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DATE: June 6, 2015
NAME: Recording RDA Format of Notated Music in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats
SOURCE: Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange (CCM)
SUMMARY: This paper proposes defining new field 348 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority formats for recording the RDA data element Format of Notated Music.
KEYWORDS: Field 348 (AD, BD); Format of Notated Music (AD, BD); RDA; Resource Description and Access
RELATED: 2015-DP01
06/04/15 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
06/28/15 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Approved as submitted. MAC agreed that the same Field Definition and Scope note currently appearing with fields 336, 337, and 338 of the Bibliographic format should be repeated with this 348 field (i.e., "Multiple content types from the same source vocabulary or code list may be recorded in the same field in separate occurrences of subfield $a (Content type term) and subfield $b (Content type code). Terms from different source vocabularies are recorded in separate occurrences of the field").
08/06/15 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision.
The RDA/MARC Working Group did not propose separate content designation in the MARC 21 Bibliographic or Authority formats for the expression attribute Format of Notated Music (RDA 7.20). For that reason, in the “RDA to MARC Bibliographic Mapping” in the RDA Toolkit, Format of Notated Music is simply mapped to field 500, the general note field.
The Canadian Committee on Metadata Exchange (CCM - Recently renamed; formerly the Canadian Committee on MARC) presented Discussion Paper 2015-DP01 to the MARC Advisory Committee (MAC) in January 2015 outlining various options for accommodating the Format of Notated Music element in both the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority formats. The relationships of this element with various pieces of MARC 21 content designation were presented. Options to add new content designation were discussed and MAC recommended defining a new field 348. It is acknowledged that the German National Library has decided to establish its own controlled vocabulary for Format of Notated Music and to treat this element as a heading, recording the data in MARC Bibliographic field 655.
This proposal will define field 348 for the Format of Notated Music in the Bibliographic and Authority formats and it certainly does not preclude the use of terms taken from vocabularies to form headings in MARC Bibliographic field 655. An institutional application profile can clarify whether it is using 348 alone, 348 in conjunction with 655 or simply 655 on its own. That decision is to be based upon the needs of the local user community and system capabilities or limitations.
2.1. Relationship between the Format of Notated Music element and existing positions in MARC 21 Bibliographic Format field 008 (Music) and field 254 (Music Presentation Statement)
As explained in Discussion Paper 2015-DP01, although field 008 (Music) positions 20 (Format of music) and 21 (Music parts) would seem to have values corresponding to the RDA vocabulary for Format of Notated Music, the range of values permitted for use in this field do not correspond to those identified in the RDA element. Further, single-position fixed length fields do not allow recording more than one value and so cannot fully express the Format of Notated Music element which is repeatable.
Existing field 254 (Musical Presentation Statement) is also a non-viable solution. It is non-repeatable and is applied when following AACR2 or ISBD, where it corresponds to area 3 (Music format statement) for printed music. The definition of the Musical Presentation statement indicates that it should be viewed as a manifestation attribute, since it would generally be a transcribed statement taken from a preferred source, rather than a term or terms selected from a controlled vocabulary. In RDA this manifestation data is treated as Edition data and encoded in field 250 (Edition Statement). Field 254 should no longer be applied in RDA cataloging.
2.2. Justification for defining a new field in MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority formats for the Format of Notated Music
A new repeatable field is required for recording the expression attribute Format of Notated Music in the Bibliographic and Authority formats. A new field can be employed by institutions applying RDA, or by those using AACR2 or ISBD, where it corresponds to area 3 (Music format statement) for printed music. The limitations of MARC fixed fields cannot satisfy the requirement for repeatability.
The musical presentation statement is material specific data and is recorded in ISBD area 3, MARC 21 field 254, by libraries following AACR2 or ISBD. Libraries following RDA treat the musical presentation statement as edition data and record it in field 250. The Format of Notated Music (RDA 7.20) is a distinct element from the musical presentation statement and cannot be recorded as an edition element.
The MARC 21 Bibliographic 3XX block already includes several work and expression-level attributes, so this is the logical placement for the Format of Notated Music. While generally there has not been an expectation that Extent of Expression and related attributes such as Format of Notated Music would be needed in the Authority format, this issue needs to be considered.
2.3 Define MARC 21 field 348 in the Bibliographic and Authority formats for the Format of Notated Music
Define field 348 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic format (part of the 3XX Physical Description, etc., block) and Authority Format (in the Heading Information block). Subfield $a will carry the term and $b a code representing the format, assuming that communities wish to establish controlled lists of codes representing the types of formats of notated music. Creators of such lists can apply to the Library of Congress, Network Development and MARC Standards Office for codes to be added to the lists of source codes for vocabularies, etc. When multiple terms apply, either subfield $a can be repeated for each term, else the whole field can be repeated.
348 – Format of Notated Music (R)
Field Definition and Scope (Bibliographic and Authority)
A system of notation that uses a set of characters and/or symbols to express the musical content of a resourceFirst Indicator
# - UndefinedSecond Indicator
# - UndefinedSubfield Codes
$a - Format of notated music term (R)
Term for the format of notated music in the resource.$b - Format of notated music code (R)
Code for the format of notated music in the resource.$0 – Authority record control number or standard number (R)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
$2 - Source (NR)
MARC code that identifies the source of the term or code used to record the format of notated music.$3 - Materials specified (NR)
Part of the described materials to which the field applies.$6 - Linkage (NR)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.$8 - Field Link and sequence number (R)
See description of this subfield in Appendix A: Control Subfields.
Example 1:
348 ## $a score $b [code for score (optional)] $2 [code for source vocabulary]
[For a resource consisting of: 2 scores (9 pages each)]
Example 2a: Using repeated subfield $a for multiple terms:
348 ## $a vocal score $a piano conductor part $a part
[For a resource consisting of: 1 vocal score (1 volume, unpaged) + 1 piano conductor part (2 volumes) + 5 parts]
Example 2b: Alternately, each term for Format of Notated Music could be recorded in a separate field, including subfield $b for the code:
348 ## $a vocal score $b [code for vocal score] $2 [code for source vocabulary]
348 ## $a piano conductor part $b [code for piano conductor part] $2 [code for source vocabulary]
348 ## $a part $b [code for part] $2 [code for source vocabulary]
Example 3:
348 ## $a score $a part
[For a resource consisting of: 1 score (19 pages) + 5 parts]
Since this is an important element for notated music, BIBFRAME will provide a comparable element or elements for recording notated music format. Currently there is a property formatOfMusic which has a range of literal. That element can be given a range of a Class, such as NotatedMusicFormat with properties that enable URI or literal form and additional information, if needed.
Define a new field in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority formats as follows:
348 – Format of Notated Music (R)
First Indicator - Undefined
# - Undefined
Second Indicator - Undefined
# - Undefined
Subfield Codes
$a - Format of notated music term (R)
$b - Format of notated music code (R)
$0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
$2 - Source (NR)
$3 - Materials specified (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
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