Library of Congress >> MARC >> Holdings >> 0XX  >> 020

020 - International Standard Book Number (R)

MARC 21 Holdings - full
September 2013

First Indicator Second Indicator
# - Undefined

# - Undefined

Subfield Codes
  • $a - International Standard Book Number (NR)
  • $c - Terms of availability (NR)
  • $q - Qualifying information (R)
  • $z - Canceled/invalid ISBN (R)
  • $6 - Linkage (NR)
  • $8 - Field link and sequence number (R)


International Standard Book Number (ISBN) copied from subfield $a of field 020 (International Standard Book Number) of the MARC bibliographic record that represents the description of the item for which a separate holdings record is created.

It may also contain terms of availability and any canceled or invalid ISBN from subfields $c and $z of field 020 in the bibliographic record. If the bibliographic record contains multiple valid ISBNs that refer to different versions of the item, the one that corresponds to the item described in the holdings statement is used.

Additional examples of the use of field 020 (International Standard Book Number) are in the MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data.




$a - International Standard Book Number

Valid ISBN. ISBN and the embedded hyphens may be generated for display.

020 ##$a0491001304

$c - Terms of availability

Price or a brief statement of availability and any paranthetical qualifying information about availability.

020 ##$z0877790105$qFabrikoid$c$12.00

$q - Qualifying information

A brief statement of qualifying information concerning the item associated with a number being recorded in subfield $a or subfield $z.

020 ##$a0394170660$qRandom House$qpaperback$c$4.95
020 ##$a0456789012$qreel 1
020 ##$z0567890123$qreel 2
020 ##$a9780060723804$qacid-free paper
020 ##$a9780060799748$qtrade
020 ##$a0717941728$qfolded$c$0.45

$z - Canceled/invalid ISBN

Canceled or invalid ISBN. ISBN (invalid) and the embedded hyphens may be generated for display.

Each canceled/invalid ISBN is contained in a separate subfield $z. If no valid ISBN exists, subfield $z may be used alone in the record.

020 ##$a0877790019$qblack leather$z0877780116 :$c$14.00

$6 - Linkage

See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.

$8 - Field link and sequence number

See the description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.


Qualifying Information - In displays, qualifying information may be enclosed in parentheses.

ISBN Structure - ISBN is an agency-assigned data element. ISBNs are assigned to monographic publications by designated agencies in each country participating in the program. An ISBN consists of ten digits comprising four groups separated by hyphens. (The tenth digit is a check digit used as a computer validity check; it consists of a number between 0 and 9 or an uppercase X (for the arabic numeral 10). Procedures for validation of the ISBN by calculating the check digit and hyphenating instructions are in Information and Documentation - International Standard Book Numbering (ISBN) (ISO 2108).

Punctuation - Field 020 does not end with a period.

Display Constants

ISBN [associated with the content of subfield $a]
ISBN (invalid) [associated with the content of subfield $z]
- - - [embedded hyphens]

An ISBN usually appears on an item with the prefix ISBN and with each of its parts separated from the other by hyphens or spaces. The initialism ISBN, the phrase ISBN (invalid), and the embedded hyphens are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as display constants associated with the content of subfields $a and $z, respectively.

Content designated field:
020 ##$a0870686933$qv. 1$z087064302
Display example:
ISBN 0-87068-693-3 (v. 1) ISBN (invalid) 0-87068-430-2

Embedded Holdings Information - When holdings information is embedded in a MARC bibliographic record, no additional field 020 is used.


$q - Qualifying information [NEW, 2013]

Prior to the definition of subfield $q in 2013, qualifying information was contained in subfield $a (International Standard Book Number) and subfield $z (Canceled/invalid ISBN).

Library of Congress >> MARC >> Holdings >> 0XX  >> 020
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