Library of Congress >> MARC >> LITE Bibliographic >> 50X-53X >> 505

505 - Formatted Contents Note (R)

MARC 21 LITE Bibliographic
April 2008

Titles of separate works or parts of an item or the table of contents. The field may also contain statements of responsibility and volume numbers or other sequential designations.

[Link to MARC 21 Concise Formats]

First - Display constant controller
0 - Contents
Second - Level of content designation
# - Basic
Subfield Code
$a - Formatted contents note (NR)
Format of the note is determined by the relevant cataloging rules.
505 0#$apt. 1. Carbon -- pt. 2. Nitrogen -- pt. 3. Sulphur -- pt. 4. Metals.
505 0#$aHow these records were discovered -- A short sketch of the Talmuds -- Constantine's letter.

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