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DATE: May 27, 2016
NAME: Adding Subfield $0 to Fields 257 and 377 in the MARC 21 Bibliographic Format and Field 377 in the MARC 21 Authority Format
SUMMARY: This paper proposes adding subfield $0 (Authority record control number or standard number) to certain fields in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats that currently do not have subfield $0 defined. MARC 21 Bibliographic Format: Country of Producing Entity (257) and Associated Language (377). MARC 21 Authority Format: Associated Language (377).
KEYWORDS: Subfield $0 (AD, BD), Authority record control number or standard number (AD, BD), Field 257 (BD), Country of Producing Entity (BD), Field 377 (AD, BD), Associated Language (AD, BD)
RELATED: 2016-DP18
05/27/16 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
06/25/16 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: The paper was converted to a proposal and approved as submitted. It was agreed that similar changes such as those recommended this paper might in the future be considered as part of a MARC Fast-Track process.
08/10/16 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision to convert to and approve as a proposal.
The PCC Task Group (TG) on URIs in MARC was charged by the Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) to “develop a work plan for the implementation of identifiers in subfield $0 and other fields/subfields” in legacy MARC 21 data. The TG developed a pilot to examine the issues and make recommendations for policies, practices, and proposals for MARC 21 enhancements. The TG identified machine actionable source vocabularies and explored automated methods for populating records with identifiers.
Identifiers were retrieved from several vocabularies and authority sources to populate sets of MARC 21 bibliographic and authority records with dereferenceable HTTP URIs. The record sets represented a variety of bibliographic formats‐‐art and architecture materials, serials, music, cartographic, etc., and name and subject authority data. ILS vendors, programmers, system engineers, and discovery designers were consulted throughout the pilot to comment on the retrieval of actionable URIs and the appropriate policies ensuring the data are actionable in MARC 21 data.
The pilot also tested the addition of subfield $0 with dereferenceable HTTP URIs in fields in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats for which subfield $0 is not currently defined. Based on testing the addition of dereferenceable HTTP URIs in bibliographic and authority data, and in particular in those MARC fields for which subfield $0 is not currently defined, this discussion paper proposes defining the use of subfield $0 in the following MARC 21 Bibliographic Format fields:
Country of Producing Entity (257)
Associated Language (377)
and in the following MARC 21 Authority Format field:
Associated Language (377)
The goal of this discussion paper is to define subfield $0 in the above MARC fields to enable library data to function and serve on Web-based services that may be extensible via API, connecting users to resources in a distributed environment with no additional programming need.
MARC subfield $0 “Authority record control number” was first defined in 1997, and was widespread over the MARC Bibliographic and MARC Authority Formats in 2007 (by the German Papers 2007-DP01 and 2007-06).
The scope of subfield $0 was broadened to encompass the recording of standard numbers as well as authority control numbers following the approval of Proposal 2010-06. The current definition of $0 in Appendix A of the Bibliographic and Authority formats is given below:
$0 - Authority record control number or standard number
Subfield $0 contains the system control number of the related authority record, or a standard identifier such as an International Standard Name Identifier (ISNI). The control number or identifier is preceded by the appropriate MARC Organization code (for a related authority record) of the Standard Identifier source code (for a standard identifier scheme, enclosed in parentheses. See MARC Code List for Organizations for a listing of organization codes and Standard Identifier Source Codes for code systems for standard identifiers. Subfield $0 is repeatable for different control numbers or identifiers.
Because the value “uri” for a “Uniform Resource Identifier” is on the list of “Standard Identifier Source Codes”, subfield $0 is capable of carrying a URI.
This discussion paper proposes defining use of $0 in some MARC Bibliographic format and MARC Authority format fields that do not currently support inclusion but may benefit from having subfield $0 defined for use. We considered many fields as potential candidates; however, in the process of finalizing the discussion paper for submission, many MARC fields were deferred from consideration because the aggregation of data in MARC fields through use of multiple subfields can render it difficult to discern what data in the MARC field $0 references. In many circumstances where it seemed adding $0 would be easy and appropriate, closer analysis often led us to conclude that the issue was more complex than it appeared and might warrant more changes to MARC than feasible in a cost/benefit analysis. The TG intends to investigate these instances more thoroughly and submit them to MAC as deemed appropriate in future.
This discussion paper is to be considered in conjunction with “Redefining Subfield $0 to Remove the Use of Paranthetical Prefix '(uri)' in the MARC 21 Authority, Bibliographic, and Holdings Formats” (2016-DP18); the examples in this discussion paper do not include the parenthetical (uri) since the related discussion paper proposes that the parenthetical (uri) be removed.
MARC 21 Bibliographic Format:
257 - Country of Producing Entity (R)
First - Undefined
# - Undefined
Second - Undefined
# - UndefinedSubfield Codes
$a - Country of producing entity (R)
$0 – Authority record control number or standard identifier (R) (proposed addition)
$2 - Source (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
257 ## $a Russia (Federation) $0 $2 naf
257 ## $a Germany $0 $2 naf
257 ## $a Italy $0 $2 naf
MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats:
377 - Associated Language (R)
First - Undefined
# - Undefined
Second - Source of code
# - MARC language code
7 - Source specified in $2Subfield Codes
$a - Language code (R)
$l - Language term (R)
$0 – Authority record control number or standard identifier (R) (proposed addition)
$2 - Source of code (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
377 ## $arus$0
377 ## $ahun$0
Addition of subfield $0 containing an actionable URI will be an important step in transforming existing MARC data to BIBFRAME and Linked Data.
5.1. Do you agree that there is a use for $0 in fields 257 and 377?
5.2. Does the proposed solution meet the needs discussed?
5.3. Are there any potential consequences that this paper does not address?
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