Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 76X >> 763

763 - Internal Subarrangement or Add Table Entry (R)

MARC 21 Classification - Full
October 2003

First Indicator
Classification number validity
0 - Not a classification number entry
1 - Standard valid classification number
2 - Standard invalid classification number
3 - Optional valid classification number
4 - Optional invalid classification number
5 - Obsolete classification number

Second Indicator
Type of classification number
0 - Single number
1 - Defined number span
2 - Summary number span
8 - Other

Subfield Codes
$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span (R)
$b - Base number (NR)
$c - Classification number-ending number of span (R)
$d - Divided like number (R)
$e - Example class number (R)
$h - Caption hierarchy (R)
$i - Explanatory text (R)
$j - Caption (R)
$k - Summary number span caption hierarchy (R)
$m - Manual note (NR)
$n - Number where instructions are found (R)
$p - Corresponding classification field (R)
$r - Root number (R)
$s - See reference (R)
$x - Other classification number (R)
$y - Type of division (R)
$z - Table identification (R)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (NR)


One entry in an internal classification subarrangement or add table. The entry may consist of a classification number and its associated caption, a note, or a see reference. A classification number that is part of an external table is recorded in field 153 (Classification Number) with the table identification recorded in subfield $z (Table identification) of that field. An internal table may also be coded as an external one and identified in subfield $z of field 153 to the record to which it applies. In this case, the table which provides the arrangement for or addition to the classification number or number span recorded in 153 is recorded in subfield $z of this field.



First Indicator - Classification number validity
Whether field 763 contains a standard valid, standard invalid, optional valid, optional invalid, or obsolete classification number. A standard classification number is one from the standard part of the schedules or tables; it may be valid or invalid for use in a bibliographic or authority record. An optional classification number is one which is provided as an optional alternative to the standard part of the schedule or tables; it may be valid or invalid for use in a bibliographic or authority record. An obsolete classification number is one that had been used in an earlier edition, but has been relocated to another number or discontinued.
These values generally contain the same information for the classification number in an internal subarrangement or add table entry as the codes contained in 008/08 (Classification validity) and 008/09 (Standard or optional designation) do for the classification number in field 153 (Classification Number).
0 - Not a classification number entry
Does not contain a classification number. Although the field may contain classification numbers embedded in explanatory text, it is not considered a classification number entry and is assigned value 0. When value 0 is used, subfield $a is not present in the field.

Library of Congress Classification-subarrangement under HV1796.A-HV1796.Z, notation [1]:

763 08$81.3$iIncluding state documents$p680

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation 025:

763 08$81.34$iClass here comprehensive works on emergency therapy for specific diseases or kinds of diseases$p680
1 - Standard valid classification number
2 - Standard invalid classification number
3 - Optional valid classification number
4 - Optional invalid classification number
5 - Obsolete classification number
Previously valid classification number that is no longer used in the classification scheme and edition cited in field 084 (Classification Scheme and Edition).

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 547:

763 50$81.9$a[0459]$hSpecial topics$hPhysical chemistry$jChemical reactions$iRelocated to$x547.2$p685
Second Indicator - Type of classification number
Whether field 763 contains a single number, a defined number span, or a summary number span. The definitions for each value are the same as those in 008/07 (Type of number).
0 - Single number
1 - Defined number span
Classification number span that is defined by another subarrangement or instructions.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HV7315-HV7400:

763 11$81.2$a.A1$c.A5$jPeriodicals. Serials$p153

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9:

763 11$81.56$a062$c069$hTherapy$jOther therapies$p153
2 - Summary number span
Classification number span consisting of the first and last classification number of the topics subordinate to the caption in subfield $j (Caption).

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD1781-HD2210:

763 12$81.7$a2.5$c2.7$jBiography$p153

Dewey Decimal Classification - subarrangement under 362-363:

763 12$81.1$a6$c8$jSpecific forms of action$p153
8 - Other
763 field (1) contains a type of classification number for which none of the other defined values is appropriate or (2) does not contain a classification number.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD1781-HD2210:

763 08$81.14$i5 nos.

Dewey Decimal Classification - Manual note related to add table under 616.1-616.9:

763 18$81.61$a071$ivs.$a01$jEtiology vs. Microbiology$p684


$a - Classification number-single number or beginning number of span
Single classification number or the beginning number of a span contained in an internal subarrangement entry. The classification number may be partial (such as digits to be added or a Cutter number) or be represented only by an indication of sequencing. Subfield $a is not used for classification numbers that may be embedded in the text of a note.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HV7641-HV7895:

763 10$81.3$a1.A$c1.Z$jMinistry or department$p153

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 880.1-888:

763 10$81.2$a1$jAncient period to ca. 499$p153
$b - Base number
Base classification number to which one or more other numbers will be added.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 341.2-341.7, notation 0261-0266:

763 08$81.71$iAdd to base number$b026$ithe numbers following$r341.026$iin$d341.0261$c341.0266,$ie.g., multilateral treaties$e0265$p761
[Because it is part of the internal table, the add note is recorded in field 763, rather than in 761 (Add or Divide Like Instructions)]
$c - Classification number-ending number of span
Ending number of a classification number span contained in an internal subarrangement entry. The classification number may be partial (such as digits to be added or a Cutter number) or be represented only by an indication of sequencing.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under (789.21-789.29):

763 31$81.4$a00901$c00903$hHistorical, geographic, persons treatment$jHistorical periods to 1900$p153
$d - Divided like number
Classification number or span that will be used as the pattern for constructing another classification number.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation 07:

763 08$81.81$iAdd to$b07$ithe numbers following$r616.07$iin$d616.071$c616.079,$ie.g., diagnosis$e075,$iclinical trials of diagnostic procedures$e0750724
$e - Example class number
Example of the classification number resulting from an add or divide like instruction.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 352-354, notation 21:

763 08$81.12$iAdd to$b21$ithe numbers following$r352.1$iin$d352.105$c352.19,$ie.g., international administration$e211$p761
$h - Caption hierarchy
Caption for each higher level of the caption hierarchy that precedes the caption in subfield $j (Caption) that is associated with a classification number as part of an internal subarrangement entry. A caption for a classification number in a summary number span in the Dewey Decimal Classification is contained in subfield $k (Summary number span caption hierarchy).

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD311-HD1130.5:

763 10$81.9$a6$hHistory$h19th and 20th centuries$j1945-$p153

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9:

763 10$81.27$a0232$hSpecial topics$hPersonnel$jPhysicians$p153
$i - Explanatory text
Explanatory text that is part of an internal classification subarrangement.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HD1781-HD2210, notation [7]:

763 08$iUnder each country:

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 820.1-828, notation 8:

763 08$81.19$iClass here 19th century$p680
$j - Caption
Caption for the classification number or span that is part of an internal subarrangement entry.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under E186.6:

763 10$81.2$a.A1$c.A69$jOfficial publications$p153

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9:

763 10$81.62$a08$jPsychosomatic medicine$p153
$k - Summary number span caption hierarchy
Caption at a level higher than the last for a summary number span in the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. Caption hierarchies for a single classification number, defined number span, or other type of summary number span are contained in subfield $h.

Dewey Decimal Classification - subarrangement under 362-363:

763 10$81.3$a62$kSpecific forms of action$hControl$jStandards
$m - Manual note
Note from a classification manual that is part of an internal classification subarrangement. A reference from a schedule internal subarrangement to a manual is recorded in subfield $i (Explanatory text).

Dewey Decimal Classification - Manual note at 617: add table: 06:

763 08$81.5$mDo not use$x06$mby itself under numbers whose meaning is limited to surgery, since surgery is a therapy. [. . .]$p684
$n - Number where instructions are found
Classification number or span under which an add table or further instructions are found.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 617, notation 001-007:

763 08$81.2$iAs modified under$n616.1$c616.9$p683
$p - Corresponding classification field
Field tag of the field in which the internal subarrangement data would appear if it were not part of an internal subarrangement. May be repeated for option notes to show that the note would appear in field 683 (Application Instruction Note) or in some other field if it were not an option.
Allows for an easier conversion from an internal subarrangement to an external table if desired. May also be used to highlight specific types of fields for display or printing. If it cannot be determined which field the data would fall into if it were not part of an internal subarrangement, this subfield may be omitted. If the data is a reference and can be recorded in field 253 or 453, the choice of which tag to use in subfield $p is made according to how the text reads, not how it might read if it were made into a tracing. For example, "do not use; class in" would be a 253 as it now appears. If the data could be recorded in either field 153 or 253/353 choose 153.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under E186.6:

763 10$81.2$a.A1$c.A69$jOfficial publications$p153

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation [00724]:

763 08$81.9$iDo not use; class in$s027$p253
$r - Root number
Initial digits of the pattern number or span when these digits are not added. If this subfield is present, subfield $d must also be present to specify the digits that are added.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 930-990, notation 0091-0098:

763 08$81.16$iAdd to$b009$ithe numbers following$z2$r1$iin notation$z2$d11$c18$ifrom table 2, e.g., urban regions$e009732$p761
$s - See reference
Classification number to which a see reference in an internal classification subarrangement refers.

Library of Congress Classification - subarrangement under HF3221-HF4040.7, notation [3]:

763 08$81.19$iFor works on policy, see$sHF1451-HF1647$p253

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 616.1-616.9, notation [00724]:

763 08$81.9$iDo not use; class in$s027$p253
$x - Other classification number
Classification numbers other than those that belong in one of the other defined subfields.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 264.04-264.09, notation 08:

763 08$81.7$iAdd to$b08$ithe numbers following$r265$iin$d265.1$c265.7,$ie.g., the ceremony of baptism$e081,$ithe ceremony of baptism in the United Methodist Church$e264.076081;$ihowever,$p761
763 08$81.8$ifor Holy Communion (Eucharist, Lord’s Supper, Mass), see$x036$p761

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 299.78, notation 01-08:

763 08$81.2$iAdd to$b0$ithe numbers following$r20$iin$d201$c208$ie.g., mythology and mythological foundations$e013$i[formerly$x299.72] [...]$p761
$y - Type of division
Type of division to which a table specified in subfield $z applies.
084 0#$alcc[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aG6043$hMaps$hBy region or country$hEastern Hemisphere. Eurasia, Africa, etc.$hEurope$hCentral Europe$hSwitzerland$jCantons, A-Z
763 08$zG6041.S$yhistory
084 0#$alcc[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aNC1762.G82A$cNC1762.G82Z$hDrawing. Design. Illustration$hCaricature. Pictorial humor and satire$hHistory$hSpecial countries$hOther, A-Z $hGuam $jSpecial artists, A-Z
763 08$yindividual artists$zN7
$z - Table identification
Identification of the table to which a classification number recorded in field 763 belongs. For a classification number span, subfield $z is given only once, before the first number.

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under 930-990, notation 0099:

763 08$81.20$iClass persons of a specific period in$s01$c09,$iplus notation$z1$a092$ifrom Table 1;$p253
763 08$81.21$iclass historians and historiographers in$s007202;$p253

Dewey Decimal Classification - table under --093-099 in Table 1, notation 09:

763 08$81.11$iAdd to$b09$ithe numbers following$z1$r09$iin notation$z1$d090$c099$ifrom Table 1, e.g., 20th century$e0904,$irural regions$e091734$p761
$6 - Linkage
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Example 1

084 0#$alcc[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aHE394.A$cHE394.Z$hTransportation and communication$hWater transportation$hWaterways$hBy region or country$hUnited States$jRiver improvement. By name of river
763 08$iUnder each:
763 10$81.1$a.x$jPeriodicals. Serials$p153
763 10$81.2$a.x3$jGeneral works$p153
763 10$8.3$a.x4$jGeneral special$p153
Display example:
Transportation and communication
  Water transportation
      By region or country
        United States
HE394.A-.Z: River improvement. By name of river
            Under each:
            .x - Periodicals. Serials
            .x3 - General works
            .x4 - General special

Example 2

084 0#$alcc[Library of Congress Classification]
153 ##$aNK101$cNK377$hDecorative arts. Applied arts. Decoration and ornament $hStudy and teaching$jSpecial countries
761 #0$iAdd country number in table to$bNK100
762 ##$zN3
763 08$iUnder each:
763 08$zNK101/1$y3 number countries
763 08$zNK101/2$y1 number or decimal number countries
763 08$zNK101/3$yCutter number countries
[Separate table records are created for each number in the internal table. The use of field 763 instead of field 762 allows for the display of the table under NK101.

Separate table records:

008/06 b
[table record]
084 0#$alcc
153 ##$zNK101/1$a1$c3$jTable for 3 number countries
008/06 b
[table record]
084 0#$alcc
153 ##$zNK101/1$a1$hTable for 3 number countries$jGeneral works
008/06 b
[table record]
084 0#$alcc
153 ##$zNK101/2$a.A1$c.Z9Z$jTable for 1 number or decimal number countries
008/06 b
[table record]
084 0#$alcc
153 ##$zNK101/2$a.A1$hTable for 1 number or decimal number countries $jGeneral works
Display example:
Decorative Arts
  Applied Arts
    Decoration and Ornament
      Study and teaching
NK101-NK377: Special countries (Table N3)
            Add country number in table to NK100
            Under each:
              TABLE NK101/1
              1 - General works
              2.A-Z - Special divisions, regions, A-Z
              3.A-Z - Special cities, A-Z
              TABLE NK101/2
                  Table for 1 number or decimal number countries
              .A1 - General works
              .A2A-.Z8Z - Special divisions, regions, A-Z

Example 3

084 0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a860.1$c868$hLiterature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric$kLiteratures of specific languages and language families$hLiteratures of Spanish and Portuguese languages. Spanish literature$jSubdivisions of Spanish literature
680 1#$iClass here Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Papiamento literature
761 #1$iExcept for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number$b86 $ias instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., a collection of Spanish literature$e860.8
683 0#$81.1$iUse the following period table for literature in Spanish language from all countries and continents, for comprehensive works on literature in Spanish language
763 10$81.3$a1$jEarly period to 1369$p153
763 08$81.4$iClass here 14th century$p680
763 08$81.5$iFor 1369-1399, see$s2$p253
763 10$81.6$a2$j1369-1516$p153
763 10$81.7$a3$jGolden Age, 1516-1699$p153
763 10$81.8$a4$j1700-1799$p153
763 10$81.9$a5$j1800-1899$p153
763 10$81.10$a6$j1900-1999$p153
763 10$81.11$a62$h1900-1999$j1900-1945$p153
763 10$81.13$a64$h1900-1999$j1945-1999$p153
763 10$81.14$a7$j2000-$p153
763 08$81.15$iClass comprehensive works in$x860$p253
763 08$81.16$iSee also$x849.9$ifor Catalan literature$p353
763 08$81.17$i(Option: Distinguish Spanish-language literatures of specific countries by initial letters, e.g., literature of Chile Ch860, of Colombia Co860, of Mexico M860 [or, of all American countries A860], of Spain S860; or class literatures not requiring local emphasis in$x868.99.$iIf literatures are identified by one of these methods, assign the optional period numbers given below for literature of American countries; otherwise, assign the period numbers given above for all Spanish-language literatures. Other options are described under$x810$c890
763 08$81.19$i(For American countries)
763 30$81.20$a(1$jColonial and revolutionary period, 1519-1826$p683
763 30$81.21$a(2$j1826-1888$p683
763 08$81.22$iClass here 19th century$p680$p683
763 08$81.23$iFor 1800-1826, see$s1;
763 08$81.24$ifor 1888-1899, see$s3
763 30$81.25$a(3$j1888-1909$p683
763 30$81.26$a(4$j1910-1999$p683
763 30$81.27$a(42$h1910-1990$j1910-1945$p683
763 30$81.28$a(44$h1910-1990$j1945-1999$p683
763 30$81.29$a(5$j2000- )$p683

Example 4

084 0#$addc$c22 [Dewey Decimal Classification]
153 ##$a617$hTechnology (Applied sciences)$hMedicine and health$jMiscellaneous branches of medicine. Surgery [. . .]
763 11$81.1$a001$c007$jStandard subdivisions$p153
763 08$81.2$iAs modified under$x616.1$c616.9$p683 [. . .]
763 10$81.3$a06$jTherapy$p153
763 08$81.4$iClass here rehabilitative therapy$p680
763 08$81.5$iClass comprehensive works on rehabilitative therapy and training for persons with a specific disease or kind of disease in$s03;$p253
763 08$81.6$iclass comprehensive works on prevention, therapy, etiology$x(071)$iof a specific disease or kind of disease if all related to a specific kind of therapy in$s061$c069$ie.g., diet therapy$x0654$p253
763 08$81.7$iFor surgery, see$s059$p253
763 08$81.8$iSee Manual at$x617:$iAdd table:$x06$p684
763 08$81.9$mDo not use$x06$mby itself under numbers whose meaning is limited to surgery, since surgery is a therapy. Add subdivisions of$x06$mto surgery numbers for specific physical therapies used in preparation for or rehabilitation from operative surgery, or for branches of surgery not limited to operative surgery, e.g., drug therapy in treatment of burns$x617.11061.$mUse notation$x06$mfreely under numbers not limited to surgery, e.g., ophthalmological therapy$x617.706.$p684 [...]
Display example:
617 - Miscellaneous branches of medicine - Surgery
    001-007 - Standard subdivisions
          As modified under 616.1-616.9
    [. . .]
    06 - Therapy
          Class here rehabilitative therapy
          Class comprehensive work on rehabilitative therapy and training for persons with a specific disease or kind of disease in 03; class comprehensive works on prevention, therapy, etiology (071) of a specific disease or kind of disease if all related to a specific kind of therapy in 061-069, e.g., diet therapy 0654
            For surgery, see 059
            See Manual at 617: Add table: 06
    From DDC Manual:
    06 - Therapy
          Do not use 06 by itself under numbers whose meaning is limited to surgery, since surgery is a therapy. Add subdivisions of 06 to surgery numbers for specific physical therapies used in preparation for or rehabilitation from operative surgery, or for branches of surgery not limited to operative surgery, e.g., drug therapy in treatment of burns 617.11061. Use notation 06 freely under numbers not limited to surgery, e.g., ophthalmological therapy 617.706.


Tables in classification schemes - If desired, an internal table in a classification scheme may be considered an external one and coded as such. Each entry in an internal subarrangement or add table is recorded in a separate 763 field (if coded as an external table, each is recorded in a separate 153 field in a separate record). The sequence number is assigned following the order of the subarrangement or table. Subfield $8 is always the first subfield in the field.
Punctuation - Input punctuation as data in field 763 for invalid or optional numbers, because it is not possible to indicate which portion of the number is invalid when one portion of a span is invalid.


Dewey Decimal Classification - For the Dewey Decimal Classification value 1 (standard valid classification number) in the first indicator position is used when field 763 contains more than one classification number taken from the DDC Manual.

In DDC, subfield $d is used for pattern numbers or spans when either a complete number or an incomplete number is added (concatenated). If digits are dropped from the beginning of the pattern number or span and only the remaining digits added, subfield $r must be present to specify the digits dropped.
Library of Congress Classification - If an internal table is more than four lines or applies to more than 10 records (numbers), it is coded as an external table, i.e. each number to be applied is in field 153 of a separate table record (coded as "b" in 008/06 (Kind of record). If it is desirable to display it as an internal table, the table identification in field 153 subfield $z of each table record contains the classification number (or beginning number of a span) where it will display. If more than one table is required (for more than one subarrangement), "/1", "/2" etc. is appended to the table identification. In the record for the number(s) where the internal table is to appear, field 763 subfield $z also includes that table identification. The use of field 763 distinguishes the table identification as one that displays internally; an external table is identified in field 762 in the record to which it applies.

When separate table records are created for each number in an internal table, and field 763 is used as a reference to that table, it is not necessary to sequence the fields using subfield $8.

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