Library of Congress >> MARC >> Holdings >> 0XX  >> 024

024 - Other Standard Identifier (R)

MARC 21 Holdings - concise
September 2013

Standard number or code published on an item which cannot be accommodated in another field (e.g., field 020 (International Standard Book Number), 022 (International Standard Serial Number), 027 (Standard Technical Report Number)). The type of standard number or code is identified in the first indicator position or in subfield $2 (Source of number or code).


First - Type of standard number or code
0 - International Standard Recording Code
1 - Universal Product Code
2 - International Standard Music Number
3 - International Article Number
4 - Serial Item and Contribution Identifier
7 - Source specified in subfield $2
8 - Unspecified type of standard number or code
Second - Difference indicator
# - No information provided
0 - No difference
1 - Difference

Subfield Codes

$a - Standard number or code (NR)
$c - Terms of availability (NR)
$d - Additional codes following the standard number or code (NR)
$q - Qualifying information (R)
$z - Canceled/invalid standard number or code (R)
$2 - Source of number or code (NR)
MARC code that identifies the source of the number or code. It is used only when the first indicator contains value 7 (Source specified in subfield $2). Code from: Standard Identifier Source Codes.
$6 - Linkage (NR)
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


024 1#$a7822183031
024 2#$aM011234564
024 2#$aM571100511$c$20.00
024 1#$a2777802000$d90620
024 3#$a9780449906200$d51000
024 2#$aM570406203$qscore$qsewn$cEUR28.50
024 2#$aM570406210$qparts$qsewn

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Holdings >> 0XX  >> 024
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