Library of Congress >> MARC >> Authority >> 64X >> 641

641 - Series Numbering Peculiarities (R)

MARC 21 Authority - Full
October 1999

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - Numbering peculiarities note (NR)
$z - Source of information (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Note that describes irregularities in the report year coverage and/or numbering of a series named in the 1XX field of an established heading record for a series. May also contain a citation for the source of the information.

Distinct items of information are contained in separate 641 fields. When field 641 is used, field 008/13 (Numbered or unnumbered series) contains code a or c.

Changes or variations in a series numbering that is to be used in a bibliographic record are contained in field 642 (Series Numbering Example). The extent of volumes within a series is contained in field 640 (Series Dates of Publication and/or Volume Designation).




$a - Numbering peculiarities note
Information such as double numbering, the existence of issues not included in the regular series numbering, items not published, combined issues or volumes, and numbering that does not begin with number one may be described in this subfield.
641 ##$aEach issue covers: Apr. 1-Mar. 31
641 ##$aSome items issued: with numeric/alpha or alpha numeric designation (447P; X042); some with double numbering (3092R-3092T); and some with numeric sub-subdivision (825/1)
641 ##$aIntrod. and concluding vols. unnumb.
641 ##$aNumbering begins with no. 3
$z - Source of information
Citation for the source of the information contained in subfield $a. Instruction term: Cf. may be generated for display.
641 ##$aDouble numbering discontinued with t. 179$zt. 179, t.p.
641 ##$aNo. 7 never published$zno. 11, t.p. verso
641 ##$aNumbering does not begin with v. 1$zLC data base, 8-5-85
641 ##$aPublication suspended 1922-29$zUnion list of serials
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Subfield $a does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the subfield ends with an abbreviation, an initialism, or other data that ends with a mark of punctuation.
641 ##$aVol. numbering irregular; v. 4 omitted; v. 5 repeated$zpub. letter 7 Nov. 76
641 ##$aNumbering begins with v. 10; items published before 1980 unnumb.$zDeut. Bibl.

Field 641 does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation, an initialism, or other data that ends with a mark of punctuation.
641 ##$aVol. 25 never published$zcall to publisher 1/22/82
641 ##$aNumbering repeats each year$zexamination of vols.
641 ##$aVols. for the 8th-19th annual meetings called also v. 7-17 (9th and 10th issues combined as v. 8)
641 ##$aPublications designated 1st-67th, 1878-1946; 68th ed.- 1947-
641 ##$aNo more published?
Spacing - One space separates terms/abbreviations and numeric/alphabetic designations.
641 ##$aNew series v. 2 (Sept.-Dec. 1837) not issued
Display Constant
-Cf. [associated with the content of subfield $z]
Instruction term -Cf. is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with the content of subfield $z.
Content designated field:
641 ##$aNo. 7 never published$zno. 11, t.p. verso
Display example: 
No. 7 never published-Cf. no. 11, t.p. verso

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