First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Subfield Codes | |
Bibliography entry number(s) for cataloging information that is derived from a national bibliography.
When cataloging information is derived from an entry in a national bibliography, the number of the entry is given in the record. A work may have more than one number from a single national bibliography or may have numbers from more than one national bibliography. Multiple numbers are recorded in repeating 015 fields.
$a - National bibliography number
015 | ##$aB67-25185 | ||||||||
015 | ##$aF84-3117 |
015 | ##$aB67-20987 | ||||||||
015 | ##$aB67-20988$qpbk | ||||||||
015 | ##$aGFR67-A14-54 | ||||||||
015 | ##$aAu67-6 |
$q - Qualifying information
Volume numbers or other data that qualify a national bibliography number being recorded in subfield $a or subfield $z.
015 | ##$aF67-835$qv. 1 | ||||||||
015 | ##$aF67-9455$qv. 2 |
$z - Canceled/invalid national bibliography number
Canceled or invalid (structurally or application) national bibliography number.
015 | ##$a06,A29,1122$z05,N51,1204$2dnb [code "dnb" is for Deutsche Nationalbibliographie] |
015 | ##$a06,A29,0382$z05,A21,0597$z04,N48,0463$2dnb [code "dnb" is for Deutsche Nationalbibliographie] |
$2 - Source
Code that identifies the source of the National Bibliography Number. Code from: National Bibliography Number Source Codes..
015 | ##$a84-3117$2bnf [code "bnf" is for Bibliographie nationale française] |
015 | ##$a67-A14-54$2dnb [code "dnb" is for Deutsche Nationalbibliographie] |
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Qualifying Information - In displays, qualifying information may be enclosed in parentheses.
Punctuation - Field 015 does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation, an initialism, or data that ends with a mark of punctuation.
Spacing - Spaces are omitted between the alpha and numeric portions of the number.
Capitalization - Alphabetic characters preceding the national bibliography number may be upper or lowercase.
Display Constants
( ... ) | [parentheses] |
Parentheses that customarily enclose the national bibliography number are not carried in the machine-readable record. They may be system generated as a display constant associated with the field tag.
Content designated field:
015 | ##$aF84-1004 | ||||||||
Display example: (F84-1004)
In 2001, the field was changed from Not repeatable (NR) to Repeatable (R) to allow for multiple bibliography numbers.
Prior to the definition of subfield $q in 2013, qualifying information was contained in subfield $a (National bibliography number).