Library of Congress >> MARC >> Bibliographic >> 20X-24X >> 222

222 - Key Title (R)

MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2003

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
Nonfiling characters
0 - No nonfiling characters
1-9 - Number of nonfiling characters

Subfield Codes
$a - Key title (NR)
$b - Qualifying information (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Unique title for a continuing resource that is assigned in conjunction with an ISSN recorded in field 022 by national centers under the auspices of the ISSN Network.

A note formatted as ISSN [number] = [Key Title] may be generated from data in field 022 (International Standard Serial Number) and field 222.

Formed from title information transcribed from a piece of the continuing resource and is constructed with qualifiers to make it unique when necessary.



First Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).
Second Indicator - Nonfiling characters
Number of character positions associated with a definite or indefinite article (e.g., Le, An) at the beginning of a title that are disregarded in sorting and filing processes.
0 - No nonfiling characters
No initial article character positions are disregarded.
222 #0$aViva$b(New York)
222 #0$aCauses of death
Diacritical marks or special characters at the beginning of a key title field that does not begin with an initial article are not counted as nonfiling characters.
222 #0$aÖsterreich in Geschichte und Literatur
1-9 - Number of nonfiling characters
Title begins with a definite or indefinite article that is disregarded in sorting and filing processes. Any diacritical mark, space or mark of punctuation associated with the article and any space or mark of punctuation preceding the first filing character is included in the count of nonfiling characters. Any diacritic, however, associated with the first filing character is not included in the count of nonfiling characters.
222 #4$aThe Sourdough
222 #4$aDer Öffentliche Dienst$b(Köln)


$a - Key title
222 #0$a101 gardening and outdoor ideas
245 00$aWoman's day 101 gardening and outdoor ideas.
222 #0$aJournal of polymer science. Part B. Polymer letters
245 00$aJournal of polymer science.$nPart B,$pPolymer letters.
222 #4$aThe Worldwide art catalogue bulletin. American library edition
245 04$aThe Worldwide art catalogue bulletin.
250 ##$aAmerican library edition
$b - Qualifying information
Parenthetical information that that qualifies the title to make it unique.
222 #0$aEconomic education bulletin$b(Great Barrington)
245 00$aEconomic education bulletin.
222 #0$aRussian history$b(Pittsburgh)
245 00$aRussian history.
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Punctuation - Field 222 does not end with a mark of punctuation unless the last word in the field is an abbreviation or closing parenthesis. See also subfield descriptions for punctuation information.
Display Constant
ISSN [number] = [Key Title]
Key title: [title], ISSN [number]
Formatted note combining the key title with the ISSN and an indication of the cataloging rules is not carried in the MARC record as such. It may be system generated as a display constant from data in field 022 (International Standard Serial Number), field 222, and the value in Leader/18 (Descriptive cataloging form).


Indicator 1 - Specifies whether variant title and/or added entry is required (CF, SE) [OBSOLETE, 1990]
First indicator was originally defined to specify whether the key title was the same or a variant of the title proper in field 245 and was used by LC to generate or suppress the 245 title in records sent to the International ISSN Center: 0 (Key title is same as field 245), 1 (Key title is not the same as field 245). In 1977 this indicator was redefined to indicate whether an added entry was needed in addition to whether the title was a variant, and values 2 and 3 were defined. The four values were: 0 (No key title added entry; title proper same), 1 (Key title added entry; title proper different), 2 (Key title added entry; title proper same), 3 (No key title added entry; title proper different). In 1990 the first indicator was made obsolete.

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