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DATE: May 27, 2016
NAME: Recording Distributor Number for Music and Moving Image Materials in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format
SOURCE: Music Library Association (MLA), Online Audiovisual Catalogers (OLAC)
SUMMARY: This paper proposes proposes a way to unambiguously record distributor numbers separately from publisher numbers in Field 028 (Publisher Number). At the same time, it proposes changes to language in Field 037 (Source of Acquisition) to clarify language that confused its function with that of Field 028.
KEYWORDS: Field 028 (BD); Publisher Number (BD); Field 037 (BD); Source of Acquisition (BD); Distributor Numbers (BD); Sound Recordings (BD); Audio Recordings (BD); Videorecordings (BD)
RELATED: 2016-DP03
05/27/16 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
06/25/16 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Approved as submitted.
08/10/16 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision.
Discussion Paper 2016-DP03 explored the need for a way to distinguish between publisher and distributor numbers in the MARC Bibliographic Format, and suggested that Field 028 (Publisher Number) be developed to accommodate this need . Further, the paper exposed some inconsistencies in the instructions for Field 037 (Source of Acquisition), and noted some potential for confusion of the roles of Field 028 and Field 037. This proposal builds on the discussion paper and proposes a way to unambiguously record distributor numbers separately from publisher numbers in Field 028. At the same time, it proposes changes to language in Field 037 to clarify language that confused its function with that of Field 028.
The current definition of MARC 028 in the Bibliographic format is as follows:
The current Field Definition and Scope of MARC 028 is as follows (all emphases are ours):
Formatted number used for sound recordings, videorecordings, printed music, and other music-related material. Publisher's numbers that are given in an unformatted form are recorded in field 500 (General Note). A print constant identifying the kind of publisher number may be generated based on the value in the first indicator position.
Numbers that are identified as stock numbers are recorded in field 037 (Source of Acquisition). In case of doubt as to whether a number is a publisher’s number, record the number in field 500 or 037. Repeatable for multiple numbers associated with an item.
As noted in Discussion Paper 2016-DP03, however, music and media catalogers generally record distributor numbers in the MARC 028 field rather than the 037 field, a practice further reflected in both groups’ cataloging best practices documents.
While this practice is likely due to the blurring of/overlap between many firms’ publishing and distributing functions, it is further complicated by contradictory instructions for use of the MARC 037 field. According to the MARC 037 Field Definition and Scope:
The ISBN, ISSN, and publisher's numbers for sound recordings, printed music, videorecordings and other music-related material are not carried in this field; they are contained in fields 020 (International Standard Book Number), 022 (International Standard Serial Number), and 028 (Publisher Number), respectively.
However, the Guidelines for Applying Content Designators for subfield $a-Stock Number tell us that “Numbers such as distributor, publisher, or vendor numbers are also recorded in this subfield.”
To remediate this situation, we propose that a first indicator 6 be added to the MARC 028 field to accommodate distributor numbers for music, music-related, and audiovisual materials. We further propose that the existing text of both MARC 028 and 037 fields be clarified accordingly.
Example 1: A score published by Schott and distributed by Hal Leonard:
028 22 $a SS 159 $b Schott
028 32 $a SKR 20080 $b Schott
028 32 $a 49019663 $b Hal Leonard
264 #1 $a Mainz : $b Schott, $c [2013]
264 #2 $a [Milwaukee] : $b Distributed in North and South America exclusively by Hal Leonard
Proposed (relevant 028 indicator changes in bold):
028 22 $a SS 159 $b Schott
028 32 $a SKR 20080 $b Schott
028 62 $a 49019663 $b Hal Leonard
264 #1 $a Mainz : $b Schott, $c [2013]
264 #2 $a [Milwaukee] : $b Distributed in North and South America exclusively by Hal Leonard
Example 2: An audio recording issued by Paris Jazz Corner Productions and distributed by Harmonia Mundi
028 00 $a PJC 222013 $b Paris Jazz Corner Productions
028 00 $a HM 76 $b Harmonia Mundi
260 ## $a Paris : $b Paris Jazz Corner Productions ; $a [S.l.] : $b Harmonia Mundi, distribution, $c p2004
500 ## $a Paris Jazz Corner Productions: PJC 222013.
500 ## $a Harmonia Mundi: HM 76.
028 02 $a PJC 222013 $b Paris Jazz Corner Productions
028 62 $a HM 76 $b Harmonia Mundi
264 #1 $a Paris : $b Paris Jazz Corner Productions, $c [2004]
264 #2 $a [Place of distribution not identified] : $b Harmonia Mundi
264 #4 $c p2004(Note: use of clarifying 500 fields to record publisher and distributor information is no longer necessary)
Example 3: A video resource published by Kartemquin Films and distributed by Facets Multimedia
028 42 $a K0904 $b Kartemquin Films
028 42 $a DV98597 $b Facets Multimedia
264 #1 $a [Chicago, Ill.] : $b Kartemquin Films, $c [2009]
264 #2 $a [Place of distribution not identified] : $b Facets Multimedia
028 42 $a K0904 $b Kartemquin Films
028 62 $a DV98597 $b Facets Multimedia
264 #1 $a [Chicago, Ill.] : $b Kartemquin Films, $c [2009]
264 #2 $a [Place of distribution not identified] : $b Facets Multimedia]
The area of identifiers for an instance is a current area of interest and development in the BIBFRAME community. Whatever the outcome, there will be mechanisms in place to provide the value of a standard identifier, as well as a way to name the scheme that the standard identifier is tied to.
If more distinguishing characteristics of publisher number identifiers are needed then establishing them now will help the transition to BIBFRAME.
If distributor numbers were accepted as distinct identifiers within MARC 21, a similar method could be employed to supply distributor numbers associated with a BIBFRAME instance to accommodate MARC-source metadata and to take advantage of the additional clarity provided by labeling identifiers clearly. Doing so for distributors would necessitate the inclusion of the property bf:assigner to provide further context for the identifier, as distributor numbers, along with music publisher and music plate numbers, seldom encode the issuing agent as part of the identifier itself.
5a.1. Change title of the field to: Publisher and Distributor Numbers.
5a.2. Change the title of First Indicator to: Type of number.
5a.3. Change the title of First Indicator 3 to: Other music publisher number.
5a.4. Change the title of First Indicator 4 to: Video recording publisher number; make the same change in the example under Second Indicator 0 in Guidelines for Applying Content Designators-Indicators.
5a.5. Add First Indicator: 6 - Distributor number.
5a.6. Change the title of Subfield Code $a to: Publisher or distributor number.
5a.7. Change the Field Definition and Scope to read as follows:
Formatted number used for audio recordings, printed music, other music-related materials, and video recordings. Publisher's and distributor's numbers that are given in an unformatted form are recorded in field 500 (General Note). A print constant identifying the kind of publisher or distributor number may be generated based on the value in the first indicator position. Repeatable for multiple numbers associated with an item.
Numbers that are identified as stock numbers are recorded in field 037 (Source of Acquisition).
5a.8. Under Guidelines for Applying Content Designators-Indicators-First Indicator 1- Matrix number: remove the instruction to “Use as an identifying number when the item has no issue or label number”.
5a.9. Under Guidelines for Applying Content Designators-Indicators-First Indicator add:
6 – Distributor number
Assigned by a distributor to a specific music/music-related publication or to a specific video recording. If in doubt as to whether a number is a Publisher number or a Distributor number, record it as a Publisher number.5a.10. Under Guidelines for Applying Content Designators-Subfield Codes, change the guideline for $b (Source) to read:
Source of the publisher or distributor number. Varies according to the type of publication and the type of number being recorded. For audio recordings and video recordings, label and distributor names are recorded in subfield $b. For printed music and music-related materials, publisher and distributor names are recorded in subfield $b.
5a.11. Add under Input Conventions-Display constants: Distributor’s no.; modify the explanation to read:
These legends are not carried in the MARC record. They may be system generated as display constants associated with the value in the first and second indicator positions.
5a.12. Change any remaining instances of “Sound recording(s)” to read “Audio recording(s).”
5a.13. Change any remaining instances of “Videorecording(s)” to read “Video recording(s).”
5b.1. Under Field Definition and Scope, adjust the second sentence of the third paragraph to read:
The ISBN, ISSN, and publisher's and distributor’s numbers for audio recordings, printed music, other music-related material, and video recordings are not carried in this field; they are contained in fields 020 (International Standard Book Number), 022 (International Standard Serial Number), and 028 (Publisher and Distributor Numbers), respectively.
5b.2. Amend the definition of $a Stock number to read:
Numbers such as distributor, publisher, or vendor numbers for resources other than music, music-related, or audiovisual materials are also recorded in this subfield.
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