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DATE: May 27, 2016
NAME: Clarify the Definition of Subfield $k and Expand the Scope of Field 046 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
SOURCE: Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC)
SUMMARY: This paper proposes clarifying the meaning of the sentence “Dates contained in subfield $k may not be coded elsewhere in the formats” as currently defined in subfield $k (Beginning or single date created) in field 046 (Special Coded Dates) of the Bibliographic format and making it clear that the dates that are recorded in 008/06-14 may additionally be recorded in 046.
KEYWORDS: Field 046 (BD); Special Coded Dates (BD); Subfield $k, in field 046 (BD); Beginning or single date created (BD)
RELATED: 2016-DP08
05/27/16 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
06/25/16 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Approved, with the following amendments: 1) First sentence of the proposed definition of subfield $k will be rewritten for clarity; 2) Use of the abbreviation “B.C.” (i.e., Before Christ) in the 046 subfield names and field definition/scope will be substituted with B.C.E. (i.e., Before the Common Era).
08/10/16 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision.
Field 046 is currently defined in the Bibliographic format as follows:
Field Definition and Scope
Date of item information that cannot be recorded in 008/06-14 (Type of date/Publication status, Date 1, Date 2) because such information involves one or more Before Common Era (B.C.) dates, incorrect dates, dates when resources have been modified or created, and date spans when resources are valid. When field 046 is used for B.C. dates, 008/06 is set to code b (No date given; B.C. date involved) and field 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contain blanks (####). When field 046 is used for incorrect dates, field 008/06 is coded for the type of corrected data and field 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contain correct dates.
Current definition of subfield $k
$k - Beginning or single date created
Date or beginning of the date range on which a resource has been created when it is not more appropriately recorded in another field. Dates contained in subfield $k may not be coded elsewhere in the formats. The date is recorded as specified in subfield $j (Date resource modified).
The sentence “Dates contained in subfield $k may not be coded elsewhere in the formats” in the definition of the $k of the 046 can be interpreted in two ways. Some catalogers have interpreted it to mean that they are prohibited from putting the date of creation here if it is already in the “Dates” field, while other catalogers have interpreted it to mean that the date in this field may be coded here and not in any of the other coded date fields. This language has meant that many catalogers are not putting the date of release of a video in this field when it is elsewhere. The media cataloging community would like this date consistently recorded here and so would like to have this definition rewritten slightly so that there is only one way in which to read it.
There is no overhead with this change except that it will be cheaper and easier for library catalog developers to give searchers a way to search by this date.
The scope of the field should also be expanded to allow, but not require, dates that could be recorded in 008/06-14 to be recorded in 046.
No impact.
In field 046 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format:
4.1. Rewrite definition of subfield $k to read:
$k - Beginning or single date created
Date or beginning of the date range on which a resource has been created when it is not more appropriately recorded in another field. Dates contained in subfield $k may or may not be coded elsewhere in the formats. The date is recorded as specified in subfield $j (Date resource modified).
4.2. Rewrite field definition and scope to read (changes in bold):
Date of item information that either cannot be recorded in 008/06-14 (Type of date/Publication status, Date 1, Date 2) because such information involves one or more Before Common Era (B.C.) dates, incorrect dates, dates when resources have been modified or created, and date spans when resources are valid, or is recorded here in addition to appearing in 008/06-14. When field 046 is used for B.C. dates, 008/06 is set to code b (No date given; B.C. date involved) and field 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contain blanks (####). When field 046 is used for incorrect dates, field 008/06 is coded for the type of corrected data and field 008/07-10 and 008/11-14 contain correct dates.
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The Library of Congress >> Especially for Librarians and Archivists >> Standards ( 09/02/2016 ) |
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