Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 00X >> 008

008 - Fixed-Length Data Elements (NR)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
January 2000

Indicators and Subfield Codes
No indicators or subfield codes; the data elements are positionally defined.
Character Positions
00-05 - Date entered on file

06 - Kind of record
a - Schedule record
b - Table record
c - Index term record

07 - Type of number
a - Single number
b - Defined number span
c - Summary number span
n - Not applicable

08 - Classification validity
a - Valid
b - First number of span invalid
c - Last number of span invalid
d - Completely invalid
e - Obsolete
n - Not applicable

09 - Standard or optional designation
a - Standard
b - Optional
n - Not applicable

10 - Record update in process
a - Record can be used
b - Record is being updated

11 - Level of establishment
a - Fully established
c - Provisional

12 - Synthesized number indication
a - Not synthesized
b - Synthesized
n - Not applicable

13 - Display controller
a - Displayed in standard schedules or tables
b - Extended display


Fourteen character positions (00-13) that contain positionally-defined data elements that provide coded information about the record as a whole or about data in field 153 (Classification Number). Each character position must contain either a defined code or a fill character ( | ).

These coded data elements are potentially useful for retrieval and data management purposes.



00-05 - Date entered on file
Six numeric characters that specify the date the MARC 21 record was created. The date is recorded in the pattern yymmdd ( yy for the year, mm for the month, and dd for the day). The fill character (|) is not allowed in any of these positions.
Date entered on file in 008/00-05 is never changed. The date and time of latest transaction information in field 005 changes each time a transaction is made to the record. The latest transaction information enables an organization handling more than one version of a record to identify the most current version. Field 008/00-05 is usually system generated.

06 - Kind of record
Whether the classification record contains data from a schedule, a table, or an index.
Classification scheme is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). A schedule or table record contains a number in the field 153 (Classification Number).
An index term record contains field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term) and does not contain field 153, because the index term cannot be attached to a record for a classification number or span.
a - Schedule record
Classification record is from a schedule. A record for a synthesized classification number that is built by using add or divide like instructions or by applying a table is considered a schedule record.
008/06 a
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHT169.6$hCommunities. Classes. Races$hUrban groups. The city. Urban sociology$hCity planning$hZoning$jGeneral works.
008/06 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a338.5$hSocial Sciences$hEconomics$hProduction$jGeneral production economics
b - Table record
Classification record is from a table. The table is identified in subfield $z (Table number). A record for a synthesized table number that is built by using add or divide like instructions is considered a table record.
008/06 b
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$zN4$a10.5$hTables of regions or countries (300 numbers-A)$hUnited States$jMiddle Atlantic States
008/06 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z2$a7471$hGeographic Areas, Historical Periods, Persons$kSpecific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds$kThe modern world; extraterrestrial worlds$hNorth America$kSpecific states of United States$hNortheastern United States (New England and Middle Atlantic states)$kMiddle Atlantic states$hNew York$jNew York. Borough of Manhattan (Manhattan Island, New York County)
c - Index term record
Record is for an explanatory index term that represents a concept. An index term record must also contain a field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) with explanatory information.
008/06 c
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aBibliography
753 ##$iOf subjects represented in NLM's classification, appropriate classification number preceded by the letter Z

07 - Type of number
Whether field 153 (Classification Number) contains a single number, a defined number span, or a summary number span.
A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position.
Scheme-specific conventions (Library of Congress Classification) - An A-Z subarrangement is coded as a defined number span (value b). Code c (Summary number span) may be used to suppress the classification number span upon display if it is desirable to display only the classification caption.
Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - Defined number spans (code b) are also referred to in the Dewey Decimal Classification as spans in the number column. Summary number spans (code c) are called centered entries.
a - Single number
008/07 a
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHB1321$hEconomic theory. Demography$hDemography. Population. Vital events$hDeaths. Mortality$jGeneral works
008/07 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a005.2$hGeneralities$hComputer programming, programs, data$kComputer programming and programs$jProgramming for specific types of computers, for specific operating systems, for specific user interfaces
b - Defined number span
Classification number span that is defined by a separate table or subarrangement. The table or subarrangement is identified in field 76X (Table Identification) in subfield $z. Generally, individual records are not created for each classification number falling within the span. However, some institutions may create classification records for synthesized numbers within a defined number span.
008/07 b
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHV9501$cHV9920.5$hSocial pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology$hCriminal justice administration$hPenology. Prisons. Corrections$hBy region or country$jOther regions or countries (1801- )
762 ##$zH9
008/07 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a371.2191$c371.2199$hSocial sciences$hEducation$hSchools and their activities; special education$kSchools and their activities$hSchool administration; administration of student academic activities$kAdministration of student academic activities$hAdmissions and related topics$hSchool enrollment$jGeographic treatment of school enrollment
761 #0$iAdd to base number$b371.219$inotation$z2$d1$c9$ifrom Table 2, e.g., school enrollment in Communist countries$e371.2191717
c - Summary number span
Number span consisting of the first and last number of the topics subordinate to the caption in subfield $j (Caption). Generally, individual records are created for each established classification number falling within the span.
008/07 c
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHV1571$cHV2349$hSocial pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology$hProtection, assistance and relief$hHandicapped$jBlind
008/07 c
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a712.5$c712.7$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$kFine and decorative arts$hCivic and landscape art$hLandscape architecture (Landscape design)$jSpecific kinds of land tracts
n - Not applicable
Not applicable because the record does not contain a field 153.
008/06 c
[index term record]
008/07 n
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aResearch
753 ##$iForm number 20 or 20.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable

08 - Classification validity
Whether the classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) is valid, partially invalid, completely invalid, or obsolete.
Does not contain information about whether the classification number is a standard or optional one. That information is in 008/09 (Standard or optional designation). A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position.
Scheme-specific conventions (Library of Congress Classification) - For display purposes, parentheses around the number may be generated from the information in this character position to designate that it is invalid, or in cases where one number of the span is invalid, around the portion that is invalid.
Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - For display purposes, brackets around the number may be generated from the information in this character position to designate that it is invalid. For a classification number span, both numbers in the span are either valid or invalid.
a - Valid
Either a valid classification number or a valid span in which both the first and last numbers of the span are valid. A valid classification number may be assigned to a bibliographic or authority record either by itself or with additional classification number elements. In the case of a span, any portion of it may be assigned to a bibliographic or authority record.
008/08 a
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aPQ4315.25$hItalian literature$hIndividual authors and works to 1400.$hDante Alighieri, 1265-1321$hTranslations.$hEnglish.$hDivina commedia.$hInferno.$jParticular cantos
008/08 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a338.5144$hSocial sciences$hEconomics$hProduction$hGeneral production economics$hCosts$hElements in cost calculation$jSize of enterprise
b - First number of span invalid
Classification number span in which the first number in the span is invalid. In the case of the Library of Congress Classification, if any element of the first or last classification number in a number span is invalid, code b or c is used.
008/08 b
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHE386.5$cHE387$hTransportation and communications$hWater transportation$hWaterways$hInternational waterways$jSound duties
[Classification number display: HE386(.5)-HE387]
c - Last number of span invalid
Classification number span in which the last number in the span is invalid. In the case of the Library of Congress Classification, if any element of the first or last classification number in a number span is invalid, code b or c is used.
008/08 c
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aKFC1$cKFC1199.5$jUnited States (California)
[The last number in the span, KFC 1199.5, is an invalid number, referring to KFX subclass; a tracing from KFC 1199.5 appears in the record for KFX.]
d - Completely invalid
Classification number or span that is completely invalid. This code is used when a record is created for an invalid number when a simple see reference may not be used because it cannot adequately convey the relationship between classification numbers. This classification number may be a single invalid number or a span in which both the beginning and ending numbers are invalid. The record may contain field 253 (Complex See Reference) to guide the user to a valid number.
008/08 d
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aKF175$hUnited States (General)$jPeriodicals
253 0#$iFor periodicals consisting primarily of informative material (newsletters, bulletins, etc.) relating to a particular subject, see subject and form division, “Periodicals”
253 0#$iFor law reports, official bulletins or circulars, and official gazettes intended chiefly for the publication of laws and regulations, see appropriate entries in the text or form division tables
[A record is made for the invalid number because the information in the first 253 field (Complex See Reference) cannot be attached as a tracing to any classification number record.]
008/08 d
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a130.112$hPhilosophy, paranormal phenomena, psychology$hParanormal phenomena$hPhilosophy and theory$hSystems$jForecasting and forecasts
253 1#$iDo not use; class comprehensive works on parapsychological and occult forecasting and forecasts in$a133.3.$iClass a specific type of forecasting or forecast with the type, without adding notation$z1$a0112$ifrom Table 1, e.g., astrological methods of forecasting$a133.5
[A record is made for the invalid number, since the see reference (field 253) cannot be made a tracing (field 453) because there is no one classification number or span to which it can be attached.]
e - Obsolete
Obsolete classification number or span. An obsolete number is one that was once valid but is no longer valid. Further information about the history of the classification number may be found in field 685 (History Note). The record may contain a valid number in field 253 (Complex See Reference) to guide the user.
008/08 e
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a627.136$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hEngineering and allied operations$hHydraulic engineering$hInland waterways$hCanals$jMaintenance and repair
253 0#$iComprehensive works on maintenance and repair of canals relocated to$a627.130288;$imaintenance and repair of ship canals relocated to$a627.1370288;$imaintenance and repair of barge canals relocated to$a627.1380288
008/08 e
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a297.19$hReligion$hComparative religion and religions other than Christianity$kReligions other than Christianity$hIslam, Babism, Bahai Faith$kIslam$kSources of Islam; Islamic doctrinal theology (Àqaid and Kalam); Islam and secular disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief; Islamic worship$hSources of Islam$jMythology
685 12$iProvision discontinued because without meaning in context$d19960930$221
n - Not applicable
Not applicable because the record does not contain a field 153.
008/06 c
[index term record]
008/08 n
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aFollow-up studies
753 ##$iForm number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable
753 ##$iIn a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g. Heart Diseases,$eWG210

09 - Standard or optional designation
Whether field 153 (Classification Number) contains a standard or optional classification number or span in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition).
A standard classification number or span is from the standard part of the schedules or tables. An optional classification number or span is an officially recognized optional alternative to the standard part of the schedules or tables. A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position.
Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - For display purposes, parentheses may be generated around the classification number as a display constant from the information in this character position. Optional numbers are primarily used in the Dewey Decimal Classification.
a - Standard
Single classification or span from the standard part of the schedules or tables of the classification scheme.
008/09 a
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aPR2754.A$cPR2754.Z$hEnglish literature$hEnglish renaissance (1500-1640)$hThe drama$hIndividual authors$hShakespeare, William$hCollected works$hModern editions$j20th century. By editor, publisher, etc., A-Z
008/09 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a616.9792$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hMedical sciences. Medicine$hDiseases$kSpecific diseases$hOther diseases$hDiseases of the immune system$hImmune deficiency diseases$jAcquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS)
b - Optional
Officially recognized optional single classification number or span provided by the classification scheme for classifying certain topics. Information about applying optional classification numbers is contained in field 683 (Application Instruction Note).
008/09 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a789.8$hThe arts. Fine and decorative arts$hMusic$hComposers and traditions of music$kOther traditions of music$jWestern art (Classical) music
683 2#$i(Optional number; prefer$a781$c788)
[Classification number display: (789.8)]
n - Not applicable
Not applicable because the record does not contain a field 153.
008/06 c
[index term record]
008/09 n
084 0#$addc$bSistema de Clasificación Decimal$c1980$espa
154 ##$aEl
753 ##$iv.a. la palabra que sigue al artículo en los nombres geográficos que comienzan con el artículo "el"
[Translation of field 753: see also the word that follows the article in geographic names that begin with the article "el".]

10 - Record update in process
Whether a change in any field in a record is being considered.
Alerts users to a potential change in the record and that it may not be advisable to use the number in field 153 (Classification Number) in bibliographic or authority records. The organization investigating the modification may be identified by the National Union Catalog symbol contained in the last subfield $d of field 040 (Record Source). Code b is used for a record being changed after initial completion, and does not indicate completeness of the record. Leader/17 (Encoding level), code o (Incomplete classification record), indicates whether a record is incomplete because it does not yet contain all the fields to make it a complete record.
a - Record can be used
No change in the record is being considered and that the data may be used.
b - Record is being updated
Change in the record is being considered.

11 - Level of establishment
Extent to which the formulation of the the 1XX number or term conforms to the classification scheme coded in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition).
Codes defined for 008/11 apply only to the 1XX field. The completeness of the entire classification record is indicated in Leader/17 (Encoding level).
a - Fully established
May be used without reservation in a bibliographic or authority record.
c - Provisional
1XX field is in a provisional status. This may occur when the classification number has been assigned but not yet published or the 1XX field cannot be formulated satisfactorily because of inadequate information. Further investigation should be made when the number or term is next used in a bibliographic or authority record. When the needed information is available, code c will be changed to a.

12 - Synthesized number indication
Whether field 153 contains a synthesized classification number or number span.
May have been derived by the application of add or divide like instructions (including additions from a table) to a classification number or span in the schedules or tables in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). A record containing code c (Index term record) in 008/06 (Kind of record) contains code n in this character position.
Scheme-specific conventions (Dewey Decimal Classification) - Non synthesized numbers or spans always appear in the schedules or tables. On the other hand, synthesized numbers have been derived by applying add or divide like instructions, including the general instructions in Table 1 for adding standard subdivisions. Synthesized numbers may appear in published schedules, tables, indexes, manual or in no published source.
a - Not synthesized
Not derived from add or divide like instructions to a classification number or span in the schedules or tables.
008/12 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a616.994$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hMedical sciences. Medicine$hDiseases$kSpecific diseases$hOther diseases$hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases$jCancers
008/12 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
071 ##$z1$a071$hStandard Subdivisions$hEducation, research, related topics$jEducation
b - Synthesized
Classification number or span has been synthesized by applying add or divide like instructions including additions from a table. The components of a synthesized number may be identified in field 765 (Synthesized Number Components).
008/12 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a616.994059$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hMedical sciences. Medicine$hDiseases$kSpecific diseases$hOther diseases$hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases$jCancers$hPreventive measures and surgery$jSurgery
765 0#$b616.994$a618.1$c618.8$t059
008/12 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z1$a07101$c07109$hStandard Subdivisions$hEducation, research, related topics$jEducation$jGeographical treatment
765 0#$z1$b0710$z2$s1$z1$u07101
765 0#$z1$b0710$z2$s9$z1$u07109
n - Not applicable
Not applicable because the record does not contain a field 153.
008/06 c
008/12 n
[index term record]
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aBibliography
753 ##$iOf subjects represented in NLM's classification, appropriate classification number preceded by the letter Z

13 - Display controller
Whether the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number) appears in the standard schedules or tables or only in an extended display.
An extended display includes records created for numbers or terms as index access to the schedules or tables but not enumerated in the schedules or tables itself. It also may include records for classification numbers within defined number spans created by applying a table or other add or divide like instructions. These would normally not appear in the standard schedules. Field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) contains explanatory information that provides index access.
A record with field 154 (General Explanatory Index Term), identified in 008/06 (Kind of record) by code c (Index term record), always contains code b for extended display in this character position.
a - Displayed in standard schedules or tables
Number or term is displayed in the schedules or tables (008/06, Kind of record, code a or b). The number or term may be displayed in the index if field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled, is present in the record.
008/13 a
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$zP-PZ1$a131$hTable for languages (900 nos.)$hGrammar$hPhonology$jGeneral works
008/13 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a581.464$hNatural sciences and mathematics$kLife sciences$kNatural history of specific kinds of organisms$kPlants and animals$hPlants$hSpecific topics in natural history of plants$hAdaptation$kAdaptation of specific parts of plants$hReproductive adaptation$jFruits
008/13 a
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z1$a08693$hStandard Subdivisions$hHistory and description with respect to kinds of persons$hPersons by miscellaneous social characteristics$hPersons with special social status$jNondominant groups
b - Extended display
Record is displayed in an extended display of classification records that includes synthesized numbers not appearing in the standard schedules or tables or general terms that appear only in the index to a classification scheme. Generally numbers in this category are synthesized numbers (008/12 (Synthesized number indication), code b), that have been formulated by applying add or divide like instructions, including the application of a table.
008/13 b
084 0#$afcps$eeng
[Canadian PS8000 Classification]
153 ##$aPS8093$cPS8097$hCanadian literature$hHistory and criticism of Canadian literature$jRelation of English and French literatures to one another and to other literatures
008/13 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a616.994059$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hMedical sciences; Medicine$hDiseases$kSpecific diseases$hOther diseases$hTumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases$jCancers$hPreventive measures and surgery$jSurgery
753 ##$aCancer$bsurgery
[The synthesized classification number appears only in the DDC Relative Index.]
008/13 b
084 0#$addc$c21
[Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$z7$a0691$hGroups of Persons$kPersons by various nonoccupational characteristics$hPersons by miscellaneous social characteristics$hPersons with special social status$jAliens
753 ##$aAliens
[The synthesized classification number appears only in the DDC Relative Index.]
008/13 b
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aResearch
753 ##$iForm number 20 or 20.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable
753 ##$iOther fields outside the NLM area, in appropriate LC number
008/13 b
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
153 ##$aQW1$cQW155$hMicrobiology and Immunology$jBacteriology
750 02$aBacteriology
[The classification number span appears only in the NLM index.]


Capitalization - Alphabetic codes are input in lowercase.
Field length - Field 008 should always consist of fourteen (14) character positions.
System-generated data elements - 008/00-05 (Date entered on file) is usually system generated. System generation of other 008 data elements depends upon the capabilities of an individual system.

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