Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 01X-09X >> 017

017 - Copyright or Legal Deposit Number (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2008

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
Display constant controller
# - Copyright or legal deposit number
8 - No display constant generated

Subfield Codes
$a - Copyright or legal deposit number (R)
$b - Assigning agency (NR)
$d - Date (NR)
$i - Display text (NR)
$z - Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number (R)
$2 - Source (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Copyright registration or legal deposit number for an item that was acquired by copyright or legal deposit.

Agency assigning the number is always given with the copyright or legal deposit number.

Field is repeated when more than one agency has assigned a copyright or legal deposit number.



First Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).
Second Indicator - Display constant controller
Controls the generation of a display constant preceding the note.
# - Copyright or legal deposit number
Used to generate the display constant Copyright or deposit number:.
017 ##$aPA 1-060-815$bU.S. Copyright Office
8 - No display constant generated
                017     #8$aPA 1-030-023$bU.S. Copyright Office


$a - Copyright or legal deposit number
Copyright registration number or the legal deposit number. In the United States, the U.S. copyright number is composed of one or more alphabetic characters indicating the class under which the registration is made (second and third letters may be added for statistical analysis), and a sequentially assigned number.
017 ##$aEU781596$bU.S. Copyright Office
017 ##$aDL 80-0-1524$bBibliothèque nationale du Québec
017 ##$aPA1116341$bU.S. Copyright Office$d20020703
[Display: Copyright or deposit number: PA1116341]
Multiple numbers assigned by the same agency are each recorded in a separate subfield $a, followed by a single subfield $b.
017 ##$aPA52-758 (English subtitled version)$aPA52-759 (English language dubbed version)$bU.S. Copyright Office
017 ##$aVA65-843$aVA65-845 $aVA65-849$bU.S. Copyright Office
Multiple numbers assigned by different agencies are each recorded in a separate field 017.
017 ##$aF31401$aF31405 $bU.S. Copyright Office
017 ##$aDL1377-1984 $bBibliothèque nationale de France
[Item was registered for copyright in the U.S. and France.]
$b - Assigning agency
Name of the agency assigning the number. Subfield $b must always be present whenever field 017 is used.
017 ##$aA68778$bU.S. Copyright Office
For fields containing more than one subfield $a, subfield $b is recorded only once after the last subfield $a.
017 ##$aVA26037$aVA26038 $aVA26039$aVA26040$aVA26041 $aVA26042$aVA26043$bU.S. Copyright Office
$d - Date
Date on which the copyright registration number was assigned. Formatted according to ISO 8601 (yyyymmdd).
017 ##$aPA111636$bU.S. Copyright Office$d19990828
$i - Display text
Text to be displayed when the display constant associated with second indicator value # is inadequate. When this subfield is present, the second indicator contains value 8 (No display constant generated). Subfield $i precedes subfield $a at the beginning of the field.
017 #8$iSuppl. reg.:$aPA001116455$bU.S. Copyright Office$d20020725
[Display: Suppl reg.: PA001116455]
017 #8$iOrig. reg.$aJP732$bU.S. Copyright Office$d19510504
[Display: Orig. reg.: JP732]
$z - Canceled/invalid copyright or legal deposit number
Each canceled/invalid number is contained in a separate occurrence of subfield $z. If no valid number exists, subfield $z may be used alone in the record.
017 ##$aM44120-2006 $zM444120-2006
[Resource has both correct and invalid deposit numbers]
$2 - Source
Code that identifies the source of the copyright registration (or legal deposit) number in subfield $a.
Code from: Copyright and Legal Deposit Number Source Codes.
017 ##$a99-263$bBwMiBKP $2[code for the registration list of the Belorussian Book Chamber]
017 ##$a99-7356$bRuMoRKP $2[code for the registration list of the Russian Book Chamber]
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Field 017 does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the field ends with an abbreviation, an initialism, or data that ends with a mark of punctuation.


Indicator 1 - Government jurisdiction (BK, MP, MU, VM) [OBSOLETE]
0 - United States [OBSOLETE]
1 - Canada [OBSOLETE]
2 - France [OBSOLETE] [CAN/MARC only]
Prior to 1979, this field was limited to U.S. copyright registration numbers. In 1979 the first indicator was defined with values 0 (United States), 1 (Canada), and 2-9 (Reserved) to include numbers from other government jurisdictions. This first indicator definition was made obsolete when subfield $b was defined in 1980 for USMARC and in 1984 for CAN/MARC.
Indicator 2 - Undefined [REDEFINED, 2004]

$a - Copyright registration number [RENAMED, 2004]
$b - Source [RENAMED, 2001]
Subfield $b was renamed to differentiate it from subfield $2 (Source).
$d - Date [NEW, 2004]
$i - Display text [NEW, 2004]
$z - Canceled/invalid Copyright or legal deposit number [NEW, 2008] $2 - Source [NEW, 2001]

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