Structuring data on the web with

GDG DevFest Can-Am 2013

Dan Scott / +Dan Scott

Systems Librarian, Laurentian University

By “web”, I mean HTML documents

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>House of Cards</h1>
<p>A political drama produced by Kevin Spacey
   and released in 2013 directly to Netflix, starring:</p>
  <li>Kevin Spacey</li>
  <li>Robin Wright</li>
  <li>Kate Mara</li>

HTML as presentation

The above code renders in normal browsers roughly as:

House of Cards

A political drama produced by Kevin Spacey and released in 2013 directly to Netflix, starring:

  • Kevin Spacey
  • Robin Wright
  • Kate Mara
  • ...

HTML as a linked web of documents

For example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
  •      Kevin Spacey  
  • In this case, pointing off to some other web page, presumably about Kevin Spacey.

    But what does it mean?

    Better than a bag of words

    • Challenge: derive meaning from a (largely) presentation-oriented medium
    • Search engines use font size, font weight, above-the-fold content, etc for relevance
    • Early attempts to embed metadata via <meta> tags were quickly gamed: see "spider food"
    • Early efforts to build a parallel semantic web based on RDF/XML were... complex and largely academic

    Semantic fail! (Via Ed Summers)

    Structured data in HTML

    If you love OO, and you love HTML, you're going to love structured data!

    • Geniuses* figured out how to decorate HTML using attributes to represent types, properties, and relationships
    • The semantic web and the document web can be united!
    • Search engines can derive direct relationships between the properties and the text that is displayed to actual humans with much more certainty

    * Not me. Very much not me.

    RDFa Lite: basic concepts

    Delineate structured data in HTML using attributes.

    RDFa Lite: HTML attributes

    • vocab: the vocabulary that defines the referenced types and their properties
    • typeof: the type of the thing being described
    • property: the property of the described thing
    • resource: an identifier for a given thing on the page
    • prefix: if you have to mix multiple vocabularies, you can


    The typeof property creates a new scope, which is (normally) limited to the HTML element on which it is defined, and children of that element.

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <div typeof="Example">The scope starts here
        <p>and continues
            <span>through all of the nested

    House of Cards: Plain HTML

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <h1>House of Cards</h1>
    <p>A political drama produced by Kevin Spacey
       and released in 2013 directly to Netflix, starring:</p>
      <li>Kevin Spacey</li>
      <li>Robin Wright</li>
      <li>Kate Mara</li>

    HTML + RDFa (basic)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <div vocab="" typeof="TVSeries">
    <h1 property="name">House of Cards</h1>
    <p>A political drama produced by 
      <span property="producer">Kevin Spacey</span> and released in
      <span property="copyrightYear">2013</span> directly to Netflix,
      <li property="actor">Kevin Spacey</li>
      <li property="actor">Robin Wright</li>
      <li property="actor">Kate Mara</li>

    A TVSeries and its attributes

    HTML + RDFa (nested types)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <div vocab="" typeof="TVSeries">
    <h1 property="name">House of Cards</h1>
    <p>A political drama produced by
      <span property="producer" typeof="Person">
        <span property="name">Kevin Spacey</span>
      </span> and released in
      <span property="copyrightYear">2013</span>
      directly to Netflix, starring:</p>
      <li property="actor" typeof="Person">
        <span property="name">Kevin Spacey</span>
      <li property="actor" typeof="Person">
        <span property="name">Robin Wright</span>

    A Person can have attributes other than just name

    HTML + RDFa (@resource)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <div vocab="" typeof="TVSeries"
    <h1 property="name">House of Cards</h1>
    <p>A political drama produced by
      <span property="producer" typeof="Person" resource="#kspacey">
        <span property="name">Kevin Spacey</span>
      </span> and released in
      <span property="copyrightYear">2013</span>
      directly to Netflix, starring:</p>
      <li property="actor" resource="#kspacey">Kevin Spacey</li>
      <li property="actor" typeof="Person">
        <span property="name">Robin Wright</span>

    Avoiding redundant redundancies!

    HTML + RDFa (@prefix)

    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <div vocab="" prefix="foaf:"
         typeof="TVSeries" resource="#house_of_cards">
    <h1 property="name">House of Cards</h1>
    <p>A political drama produced by
      <span property="producer" typeof="Person" resource="#kspacey">
        <span property="name foaf:account">
            <a href=""
               typeof="foaf:OnlineAccount">Kevin Spacey</a>
      </span> and released in
      <span property="copyrightYear">2013</span>
      directly to Netflix, starring:</p>
      <li property="actor" resource="#kspacey">Kevin Spacey</li>
      <li property="actor" typeof="Person">
        <span property="name">Robin Wright</span>

    Because the world is described by more than one ontology.

    RDFa: extracting structured data

    Image generated by for structured data

    • There are many different vocabularies
      • Mixing vocabularies is the norm…
      • But can also be painful for publishers and consumers
    • launched in 2011 as a joint effort between Google, Yahoo, and Yandex
      • A single vocabulary for all the things! Well, all the things search engines really cared about
      • Ergo, it immediately became the only vocabulary SEO community cared about
    • In 2013, development moved to for open discussion

    Now, publish structured data!

    • Your web applications:
      • Likely use a database of some kind, with well-defined types and properties
      • With a little bit of extra effort, you can map those types and properties to types and properties
    • And Boom!
      • You've just enriched the knowledge graph
      • And enabled other applications to easily build on your data
      • And likely improved your search ranking*

    * I am not an SEO consultant and this does not constitute SEO advice


    RDFa vocabulary