307 |
##$aM-F, 9:30-3:30.
307 |
8#$aDate: Dec. 1, 1993, 2 p.m.
307 |
##$aTu-F, 10-6; Sa, 1-5.
307 |
##$a24 hrs. 7 days/week; office, M-F, 8-4.
307 |
##$aCall to verify.
307 |
##$aCenter, M-F, 9-4; meals, M-F, 9-5.
307 |
##$aM, 8:30-6:00; Tu, 8:30-7:00; W-F,
307 |
8#$aBegins November 15, 1991.
307 |
8#$aMeets weekly, noon, First United Methodist Church, 11th
and Boulder.
307 |
8#$aMeeting held every third W of the month at the
Sugarhouse Garden Center at 7:30 p.m. Call after 6:00.
307 |
8#$aUsually meet 2nd F of the month at the Hilton in
Columbia. See the local newspaper for announcements.
307 |
8#$a8:00 p.m., Tu-F; 5:00 and 9:00 p.m., Sa; 2:00 and 7:00
p.m., Su.
307 |
##$aM-F, 10-4;$bstaff size: five full-time
307 |
##$aDaily during tax season, 9-5;$bSpanish and Thai translators available.