First Indicator | Second Indicator |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Undefined # - Undefined |
Subfield Codes | |
Textual information on the language or notation system used to convey the content of the described materials. A description of the alphabet, script, or other symbol system (e.g., arabic alphabet, ASCII, musical notation system, bar code, logarithmic graphing) may also be included. Coded language information is contained in fields 008/35-37 (Language) and/or 041 (Language code).
$a - Language note
Specifies the language(s) of the resource.
546 | ##$aIn Hungarian; summaries in French, German, or Russian. | ||||||||
041 | 0#$ahun$bfre$bger$brus | ||||||||
008/35-37 | hun |
546 | ##$aIn French. | ||||||||
008/35-37 | fre |
546 | ##$aEnglish, French, or German. | ||||||||
041 | 0#$aeng$afre$ager | ||||||||
008/35-37 | eng |
546 | ##$aOpen signed in American Sign language. | ||||||||
041 | 0#$aeng$asgn [Sign language interpretation included.] |
008/35-37 | eng |
$b - Information code or alphabet
Specifies the alphabet, script, or notation system that is used in the resource.
This includes specialized scripts, typefaces, or codes (e.g., Arabic alphabet, Arabic numerals, ASCII, bar code, BCD, braille, ciphers, Cyrillic alphabet, EBCDIC, Fraktur, Greek alphabet, Hebrew alphabet, hieroglyphics, musical notation systems, pictograms, Roman alphabet, Roman numerals, or logarithmic or semilogarithmic graphing, etc.).
546 | ##$3John P. Harrington field notebooks$aApache;$bPhonetic alphabet. | ||||||||
546 | ##$3Marriage certificate$aGerman;$bFraktur. | ||||||||
546 | ##$aLatin;$bRoman alphabet. | ||||||||
546 | ##$bstaff notation. [for an instrumental piece: String quartet for two violins, viola, and cello] |
$3 - Materials specified
Part of the described materials to which the language note applies.
546 | ##$3John P. Harrington field notebooks$aZuni;$bPictograms;$bPhonetic alphabet. |
$6 - Linkage
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Punctuation - Field 546 ends with a period unless another mark of punctuation is present.
Source information is included as part of the language note in subfield $a or of the information code or alphabet note in subfield $b.