | Host sfloat | Scientific notation version | Version number hword_numpart | Hyphenated word part, letters and digits hword_part | Hyphenated word part, all letters hword_asciipart | Hyphenated word part, all ASCII blank | Space symbols tag | XML tag protocol | Protocol head numhword | Hyphenated word, letters and digits asciihword | Hyphenated word, all ASCII hword | Hyphenated word, all letters url_path | URL path file | File or path name float | Decimal notation int | Signed integer uint | Unsigned integer entity | XML entity (23 rows) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Let's see some lexemes ---------------------- * Normalized tokens, remember? [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'Kurt Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions, 1973' ); '1973':6 'breakfast':3 'champion':5 'kurt':1 'vonnegut':2 SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'Les nuits en Paris'); 'en':3 'les':1 'nuit':2 'pari':4 SELECT to_tsvector('french', 'Les nuits en Paris'); -- <1> 'le':1 'nuit':2 'paris':4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> Dig that multilingual support, eh? Operators and functions ----------------------- * +to_tsvector()+ - turn a document into a vector * +to_tsquery()+ - normalize the terms in a query to return a TSQUERY * +plainto_tsquery()+ - normalize the terms in a query to return a TSQUERY, automatically ANDing the terms * +@@+ - match operator for a tsvector and a tsquery * +ts_debug()+ - display how a string gets normalized by a given text search configuration Let's search! ------------- * Boolean operators ** +&+ - AND ** +|+ - OR ** +!+ - NOT (tricksy; negation operator requires +&+ or +|+) * Wildcards for matching prefixes: +prefix:*+ [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ plainto_tsquery('student strike'); SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('strike &! student'); SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('prof:* | fac:*'); SELECT id FROM lunews.issues WHERE to_tsvector(content) @@ to_tsquery('faculty & strike') AND content ILIKE '%faculty strike%'; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ What is this "normalization"? ----------------------------- * *Parsers*: tokenize and classify the text of a document (word, number, path...) - in practice, there is only one * *Dictionaries*: convert tokens into normalized form, strip out stop words, unify synonyms * *Templates*: provide the dictionaries' underlying functions * *Configurations*: which dictionaries to use for each token supplied by the parser [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'stochastically'); -- <1> 'stochast':1 SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'To be or not to be'); -- <2> SELECT to_tsvector('english', 'laptopping'); -- <3> 'laptop':1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> The English Porter stemming algorithm is thorough :) <2> Stopwords can eat up a lot of space if you decide to index them. <3> The stemmer makes no guarantees that the original words were real! What are we matching? --------------------- +ts_headline()+ returns our +tsquery+ in context: [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT ts_headline(title, to_tsquery('english', 'chicago & theater'), 'MaxWords = 10, MinWords = 5') FROM openlib WHERE to_tsvector('english', title) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'chicago & theater') LIMIT 5; ts_headline =------------------------------------------------- Rice's Theater, Chicago, 1851-1857 (1 row) Total runtime: 0.616 ms ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Relevancy --------- * _Image of match_ We don't just want matches; we want the best matches. PostgreSQL offers two built-in ranking functions: * +ts_rank+ ([ 'weights' +float4[]+, ] 'vector' +tsvector+, 'query' +tsquery+ [, 'normalization' +integer+ ]) - frequency of matching lexemes * +ts_rank_cd+ ([ 'weights' +float4[]+, ] 'vector' +tsvector+, 'query' +tsquery+ [, 'normalization' +integer+ ]) - cover density algorithm that incorporates term proximity Relevancy scoring can be adjusted by passing a bit mask of options, to adjust rank for long documents and the number of unique words. .Cover sets [quote, Clarke et al, Relevance Ranking for One to Three Term Queries (1999)] ______________________________________________________________________________ (1) the shorter the cover, the more likely the corresponding text is relevant; and (2) the more covers contained in a document, the more likely the document is relevant. ______________________________________________________________________________ Beyond searching a single column -------------------------------- * An entire newspaper in a column doesn't allow for much precision * A story in a column is better, but still not optimal * Separate columns for title, author, story? Now we're talking ** Concatenate the +tsvector+ documents for maximum flexibility Beyond searching a single column (cont.) ---------------------------------------- [source, sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE lunews.stories ( id SERIAL, title TEXT, author TEXT, story TEXT ); WITH ft AS ( SELECT id, title || author || story AS keywords, to_tsvector(title) || to_tsvector(author) || to_tsvector(story) AS ts_kw FROM lunews.stories ), q AS ( SELECT id, to_tsquery('exotic & horizons') AS tsq FROM lunews.stories ) SELECT, ts_rank_cd(ft.ts_kw, q.tsq) AS score, ts_headline(ft.keywords, q.tsq) AS kic FROM ft INNER JOIN q ON = WHERE q.tsq @@ ft.ts_kw ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Weighting --------- * Terms can be weighted using four scores: 'A', 'B', 'C', and 'D' * Weight sets of terms at index time using the +setweight()+ function * Adjust weight values at query time by passing an array of four +float+ values as the first argument to +ts_rank()+/+ts_rank_cd()+ ** Example: You can set the title to 'A' and subject to 'D' for a default boost to title occurrences, but adjust the weights for a subject-focused search [source, sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WITH ft AS ( SELECT id, title || author || story AS keywords, setweight(to_tsvector(COALESCE(title, '')), 'A') || setweight(to_tsvector(COALESCE(author, '')), 'B') || setweight(to_tsvector(COALESCE(story, '')),'D') AS ts_kw FROM lunews.stories ) SELECT ts_rank_cd('{0.1, 0.2, 0.4, 1.0}', ft.ts_kw, q.tsq) -- <1> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> Small gotcha: floats in the score array represent 'D', 'C', 'B', 'A' Custom search configuration --------------------------- Perhaps you actually want to index stopwords (to find 'To be or not to be' or 'It') [quote,#postgresql on Freenode] _____________________________________________________________________________ denials, Isn't there an easier way to allow stop word, like just set a flag in some config file to True or False? _____________________________________________________________________________ [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY tsd_english_full( template = snowball, language = english ); CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION tsc_english_full( COPY = pg_catalog.english ); ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION tsc_english_full ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword, asciihword, hword_asciipart, hword, hword_part, word WITH tsd_english_full; SELECT to_tsvector('tsc_english_full', 'to be or not to be'); 'be':2,6 'not':4 'or':3 'to':1,5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Accelerate ---------- * GIN and GiST indexes support full-text search queries ** Usual trade-off of better performance / slower build for GIN * One index per column of interest, plus one general index for weighted aggregate searches, per text search configuration * Create +tsvector+ columns with an associated trigger to maintain their contents ** +tsvector_update_trigger()+ function automatically updates the +tsvector+ column with the contents of one of more columns, for a single text search configuration ** +tsvector_update_trigger_column()+ function uses whatever text search configuration appears in a specified column on a per-row basis, so that you can better support multilingual data in a single table Accelerate (example) -------------------- Use the built-in +tsvector_update_trigger()+ function to maintain a +tsvector+ column, with a corresponding GIN index: [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE openlib_subset(title TEXT, tsv TSVECTOR); CREATE TRIGGER tsv_update BEFORE INSERT OR UPDATE ON openlib_subset FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE tsvector_update_trigger(tsv, 'pg_catalog.english', title); CREATE INDEX idx_title ON openlib_subset USING GIN (tsv); INSERT INTO openlib_subset (title) SELECT title FROM openlib ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 10000; SELECT title, tsv FROM openlib_subset WHERE to_tsquery('Chicago') @@ tsv AND LENGTH(title) < 30 LIMIT 5; title | tsv ------------------------------+-------------------------------------- The Chicago address | 'address':3 'chicago':2 You were never in Chicago | 'chicago':5 'never':3 African Americans in Chicago | 'african':1 'american':2 'chicago':4 Chicago | 'chicago':1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Preparsing ---------- * Changing the parser to emit more / different tokens requires source code changes * Hack: change the text before you index & query it Desired goal: index +"term1/term2"+ as a single term, _and_ as separate terms [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT alias, token, lexemes FROM ts_debug('english','term1/term2'); alias | token | lexemes -------+-------------+--------------- file | term1/term2 | {term1/term2} SELECT alias, token, lexemes FROM ts_debug('english', regexp_replace('term1/term2', E'(\\S+)/(\\S+)', E'\\1/\\2 \\1 \\2') ); alias | token | lexemes ---------+-------------+--------------- file | term1/term2 | {term1/term2} blank | | numword | term1 | {term1} blank | | numword | term2 | {term2} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Synonyms via a dictionary ------------------------- *Problem*: default 'english' configuration does not recognize American variations as the equivalent of Canadian words * Examples: 'color' vs. 'colour', 'favorite' vs. 'favourite' *Solution*: The 'synonym' template lets you define a list of words and their synonyms, including prefix matches if applicable. .+canuck.syn+ synonym file ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ colour color* colours color* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TEXT SEARCH DICTIONARY canuck ( TEMPLATE = synonym, SYNONYMS = canuck -- <1> ); ALTER TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION tsc_english_full ALTER MAPPING FOR asciiword WITH canuck, tsd_english_full; SELECT ts_lexize('canuck', 'colours'); {color} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> Do not specify the suffix; PostgreSQL adds +.syn+ for you. ifdef::ts_write_bug_fixed[] Synonyms via +ts_rewrite()+ --------------------------- *Problem*: any update to a synonym dictionary requires reindexing for any text search configurations that use that dictionary *Solution*: the +ts_rewrite()+ function substitutes terms, which can be drawn from a table, at query-time [source,sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE TABLE synonyms (term TSQUERY, sub TSQUERY); INSERT INTO synonyms (term, sub) VALUES (to_tsquery('colour'), to_tsquery('color:*')), (to_tsquery('colours'), to_tsquery('color:*')); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ endif::ts_write_bug_fixed[] Spell-checking suggestions -------------------------- * You can use the *pg_trgm* extension to calculate similarity with existing words in your corpus. [source, sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm; CREATE TABLE lunews.issues_words AS ( SELECT word FROM ts_stat( -- <1> 'SELECT to_tsvector(''simple'', content) -- <2> FROM lunews.issues' ) ); CREATE INDEX lunews_issues_content_idx ON lunews.issues_words USING GiST (word gist_trgm_ops); -- <3> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <1> +ts_stat()+ returns statistics about each distinct lexeme in the +tsvector+, such as frequency. Here we just want the distinct lexemes. <2> We use the +simple+ configuration because we do not want stemming to kick in when we process the lexemes. <3> Use the +gin_trgm_ops+ or +gist_trgrm_ops+ operator class if you create a GIN or GiST index, respectively. Spell-checking suggestions: query --------------------------------- The +<->+ operator calculates the distance between terms on either side of the query. [source, sql] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT word, word <-> 'picket' AS dist FROM lunews.issues_words ORDER BY dist LIMIT 5; word | dist -------------+---------- picket | 0 pickets | 0.333333 picketer | 0.4 picketed | 0.4 picket-line | 0.416667 (5 rows) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Resources --------- * PostgreSQL Global Development Group.[Full Text Search: Introduction]. 'PostgreSQL 9.2.0 Documentation'. 2012. * Clarke et al.[Relevance Ranking for One to Three Term Queries]. 'Information Processing and Management', 36(2):291-311, 2000. * Porter, M.F.[Snowball: A language for stemming algorithms]. 2001