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DATE: June 4, 2015
NAME: Defining 670 $w (Bibliographic record control number) in the MARC 21 Authority Format
SOURCE: Library of Congress, Policy and Standards Division
SUMMARY: This paper proposes the definition of subfield $w (Bibliographic record control number) in the 670 field (Source of Data Found) of authority records to contain a bibliographic record control number of the title being cited.
KEYWORDS: Field 670 (AD); Source Data Found (AD); Subfield $w, in field 670 (AD); Bibliographic record control number (AD)
06/04/15 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
06/28/15 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Approved as submitted.
08/06/15 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision.
Recording the control number of a related resource within a specific, dedicated, subfield allows for effective data manipulation in linked data applications. Many of the fields added to the MARC Authority Format in recent years include a subfield $w for that purpose (see e.g., 672, Title Related to the Entity; 673, Title Not Related to the Entity; 883, Machine-Generated Metadata Provenance; 856, Electronic Location and Access).
It is Library of Congress practice to include an LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) of a related bibliographic record in some authority records. Specifically, LC catalogers include the LCCN of the bibliographic record for the work being cataloged when creating proposals for LC subject headings and proposals for LC genre/form and medium of performance terms. The LCCN is now included in the 670 $a, which is a free-text field for the source citation; thus, the LCCN cannot always be located, identified, and acted upon programmatically.
The current definition of field 670 is as follows:
LC is requesting that a repeatable subfield $w be added as a new subfield to enable an authority record to be linked to the work(s) that prompted the record to be made:
$w - Bibliographic record control number (R)
System control number of the related record preceded by the MARC code, enclosed in parentheses, for the agency to which the control number applies.
Example 1:
150 ## $a Dunking (Basketball)
670 ## $a Work cat: Year of the dunk, 2015 $w (DLC) 2014041716
Example 2:
150 ## $a Cabala
670 ## $a Bloom, H. Kabbalah and criticism, c1975 $w (DLC) 75012820 $w (OCoLC)1339798
Example 3:
151 ## $a MIKTA countries
670 ## $a Work cat: MIKTA, middle powers, and new dynamics of global governance, 2015: $b page 1 (the middle powers among the G20 - Mexico, Indonesia, South Korea, Turkey, and Australia (MIKTA)) $w (OCoLC)904972699
Example 4:
150 ## $a Grumman Mallard (Amphibian plane)
670 ## $a Work cat: Knight, F.J. The Grumman amphibians: Goose, Widgeon & Mallard, 2013. $w (Uk) 016706312
Example 5:
100 1# $a Snyder, G. Irvin
670 ## $a Our soldier boys in khaki o'er in France, ©1918: $b t.p. (G. Irvin Snyder) $w (DLC) 2014561136 $w (OCoLC)899258216
The inclusion of the bibliographic control number in addition to or in lieu of the citation will be very useful for eventual conversion of the bibliographic description to BIBFRAME.
In Field 670 (Source Data Found) of the MARC 21 Authority Format, define:
$w - Bibliographic record control number (R)
System control number of the related record preceded by the MARC code, enclosed in parentheses, for the agency to which the control number applies.
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