Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 15X >> 154

154 - General Explanatory Index Term (NR)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
January 2000

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - General explanatory index term (NR)
$b - General explanatory index term-succeeding level (R)
$f - Schedule identification (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


General explanatory term from the index to the classification scheme that is identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition). Field 154 is appropriate only in an index term record (008/06, Kind of record, code c) that is created because the index term cannot be accommodated in a 70X-75X Index Term field in a schedule or table record (008/06, code a or b) that contains a classification number in field 153 (Classification Number). This occurs when the index term is not associated with one classification number or span. Field 753 (Index Term-Uncontrolled) is always used in a record containing field 154 to direct the user to different locations within the classification scheme for classifying the topic.




$a - General explanatory index term
Term representing a general concept that may be found in numerous places in the classification scheme identified in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition).
008/06 c
[index term record]
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aResearch
753 ##$i(Form number 20 or 20.5 in any NLM schedule where applicable)
753 ##$iOther fields outside the NLM area, in appropriate LC number
008/06 c
[index term record]
084 0#$anlm$c5th ed., rev.
[National Library of Medicine Classification]
154 ##$aFollow-up studies
753 ##$i(Form number 20 in any NLM schedule where applicable)
753 ##$iIn a particular area, with the subject of the original study, e.g. Heart Diseases,$eWG210
008/06 c
[index term record]
084 0#$addc$bSistema de Clasificación Decimal$c1980$espa
[Sistema de Clasificación Decimal]
154 ##$aEl
753 ##$iv.a. la palabra que sigue al artículo en los nombres geográficos que comienzan con el artículo "el"
[Translation of 753: see also the word that follows the article in geographic names that begin with the article "el"]
$b - General explanatory index term-succeeding level
Term at a level after the first in a general explanatory index term.
008/06 c
[index term record]
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
154 ##$aAdministration$bOrganization$fKJ-KKZ
753 ##$uOrganization and administration
$f - Schedule identification
Identification of the schedule or subclass to which the general explanatory index term is related.
008/06 c
[index term record]
084 0#$alcc
[Library of Congress Classification]
154 ##$aCivil wars$fE-F
753 ##$uMilitary history under individual countries
$6 - Linkage
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

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