008 - Maps (NR)
MARC 21 LITE Bibliographic
April 2008
[Link to MARC 21
Concise Formats]
Character Positions
18-24 - Supply fill characters (|)
25 - Type of cartographic material
One-character alphabetic code that indicates the type of cartographic item
a - Single map
b - Map seriesNumber of related but physically separate and bibliographically distinct
cartographic units intended by the producer(s) or issuing body(s) to form a
single group.
c - Map serialIssued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and
intended to be continued indefinitely.
d - Globe
e - Atlas
f - Separate supplement to another work
g - Bound as part of another work
u - Unknown
z - Other
| - No attempt to code
26-28 - Supply fill characters (|)
29 - Form of item
One-character alphabetic code that indicates the form of material for the
# - None of the following
a - Microfilm
b - Microfiche
c - Microopaque
d - Large print
f - Braille
r - Regular print reproductionEye-readable print, such as a photocopy.
s - Electronic
| - No attempt to code
30-34 - Supply fill characters (|)