RDFa with schema.org codelab: Organizations

By Dan Scott,

About this codelab

The core information that many users want to find when they look for a business online include locations, operating hours, contact information, and branch relationships.

In this exercise, you will mark up your library, archives, museum, or other organizational home page with machine-readable address information, contact information, and opening hours using the schema.org vocabulary. You will use a library home page as your template, but the exercise should be adaptable to any kind of organization.

Audience: Beginner

Prerequisites: To complete this codelab, you will need a basic familiarity with HTML. The exercises can be found in codelab.zip, with the solutions found in the rdfa_exercises subdirectory. There are frequent checkpoints through the code lab, so if you get stuck at any point, you can use the checkpoint file to resume and work through this codelab at your own pace.

Why organization markup matters

When you search for a library on different search engines, you will probably get different and conflicting sets of information about the library. The results often depend on where the information is pulled from, which in turn depends on relationships that the search engines have with various data providers. For example, compare searches for my home library J.N. Desmarais Library:

This is a sad state of affairs, and while our library certainly could work harder on outreach and search engine optimization, we are hardly alone.

Having to maintain information such as address, contact information, and hours of operation in multiple places is inefficient and error-prone. Rather than pushing information to multiple sites, it makes much more sense to allow interested sites to pull the information from one authoritative source. OCLC has positioned themselves with the OCLC Library Spotlight Program to provide this information to various commercial companies such as Yelp, but the simplest possible method would be for cultural institutions to mark up their own home pages (where that information almost certainly already exists for the benefit of human readers) with the relevant schema.org structured data so that the machines can benefit as well.

From basic HTML to RDFa: first steps

In this exercise, you will learn the basic steps required to add simple RDFa structured data to an existing organizational home page.

View the organization page source HTML

Open lhsmith_branch.html in an HTML-friendly text editor such as vim, emacs, nano, Sublime, Atom... anything but Notepad! You should see something like the following HTML source for the web page:

<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <title>Lillian H. Smith : Toronto Public Library</title>
  <meta name="description" content="Lillian H. Smith, 239 College Street, Toronto, M5T 1R5, ON, 416-393-7746" />
  <meta name="keywords" content="Lillian H. Smith, 239 College Street, Toronto, M5T 1R5, ON, 416-393-7746" />
  <meta name="thumbnail" content="" />
  <meta name="identifier" content="http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp" />

  <link rel="schema.DCTERMS" href="http://purl.org/dc/terms/" />
  <meta name="DC.creator" content="" />
  <meta name="DC.date.created" content="" />
  <meta name="DC.date.modified" content="" />
  <meta name="DC.language" content="en" />
  <meta name="DC.type" content="Library Branch" />
  <meta name="DC.audience" content="" />

  <meta property="og:title" content="Lillian H. Smith" />
  <meta property="og:type" content="landmark" />
  <meta property="og:image" content="http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/content/branches/images/lillian-h-smith-library-01.jpg"/>
  <meta property="og:description" content="Lillian H. Smith, 239 College Street, Toronto, M5T 1R5, ON, 416-393-7746"/>
  <meta property="og:url" content="http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDMLIB011&R=LIB011"/>
  <meta property="og:site_name" content="Toronto Public Library" />

Note: In a pinch, you can use the browser development tools to view and edit the source of the web page (CTRL-Shift-i in Chrome or Firefox, in the Elements or Inspector tab respectively).

Extract and view structured data in HTML

There are a number of structured data parsers, both online and locally installable, that can help you check the results of your work. Copy and paste the HTML source into each of the following online structured data extraction tools:

Notice that the results vary between the parsers. Some of them reveal that there is, indeed, some markup already embedded in the page--but that markup is sparse:

@prefix og: <http://ogp.me/ns#> .

   og:title "Lillian H. Smith"@en;
   og:type "landmark"@en;
   og:image "http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/content/branches/images/lillian-h-smith-library-01.jpg"@en;
   og:description "Lillian H. Smith, 239 College Street, Toronto, M5T 1R5, ON, 416-393-7746"@en;
   og:url "http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/detail.jsp?Entt=RDMLIB011&R=LIB011"@en;
   og:site_name "Toronto Public Library"@en .

What you see is an example of Open Graph Protocol markup, a vocabulary and syntax based on RDFa 1.0 developed by Facebook and promoted as a means of embedding simple machine-readable markup in the head section of web pages. While this is a good start—enough to identify the title of the page and an image that can be used in short snippets—we can surface much richer data by using RDFa 1.1 and marking up the body of the web page with the schema.org vocabulary.

Add the RDFa vocabulary declaration


RDFa (Resource Description Framework in attributes) enables you to embed descriptions of things (types) and their properties within HTML documents using just a handful of HTML attributes.

To avoid a tower of Babel situation where one person uses the type name "author" to refer to the same concept that someone else calls a "writer", collections of types and their properties are typically standardized and published as a vocabulary (also known as an ontology).

Each type and property is expected to have a dereferenceable URI so that you (or more realistically the machines) can look up the definition of the vocabulary element and determine its relationship (if any) to other vocabulary elements. For example, you can look up http://schema.org/Book and learn that it is a subclass of the Thing / CreativeWork hierarchy.

You could use the full URI for each vocabulary element, but that would be extremely verbose - especially given vocabularies that publish URIs like http://rdaregistry.info/Elements/a/countryAssociatedWithThePerson. Therefore, RDFa offers the @vocab attribute; if you add a vocab="http://<path/for/vocab>" attribute to an HTML element, any of the RDFa @typeof and @property attributes within its scope will automatically prepend the specified value to those attributes.

Declare the schema.org vocabulary as your default

You are going to use the schema.org vocabulary for your exercise, as it includes types and properties that enable you to describe many things of general interest without having to mix and match multiple vocabularies. Declare the default vocabulary for the HTML document as http://schema.org/ on the <body> element. Note: Do not forget the trailing slash (/)!

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
<body vocab="http://schema.org/">

Specialized versus general vocabularies

Many vocabularies focus on a particular domain; for example:

In practice, documents often ended up using types and properties from several different vocabularies. While vocabulary description languages like RDF Schema (RDFS) and the Web Ontology Language (OWL) offer ways to express equivalence between types and properties of different vocabularies, it can still be extremely complex to publish and consume mixed-vocabulary documents.

schema.org, on the other hand, tries to provide a vocabulary that can describe almost everything, albeit in many cases with less granularity than more specialized vocabularies.

Add the type and associated properties for your page


Unless declared otherwise, web pages are assumed to have a type of WebPage. The choice of type is important as it dictates which properties you can "legally" use, so this section will help you find a more specific match for your purposes.

Browse the schema.org type hierarchy

The schema.org types are arranged in a top-down hierarchy. Starting at the top level of the type hierarchy, browse through the Organization type hierarchy. Notice how each type inherits the properties from its parent (beginning with Thing), offers its own more specific definition for its raison d'etre, and may add its own properties to enable you to describe it more completely.

For libraries, schema.org models this information in the Organization -> LocalBusiness -> Library hierarchy.

For museums, schema.org models this information in the Place -> CivicStructure -> Museum hierarchy.

For archives, no Archive type currently exists in the official schema.org vocabulary, but a working group has proposed an extension for Archives. In the interim, you can use the proposed Archive type—but you should also include a more generic official type (LocalBusiness) to help parsers fall back to the semantics of the more general type.

Add the type declaration for the document

To declare an RDFa type for an HTML document, add the @typeof attribute to the <body> element and set the value of the attribute to Library.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library">

Note: If you are marking up an Archive but want to include the fallback generic type, RDFa allows you to specify lists of properties or types in a single attribute by separating them with a space. In this case, that looks like typeof="LocalBusiness http://archive.sdo-archive.appspot.com/Archive".

Add a name property for the type

Every schema.org type has a name property available to it, because the property is declared on the Thing type from which every other type inherits. Add a @property="name" attribute to the <h1> element to assert that the content of that element is the name of the library branch.

Note: You might be tempted to add the attribute to the <title> element of the HTML document, but this would fall outside of the scope of your @typeof attribute. A search engine can infer that if the content of the <title> and <h1> for a given web page match, then the <h1> likely the title; but your explicit assertion of that property is stronger than an inference.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library">
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>

Check the results with one or more of the structured data testing tools to ensure the type and name are correctly recognized.

Identify the image, description, and logo properties

As most schema.org types inherit from Thing, some of the core properties used on almost every type are name, image, description, and logo. These properties are often used to generate rich snippets (short summaries displayed in search results).

You have already declared the name of this organization. The image should be a representative picture of the subject you are describing, while the description should be "[a] short description of the item", and the logo should be an image that represents the brand of the organization. Mark up the image, description, and logo properties for this library.

Suggestion: As this page does not contain a good one or two-sentence description, go ahead and declare the entire Features section as the description.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library">
        <div id="logo-item" >
          <a href="http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/"><img
            alt="Toronto Public Library Homepage"
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>
        <div id="detail-image-container">
          <img id="detail-image" src="images/lillian-h-smith-library-01.jpg"
            property="image" />
          <div id="tab3" property="description">

Associating properties with specific linked data subjects

Check your results of your markup using one of the suggested tools. If you found that your logo was associated with a different URL, you've discovered one of the complications of RDFa. An <a> element that does not contain a @property attribute associates any of the properties within its scope to the subject defined by its @href attribute.

To associate the logo with the Library subject that you are describing for this particular branch, you can use the @about attribute to explicitly identify the subject to which a given property belongs. The value of the @about attribute can be any URL, enabling you to make an assertion about any subject on the web, but you will most often use a fragment identifier (a hashURI) to annotate a type that you have identified using a corresponding @resource attribute.

A subject that does not have a specific identifier is called a blank node, and while it can provide useful information within the broader context of the linked data in which it is embedded, it cannot be directly and reliably addressed due to the lack of an identifier. Every time you add a @typeof attribute, you should strongly consider adding a @resource attribute to explicitly identify it. This enables you, and anyone else in the linked data world, to easily retrieve and make assertions about your very granular linked data subjects.

In the <body> element of the page, add a @resource="#library" attribute to uniquely identify it, alongside the @typeof="Library" attribute you added earlier. Then add the @about="#library" attribute to the @property="logo" assertion you just made, and check the difference that makes to the parser output.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library" resource="#library">
        <div id="logo-item" >
          <a href="http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/"><img
            alt="Toronto Public Library Homepage"
            property="logo" about="#library"
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>
        <div id="detail-image-container">
          <img id="detail-image" src="images/lillian-h-smith-library-01.jpg"
            property="image" />
          <div id="tab3" property="description">

Declare the address and phone number

Identifying the address for the branch helps consuming applications provide a geographic context for their users. For example, the application could order search results based on proximity to the searcher's own geolocation. The Organization type from which Library inherits includes a address property for this purpose.

Identifying the phone number for an organization makes it easier for users to contact your organization. The Organization type includes a telephone property for this.

Mark up the address and telephone properties for this branch.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library" resource="#library">
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>
          <p property="address">239 College Street, Toronto, ON <br/>
          M5T 1R5
          <div property="telephone">
            <a id="branch-phone"></a>
        <div id="detail-image-container">
          <img id="detail-image" src="images/lillian-h-smith-library-01.jpg"
            property="image" />
          <div id="tab3" property="description">

Convert the address to a PostalAddress embedded type

Check the documentation for the Organization. Notice that while the address property can accept simple Text as its value, it can also accept a more structured PostalAddress subject for its value. PostalAddress types can include the following properties:

The country for the address, in either plain text or ISO 3166-1 alpha2 format.
The name of the city.
The name of the state or province.
The PO box number, if applicable.
The postal code or zip code.
The number and name of the street.

By breaking out the content of the address into separate properties using <span> elements, you can provide much more granular information to the processors of this data, and spare them from having to parse out the different segments of the address (perhaps incorrectly).

Add the @typeof="PostalAddress" attribute to the element where you previously identified the address, then break out the content of the address into more granular properties.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library" resource="#library">
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>
          <p property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
            <span property="streetAddress">239 College Street</span>,
            <span property="addressLocality">Toronto</span>,
            <span property="addressRegion">ON</span> <br/>
            <span property="postalCode">M5T 1R5</span>
          <div property="telephone">
            <a id="branch-phone"></a>
        <div id="detail-image-container">
          <img id="detail-image" src="images/lillian-h-smith-library-01.jpg"
            property="image" />
          <div id="tab3" property="description">

Highlight the operating hours

Operating hours are one of the most frequently consulted pieces of information for any organization. The schema.org vocabulary provides two different ways of marking up operating hours. In this exercise, you will use the more structured openingHoursSpecification (which was derived from the GoodRelations vocabulary) instead of the similarly named but less structured openingHours.

The openingHoursSpecification property expects a OpeningHoursSpecification type, which is composed of the following properties:

The time at which the business closes, in hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] format.
Use the following values:
Monday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Monday
Tuesday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Tuesday
Wednesday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Wednesday
Thursday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Thursday
Friday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Friday
Saturday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Saturday
Sunday http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#Sunday
Public holidays http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#PublicHolidays
The time at which the business opens, in hh:mm:ss[Z|(+|-)hh:mm] format.
The point in time when the opening hours data becomes valid.
The point in time when the opening hours data will no longer be valid.

Given this information, mark up the operating hours for this branch. Note that the human-oriented hours do not satisfy the requirements for the closes and opens properties, so you should use the @content attribute to provide the machine-readable version of the information.

Bonus points: Also mark up the dates for which the indicated Sunday hours are valid.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library" resource="#library">
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>
  <table cellspacing="0" summary="Opening and closing hours for this branch.">
      <col width="10%" />
      <col />
      <tr><td colspan="3">*Sunday hours in effect from September to June
        <time property="validFrom" datetime="2015-09-01" about="#sundayHours" />
        <time property="validThrough" datetime="2016-06-01" about="#sundayHours" />
      <tr><caption>Branch Hours</caption></tr>
        <th colspan="1">Day</th>
        <th colspan="1">Opening Time</th>
        <th colspan="1">Closing Time</th>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification">
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="09:00:00">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="20:30:00">8:30 p.m.</td>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification">
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="09:00:00">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="20:30:00">8:30 p.m.</td>
        <td class="hours">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td>8:30 p.m.</td>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification">
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="09:00:00">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="20:30:00">8:30 p.m.</td>
        <td class="hours">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td>8:30 p.m.</td>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification">
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="09:00:00">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="20:30:00">8:30 p.m.</td>
        <td class="hours">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td>8:30 p.m.</td>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification">
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="09:00:00">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="20:30:00">8:30 p.m.</td>
        <td class="hours">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td>8:30 p.m.</td>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification">
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="09:00:00">9:00 a.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="17:00:00">5:00 p.m.</td>
      <tr property="openingHoursSpecification" typeof="OpeningHoursSpecification"
        <th class="days" scope="row" property="dayOfWeek"
        <td class="hours" property="opens" content="13:30:00">1:30 p.m.</td>
        <td property="closes" content="17:00:00">5:00 p.m.</td>

Identify the parent organization

Many organizations are a part of a larger organization. For example, a library branch may be part of a public library system, or an archive might be part of a university or municipality. You can use the parentOrganization property to identify the parent of the organization you are describing.

In this example, the parent organization of the branch you are describing is the Toronto Public Library (TPL), and a link to the TPL home page is included at the top of the page. Mark up the corresponding <a> element with the parentOrganization property.

Check your markup
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8" />
  <!-- ... -->
<body vocab="http://schema.org/" typeof="Library" resource="#library">
  <div id="header-container">
        <div id="logo-item" >
          <a href="http://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/"
            alt="Toronto Public Library Homepage"
            property="logo" about="#library"
  <div id="branch-detail">
    <h1 property="name">Lillian H. Smith</h1>

Checkpoint: Your original HTML library branch page should now look like lhsmith_branch_check.html.

Lessons learned

In this exercise, you learned how to express locations, operating hours, contact information, and organizational structure for a library branch. More generally, you learned:

Next codelab: Books

About the author

Dan Scott is a systems librarian at Laurentian University.

Informational resources

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.