EAD (Encoded Archival Description ; Version 2002 Official Site)

EAD3 Available


Dear EAD community,

After five years of work, the Technical Subcommittee for Encoded Archival Description is thrilled to announce that EAD3 is ready!

EAD3 1.0 is available to download from GitHub at https://github.com/SAA-SDT/EAD3/releases/tag/v1.0.0. The release package can be downloaded as a .zip or .tar.gz, and contains the full set of EAD3 schemas: Relax NG, W3C, and DTD (in regular and undeprecated varieties); the ancillary Schematron schema for validating external code lists, standard data patterns, element or attribute co-occurrence, and a few examples of suggested encoding practice; release notes; a readme file; and the license (CC0).

The official Library of Congress EAD site (http://www.loc.gov/ead/) will be updated with links to the download package and with the tag library soon after the annual meeting. The EAD3 Tag Library will be available for sale at the SAA Annual Meeting and soon thereafter on SAA's Web site. The migration style sheet is still in development - stay tuned for that release in the coming weeks as well.

As happy as the committee is to see our work on EAD3 come to fruition, it will be vastly more gratifying to see you, the user community, adopt it and use it in practical, exciting, and even surprising ways. If you have any questions along the way, we will be happy to clarify as best we can. More information about the ongoing maintenance of EAD will be forthcoming soon.

Finally, on behalf of TS-EAD, thank you for your support, feedback, and patience throughout the revision process. 


Mike Rush
TS-EAD Co-chair