583 - Action Note (R)
MARC 21 Bibliographic - Concise
Information about processing, reference, and preservation actions.
First - Privacy
# - No information provided
0 - Private
1 - Not private
Second - Undefined
# - Undefined
Subfield Codes
$a - Action (NR)
Standardized terminology descriptive of the action.
$b - Action identification (R)
Code or designation assigned to identify a specific action or to identify it in
conjunction with time of action (e.g., an accession number or project code).
$c - Time/date of action (R)
Concrete time or date of a future or past action.
$d - Action interval (R)
Time period which cannot be expressed as a specific date (e.g., at end of academic
term or every six months).
$e - Contingency for action (R)
Time or time period expressed in terms of an unpredictable event (e.g., at
conclusion of court case, after death of daughter, or upon receipt).
$f - Authorization (R)
Text of, or citation to, a statute, action order, report, rationale, or rule
governing a particular action.
$h - Jurisdiction (R)
Name of a person, an institution, or a position or function within an institution,
in whom or in which responsibility for an action is vested.
$i - Method of action (R)
Means or technique by which an action was performed.
$j - Site of action (R)
Location at which the described materials are acted upon, including the site at
which they are consulted by users.
$k - Action agent (R)
Person or organization which performs the action.
$l - Status (R)
Condition or state of the described materials
$n - Extent (R)
Number of items involved.
$o - Type of unit (R)
Name of the unit of measurement.
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
$x - Nonpublic note (R)
$z - Public note (R)
$3 - Materials specified (NR)
$5 - Institution to which field applies (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
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##$afilmed$fNEH project (SCH)$c2001
583 |
583 |
0#$adeclassified$c19890428$fspecial re-review$hJoe Smith$odocument$xfrom confidential NSI to unclassified official use
only, exemption 2: circumvention of statute
583 |
##$38 record center cartons$n8$ocu. ft.$aaccession$b82-14$c19820606
583 |
##$aappraise$bOPR 80/144$dquinquennial
583 |
0#$atransfer$eat conclusion of court case
583 |
##$aqueued for preservation$c19861010$epriority$fTitle IIC project$5DLC
583 |
583 |
0#$aappraised$c197508$l$25,000$kKarl Schach
583 |
##$3patent case files$n12$oreels of microfilm$lfilmed$c19811017$jCentral Services
583 |
##$aSolicit;$lPreviously offered;$c19841015
583 |
##$afumigate$n37$oarchives boxes;$n14$obound vol.$b79-54$c197906$kJJI
583 |
583 |
583 |
1#$awill transform digitally$c20031104$iOCR$zqueued for digitization, Nov. 4, 2003$2pda$5NIC
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##$aqueued for preservation$c19861010$epriority$fTitle IIC project$5DLC