Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 8XX  >> 883

883 - Machine-generated Metadata Provenance (R)

MARC 21 Classification - full
December 2017

First Indicator Second Indicator
Method of machine assignment
# - No information provided/not applicable
0 - Fully machine-generated
1 - Partially machine-generated

# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
  • $a - Generation process (NR)
  • $c - Confidence value (NR)
  • $d - Generation date (NR)
  • $q - Generation agency (NR)
  • $x - Validity end date (NR)
  • $u - Uniform Resource Identifier (NR)
  • $w - Bibliographic record control number (R)
  • $0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
  • $1 - Real World Object URI (R)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Used to provide information about the provenance of metadata in data fields in the record, with special provision for machine generation. Field 883 contains a link to the field to which it pertains. Intended for use with data fields that have been fully or partially machine-generated, i.e., generated by some named process other than intellectual creation.



First Indicator - Method of machine assignment

# - No information provided/not applicable
0 - Fully machine-generated

Data in linked field was fully machine-generated.

1 - Partially machine-generated

Data in linked field was partially machine-generated.

Second Indicator - Undefined

Contains a blank (#).


$a - Generation process

Identifies the process used to produce the data contained in the linked field. The subfield may contain a process name or some other description.

$c - Confidence value

Describes the confidence of the agency using the process/activity identified in subfield $a to generate the linked field. The subfield contains a floating point value between 0 and 1. Either a comma or a point may be used as a decimal marker. 0 means no confidence and and 1 means full confidence.

$d - Generation date

Date on which the linked field was generated. This also serves as the beginning of the period of validity. Date is recorded in the format yyyymmdd in accordance with ISO 8601, Representation of Dates and Times.

$q - Generation agency

MARC organization code of the institution using the process/activity to generate the linked field.

Code from: MARC Code List for Organizations.

$x - Validity end date

Date representing expected end of period of validity for the data in the linked field. Date is recorded in the format yyyymmdd in accordance with ISO 8601, Representation of Dates and Times.

$u - Uniform Resource Identifier

Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), for example a URL or URN, which identifies the process used to produce the data contained in the field to which 883 is linked. The URI can lead to a textual or structured description of the process, or the URL that was used to generate the linked field's content can be provided directly, i.e., a URL invoking a web service or conveying an API call.

$w - Bibliographic record control number

Control number of the bibliographic record from which the data in the linked field was obtained.

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$0 - Authority record control number or standard number

Control number of the authority record from which the data in the linked field was obtained

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$1 - Real World Object URI

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number

See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Field 883 - Machine-generated Metadata Provenance [NEW, 2012]
$1 - Real World Object URI [NEW, 2017]

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Classification >> 8XX  >> 883
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