Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 76X >> 762

762 - Table Identification (R)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
January 2000

First Indicator
Table application sequence
# - First
2 - Second
3 - Third
4 - Fourth

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$i - Explanatory text (R)
$z - Table number (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Identification of a table which provides an arrangement for or additions to the classification number or number span recorded in field 153. Field 762 is repeated for each table if more than one table applies to the classification number or number span recorded in field 153. If the classification number recorded in field 153 is itself part of a table, the identification of the table to which the classification number belongs is recorded in subfield $z of field 153.



First Indicator - Table application sequence
Sequence in which a table should be applied in building a classification number.
# - First
Table recorded in $z should be applied first in building the classification number.
2 - Second
Table recorded in $z should be applied second in building the classification number.
3 - Third
Table recorded in $z should be applied third in building the classification number.
4 - Fourth
Table recorded in $z should be applied fourth in building the classification number.
Second Indicator - Undefined
Undefined and contains a blank (#).


$i - Explanatory text
Any explanatory text relating to the table.
084 0#$alcc
153 ##$aHD311$cHD1130.5$hIndustries. Land use. Labor$hLand use$hBy region or country$jOther regions or countries
762 ##$zH7$imodified
$z - Table number
Identification of the table by which a classification number or span in field 153 (Classification Number) is further subarranged. Subfield $z is not repeatable; it is input before the classification number to which it refers.
084 0#$alcc
153 ##$aNB201$cNB1114$hSculpture$hHistory$jSpecial countries
762 ##$zN5$imodified
084 0#$anlm$c4th ed., rev.
153 ##$aWT29$hGeriatrics. Chronic disease$jDay care centers and programs
762 ##$zG
$6 - Linkage
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

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