Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 01X-09X >> 074

074 - GPO Item Number (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2000

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - GPO item number (NR)
$z - Canceled/invalid GPO item number (R)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Item number assigned to publications by the U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO) to manage their distribution to libraries within its Depository Library System. Numbers are assigned from the List of Classes of United States Government Publications Available for Selection by Depository Libraries.

Item numbers may be assigned to a category of publications, a series, or an individual title. The GPO item number is an agency-assigned data element.

The GPO item number is not the same as the unique number that identifies each entry in the Monthly Catalog of Government Publications, nor is it an order number.




$a - GPO item number
Qualifiers such as MF for microfilm are included in subfield $a.
GPO Item No. : may be generated for display.
074 ##$a334-C-1
074 ##$a277-A-2 (MF)
074 ##$a1002-A
074 ##$a1002-B (MF)
[Two GPO item numbers associated with one record.]
$z - Canceled/invalid GPO item number
GPO item number that has been canceled or incorrectly transcribed onto a bibliographic record. Subfield $z is repeated for multiple canceled or invalid GPO item numbers. Incorrect item numbers that GPO uses for distribution remain valid numbers in subfield $a.
074 ##$a1022-A$z1012-A
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Field 074 does not end with a period unless the field ends with an abbreviation, initial/letter, or other data that ends with a period.
Multiple Numbers - If a document has GPO item numbers for the paper copy and the microfiche copy, the item number for the paper copy appears in the first 074 field. The letters MF enclosed in parentheses follow the microfiche number.
074 ##$a1033
074 ##$a1033-A (MF)

If a publication is distributed to depository libraries more than once in the same format under different GPO item numbers, the item numbers are input so that the first item number is associated with the first distribution; the item number associated with the most recent distribution is in the last 074 field. If the publications also have different Superintendent of Documents classification numbers, the 074 and 086 (Government Document Classification Number) fields are input in the same order so as to indicate which item number pertains to which classification number, for instance, the first item number listed matches the first classification number listed.
074 ##$a0466-A-03 (MF)
074 ##$a0455 (MF)
086 0#$aED 1.310/2:
086 0#$aED 1.1.

If multipart monographs have volumes or parts which are distributed in the same format under different GPO item numbers, the item numbers are input in volume or part number order. The volume or part is indicated in parentheses following the item number. If the volumes or parts also have different Superintendent of Documents classification numbers, the 086 fields are arranged in the same order as the 074 fields to which they apply.
074 ##$a0621 (V.1)
074 ##$a0629 (V.2)
086 0#$aI 19.2:W 68/
086 0#$aI 19.3:1620

If a serial has different volumes or parts which are distributed in the same format under different item numbers over a period of time, the item numbers are input so that the earliest item number is in the first 074 field; the most recent item number is in the last 074 field. If the volumes or parts also have different Superintendent of Documents classification numbers, the 086 fields are arranged in the same order as the 074 fields to which they relate. For paper and microfiche and for multiple numbers for one serial part, the above instructions apply.
074 ##$a0956
074 ##$a0956-F
086 0#$aT 22.2:T 19/20/
086 0#$aT 22.57
Display Constant
GPO Item No.:
The legend GPO Item No.: that precedes the GPO item number in subfield $a in display is not carried in the MARC record. It may be system generated as a display constant associated with subfield $a.

Multiple 074 fields may be displayed together. Punctuation may be used to separate (;) and end (.) the display of the data from the field. This punctuation is not carried in the MARC record but may be system generated as a display constant associated with multiple 074 fields.
Content designated fields:
074 ##$a1002-A
074 ##$a1002-B (MF)
Display example: 
GPO Item No.: 1002-A; 1002-B (MF).

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