A deeper research bench

SPAD 0100

Dan Scott / +Dan Scott

Sports enthusiasts know the value of teams

  • Football, baseball, hockey, obviously...
  • but even individual sports have teams behind them.
  • Add the library to your personal team!

Photo credit: Sportsnet

Photo credit: Sportsnet

Elements of administrative success

  • Gathering information
  • Evaluating information
  • Forming a decision
  • Communicating the decision

Q: Where does the library fit in?

Mission statement

to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful

The library spent almost $2.0 million on electronic resources last year.

Gathering information

  • Print collection: books and journals
  • Archives: including digitized student newspapers
  • Electronic resources: "the dark Web"
  • Government documents: legislation, demographics
  • ... and almost anything else via inter-library loan (RACER)

SPAD research guide

SPAD Research Guide - screenshot

ProQuest Business Databases

ProQuest Business Databases - search for magazine articles on MLSE

Google Scholar != Google

Google Scholar results for 'Toronto Blue Jays' search

Evaluating information

  • Determining the authority of a source
  • Crunching statistical data

Communicating the decision

The population-dense section of downtown Toronto bounded on the west by Bathurst Street, to the east by Simcoe Street, to the north by Queen Street, and to the south by the Lake Ontario waterfront lacks both library facilities and sports facilities...


Communicating the decision

Map of downtown Toronto showing population density, sports facilities, and libraries.

Sudbury Open Data

Map of Sudbury showing recreational facilities.

Reaching the library

  • In person:
    • Quick reference available during all library hours
    • Random librarians, available Monday - Thursday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm and Friday from 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
    • Specific librarians available by appointment
  • Email: at reference@laurentian.ca (matching "random librarian" hours for responses)
  • Online chat: for immediate, general research help
    • Monday - Thursday: 10:00 am - 10:00 pm
    • Friday: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm
    • Weekends: 12:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Add us to your team

  • We'll help you make the most of your Sports Business Journal subscription
  • We'll help you create some awesome visualizations of your data
  • We'll ensure you have high quality sources of information
  • We'll save you time
