First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Type of edition 0 - Full edition 1 - Abridged edition 7 - Other edition specified in subfield $2 |
Source of classification number # - No information provided 0 - Assigned by LC 4 - Assigned by agency other than LC |
Subfield Codes | |
Classification number is taken from Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, the Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, and electronic updates to either edition. Through 1997, updates were issued in DC& Dewey Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions.
Second indicator values distinguish between content assigned by the Library of Congress (LC) and content assigned by an organization other than LC.
First Indicator - Type of edition
Indicates the edition from which the Dewey Decimal classification is taken.
Class number was taken from the full edition.
082 | 04$a388/.0919$222 |
Class number was taken from the abridged edition.
082 | 14$a914.3$213 |
The edition is specified in subfield $2 (Edition number).
082 | 74$a839.82$25/nor$qNO-OsNB |
Second Indicator - Source of classification number
Designates whether the source of the class number is the Library of Congress or another organization.
No information is provided about the source of the class number.
082 | 0#$aC848/.5407/05$220 |
Source of the class number is the Library of Congress.
May be used by organizations transcribing from LC copy.
082 | 00$a975.5/4252/00222$222 |
Source of the class number is an organization other than the Library of Congress.
082 | 04$a220.47$222 |
$a - Classification number
Classification number assigned using an edition of the Dewey Decimal Classification. The source of the classification number is the Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index, the Abridged Dewey Decimal Classification and Relative Index and electronic updates to either edition. Through 1997, updates were issued in DC&: Dewey Decimal Classification Additions, Notes and Decisions.
082 | 00$a355.02/17$222 |
082 | 04$a343.7306/8$a347.30368$220 [The second number is optional] |
For DDC numbers for Canadian literature, an uppercase “C” is added as a prefix. For works intended for a juvenile audience, a lowercase “j” is added as a prefix. The “j” prefix is not added to DDC numbers in records for juvenile textbooks.
082 | 0#$aC848$220 | ||||||||
082 | 0#$aj574$220 | ||||||||
082 | 0#$ajC813$220 |
$b - Item number
Item number portion of the number. This subfield may also contain a copy (or set) number.
$m - Standard or optional designation
Designates whether the classification number contained in the field is from the standard or optional part of the schedules or tables of the scheme identified by the first indicator (Type of edition) and by subfield $2 (Edition number). The following codes are used: a (standard) and b (optional).
082 | 00$a345.73/0772$220$ma | ||||||||
082 | 00$a347.305772$220$mb |
$q - Assigning agency
MARC organization code of the institution that assigned the classification number.
Code from: MARC Code List for Organizations.
082 | 04$a004$222/ger$qDE-101b |
$2 - Edition number
Number of the edition of the Dewey classification schedules from which the classification was assigned. If numbers are assigned from more than one edition, each number or range of numbers is contained in a separate 082 field.
082 | 00$a888/.0108$222 |
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Spacing - Lowercase "s" (for series) is separated from the number by one space.
082 | 00$a920.073 s$a973.3/092$aB$222 |
Display Constant
[ ... ] | [brackets] |
Square brackets enclosing a DDC number that appear on printed products are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as a display constant associated with the field tag.
Content designated field:
082 | 00$a659.1 s$a659.1/57$222 | ||||||||
Display example: 659.1 s
[659.1/57] 22
Standard or optional designation - If subfield $m is present, only one subfield $a should be coded, unless the value in subfield $m applies to all numbers in repeated occurrences of subfield $a. Otherwise, the field is repeated.
Code # (No edition information recorded) was valid 1979-1987. Records created before the definition of the first indicator in 1979 may contain a blank (#) meaning undefined in this indicator position.
This value was made obsolete in 1989. The U.S. Library of Congress discontinued assigning class numbers from the abridged NST version to items included in New Serial Titles as of 1981.
Code # (No information provided) was valid 1982-1987. Records created before the definition of the second indicator in 1982 may contain a blank (#) meaning undefined in this indicator position.
Prior to 1975, the definitions of subfields $a and $b in the serials specifications were reversed: $a (DDC number-abridged NST version), $b (DDC number). This definition of subfield $b was made obsolete when the first indicator and subfield $2 were defined in 1979. The current subfield $b was defined in 1987.