514 - Data Quality Note (NR)
MARC 21 Bibliographic - Full
October 2003
First Indicator Undefined # - Undefined
Second Indicator Undefined # - Undefined
Subfield Codes
$a - Attribute accuracy report (NR) $b - Attribute accuracy value (R) $c - Attribute accuracy explanation (R) $d - Logical consistency report (NR) $e - Completeness report (NR) $f - Horizontal position accuracy report (NR) $g - Horizontal position accuracy value (R) $h - Horizontal position accuracy explanation (R)
$i - Vertical positional accuracy report (NR) $j - Vertical positional accuracy value (R) $k - Vertical positional accuracy explanation (R) $m - Cloud cover (NR) $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R) $z - Display note (R) $6 - Linkage (NR) $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
Provides a general assessment of the quality of the data set constituting the item.
For cartographic material, recommendations on tests to be performed and
information to be reported are found in the Spatial Data Transfer Standard
(FIPS 173).
- Both indicator positions are undefined; each contains a blank (#).
$a - Attribute accuracy report Explanation of the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments
of values in the data set. It may also include a description of tests used to
determine data quality.
$b - Attribute accuracy value Estimate of the accuracy of the identification of the entities and assignments of
values in the data set.
$c - Attribute accuracy explanation Definition of the thematic accuracy measure.
$d - Logical consistency report Explanation of the fidelity of the relationships in the data set and the tests
$e - Completeness report Information about omissions, selection criteria, generalization, definitions used,
and other rules used to derive the data set.
$f - Horizontal position accuracy report Explanation of the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements and a
description of the tests used. The use of this subfield is usually limited to
cartographic items.
$g - Horizontal position accuracy value Estimate of the accuracy of the horizontal coordinate measurements in the data set
expressed in (ground) meters. The use of this subfield is usually limited to
cartographic items.
$h - Horizontal position accuracy explanation Definition of the horizontal positional accuracy measure. The use of this subfield
is usually limited to cartographic items.
$i - Vertical positional accuracy report Explanation of the accuracy of the vertical coordinate measurements and a
description of the tests used. The use of this subfield is usually limited to
cartographic items.
$j - Vertical positional accuracy value Estimate of the accuracy of the vertical coordinate measurement in the data set
expressed in (ground) meters. The use of this subfield is usually limited to
cartographic items.
$k - Vertical positional accuracy explanation Definition of the vertical positional accuracy measure. The use of this subfield
is usually limited to cartographic items.
$m - Cloud cover Area of a data set obstructed by clouds, expressed as a percentage of the
geospatial extent. The use of this subfield is usually limited to cartographic
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which provides
electronic access data in a standard syntax. This data can be used for automated
access to an electronic item using one of the Internet protocols.
$z - Display note Introduces the data in the field, when needed.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
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##$bEstimated to be 98.5%.$cVillage names compared to source map -- all match,
therefore errors are possible only if source maps are incorrect.$dNode-to-line, line-to-area topological relationships
maintained. Line and area attributes maintained. GRASS 4.0 program "v.support"
checks topological relationships.$eAll incorporated limits shown on USGS quads were
digitized.$fThe accuracy of this data is based upon the use of the
source maps ... [subfield $f shortened in this example]
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##$aThe map layer that displays Special Feature Symbols shows
the approximate location of small (less than 2 acres in size) areas of soils
... [subfield $a shortened in this example] $dQuarter quadrangles edited and joined internally and to
surrounding quads. All known errors corrected.$eThe combination of spatial linework layer, Special Feature
Symbols layer, and attribute data are considered a complete SSURGO dataset.$fThe actual on ground transition between the area
represented by the Special Feature Symbol and the surrounding soils generally
is very narrow with a well defined edge. The center of the feature area was
compiled and digitized as a point. The same standards for compilation and
digitizing used for line data were applied to the development of the Special
Feature Symbols layer.
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##$bApproximately 95%
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##$aHorizontal position accuracy 1-3 meters$fDifferential GPS$g3 meters$hStatic tests$iBar test$jOne foot$kBar check.
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Punctuation - Field 514 ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation is present.
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier [NEW, 2000]
$z - Display note [NEW, 2000]