First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Source of classification number 0 - Assigned by LC 4 - Assigned by agency other than LC |
Subfield Codes | |
Single LC classification number or a number span associated with a 1XX heading in an established heading record or a subdivision record. Source of the classification number is Library of Congress Classification and/or the LC Classification Additions and Changes that are maintained by the Library of Congress. The hyphen (-) between the two class numbers in a range of numbers may be generated based on the presence of both subfields $a and $b.
Classification number(s) may be qualified by a descriptive term when the heading is represented in more than one place in the LC classification schedules. Each classification number or number span associated with a heading is contained in a separate 053 field.
Organizations may conform to Library of Congress practice by applying Subject Cataloging Manual: Classification conventions.
First Indicator - Undefined
Contains a blank (#).
Second Indicator - Source of classification number
Whether the source of the classification number is the Library of Congress or another organization.
MARC code for the organization is contained in subfield $5.
053 | #4$aQH198.H3$5DI |
$a - Classification number element-single number or beginning number of span
100 | 1#$aGrimes, Martha | ||||||||
053 | #0$aPS3557.R48998 |
130 | #0$aBook of Mormon$xAntiquities | ||||||||
053 | #0$aBX8627 |
180 | ##$xRhetoric | ||||||||
053 | #0$aP301$cLinguistics |
$b - Classification number element-ending number of span
Ending number of number span when the beginning number of the span is contained in subfield $a.
151 | ##$aUnited States$xHistory$yRevolution, 1775-1783 | ||||||||
053 | #0$aE201$bE298 |
$c - Explanatory term
Descriptive term or phrase that specifies the topic of the classification number. Normally, such a phrase is used to differentiate between two or more class numbers associated with the heading. The parentheses that enclose the phrase or term may be generated for display.
150 | ##$aString quartets | ||||||||
053 | #0$aML1160$cHistory | ||||||||
053 | #0$aMT728$cInstruction and study |
110 | 2#$aCatholic Church$xHistory$vSources | ||||||||
053 | #0$aBX850$bBX875$cDocuments |
$0 - Authority record control number or standard number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$1 - Real World Object URI
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$5 - Institution to which field applies
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
053 | #4$aHD1694.S6$5DI |
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Capitalization - Alphabetic characters in the classification number portion of the field are generally uppercase.
Spacing - Any spaces that are desired as part of the call number must be input.
Display Constants
- | [hyphen associated with the content of subfield $b] |
( ... ) | [parentheses associated with the content of subfield $c] |
Hyphen between the two class numbers in a number span in subfields $a and $b and parentheses that may enclose the explanatory term in subfield $c are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as display constants associated with the content of subfields $b and $c, respectively.
Content designated field :
053 | #0$aBX850$bBX875$cDocuments | ||||||||
Display example: BX850-BX875 (Documents)
Prior to 1995, field 053 was an agency-assigned field and contained only classification numbers assigned by the Library of Congress.