Library of Congress >> MARC >> Holdings >> 0XX >> 010

010 - Library of Congress Control Number (NR)

MARC 21 Holdings - Full
January 2000

First Indicator
# - Undefined

Second Indicator
# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
$a - LC control number (NR)
$b - NUCMC control number (R)
$z - Canceled or invalid LC control number (R)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


Control number, assigned by the Library of Congress, of the related MARC bibliographic record for which a separate holdings record is made.

The control number for bibliographic records distributed by the Library of Congress is an LCCN.

In separate holdings records distributed by the Library of Congress, the control number for the related LC bibliographic record is carried in field 004 (Control Number for Related Bibliographic Record). An organization receiving an LC holdings record may transfer the control number for the related bibliographic record from field 004 to field 010 and place its own related bibliographic record control number in field 004.

See also field 014 (Linkage Number), field 016 (National Bibliographic Agency Control Number), and field 035 (System Control Number) for control numbers for related bibliographic records assigned by other sources. See field 010 (Library of Congress Control Number) in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data for a detailed description of the structure of the LCCN for bibliographic records.




$a - LC control number
Valid LC control number for a bibliographic record.
010 ##$a###85153773#
010 ##$anuc76039265#
$b - NUCMC control number
Valid entry number for a bibliographic record in the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMC). The number begins with the prefix ms.
010 ##$bms#78001237#$bms#85000779#
$z - Canceled or invalid LC control number
Canceled or invalid LC control number or NUCMC control number. Each canceled or invalid control number is contained in a separate subfield $z.
010 ##$a###76647633#$zsc#76000587#
010 ##$a###81691938#$z###82692384#
$8 - Field link and sequence number
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Agency Information - Field 010 is an agency-assigned field; it may be used only for an LC control number.
Punctuation - Field 010 does not end in a mark of punctuation. A slash is used to separate revision information from the control number and any suffix. Multiple suffixes are also separated by a slash.
Capitalization - Prefixes are always input as lowercase alphabetic characters. Suffixes and alphabetic identifiers added to the end of the LC control number are input as uppercase alphabetic characters.
Embedded Holdings Information - When holdings information is embedded in a MARC bibliographic record, no field 010 is input.

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