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DATE: December 13, 2016
NAME: Defining New Subfields $i, $3, and $4 in Field 370 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats
SOURCE: ALCTS Subject Analysis Committee Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation
SUMMARY: This paper discusses adding subfields $i (Relationship information), $3 (Materials specified), and $4 (Relationship code) to field 370 (Associated Place) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats. Subfields $i and $4 would be used to provide a note or relationship designator term or code that may be used to clarify the relationship of the associated place recorded in the field to the resource being described. Subfield $3 would be used to indicate that an associated place applies to only a part or portion of the resource.
KEYWORDS: Field 370 (BD, AD); Associated Place (BD, AD); Subfield $i, in field 370 (BD, AD); Relationship information (BD, AD); Subfield $3, in field 370; Materials specified (BD, AD); Subfield $4, in field 370 (BD, AD), Relationship code (BD, AD)
12/13/16 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
01/21/17 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Approved, with the following amendments: 1) Definitions for subfields $i and $4 may be amended as part of the editorial process to make them consistent with other definitions of these subfields in the formats; 2) The exact wording of the proposed field and subfield definitions may be editorially revised for clarity.
03/21/17 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision.
MARC Proposal 2009-01/1 established field 370 (Associated Place) in the Authority Format. The field has the following subfields:
$a - Place of birth (NR)
$b - Place of death (NR)
$c - Associated country (R)
$e - Place of residence/headquarters (R)
$f - Other associated place (R)
$g - Place of origin of work (R)
$s - Start period (NR)
$t - End period (NR)
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
$v - Source of information (R)
$0 - Record control number (R)
$2 - Source of term (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
In 2014, field 370 was also added to the Bibliographic Format, with the following subfields defined:
$c - Associated country (R)
$f - Other associated place (R)
$g - Place of origin of work (R)
$s - Start period (NR)
$t - End period (NR)
$u - Uniform Resource Identifier (R)
$v - Source of information (R)
$0 - Record control number (R)
$2 - Source of term (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
As catalogers have begun using this field, it has been found that there are situations where it would useful to be able both to
1) explain the relationship between a term recorded in the field and its relationship to an entity or resource
2) indicate that an associated place recorded applies to only a part or portion of a resource.
For example, creators of and contributors to resources are not necessarily responsible for all aspects of a resource, and they may come from different places. A collaborative work such as a graphic novel could have its text created in one country and its art in another. The liner notes for a recording may be created in a completely different place from where the works recorded originated, or from where they were recorded. The contributors to an expression of a work may not come from the same place as the creators (as in the case of a musical work created in France and performed by an American or a novel created in Russia and translated in Spain). Another common situation is that of a series that has a place of origin different from the individual works in the series (for example, a series comprised of Russian literary masterworks that is published in the United States). Currently there is no way to be more specific about the relationship of an associated place to a resource other than by the definition of the subfield used to record the place.
In addition, since subfield $f is a catchall place to record associated places that don’t fit into another defined subfield, there is currently no way to specify the nature of the relationship of a place recorded in the subfield to the entity being described. Subfield $f has been used in personal name authority records to record places of employment, burial places, schooling places, and other associated places.
Subfields $i (Relationship information) and $4 (Relationship code) are defined in other fields in the MARC Bibliographic and Authority formats and if added to field 370 could be used to record an uncontrolled textual phrase or a relationship designator from a controlled vocabulary and/or a code to allow catalogers to specify in more detail the relationship between an associated place and its relationship to the resource or entity being described.
Subfield $3 (Materials specified) is defined in other fields in the MARC Bibliographic and Authority formats and if added to field 370 could be used to indicate that an associated place is related only to a part or portion of a resource.
At ALA Annual 2016, MAC considered MARC Discussion Paper No. 2016-DP29. There was general support for the paper. MAC asked for additional examples modelling the usage of subfield $3 (Materials specified) in field 370. A new code for place of translation was also suggested to be proposed as an addition to the MARC Code List for Relators.
2.1. Proposed Changes
1) Define new subfields $i, $3, and $4 in field 370 in both Bibliographic and Authority format:
$i - Relationship information (R)
Designation of a relationship between the associated place recorded in the field and the resource or entity being described. This may be an uncontrolled textual phrase or a controlled textual value from a list of relationships.$3 - Materials specified (NR)
Part of the described materials to which the field applies.$4 - Relationship code (R)
Designation in coded form of a relationship between the associated place recorded in the field and the resource or entity being described.
In the Bibliographic format, field 518 is available to record a note about the place of an event. Subfield $p (Place of event) was added in 2010. Subfield $p may be recorded in a controlled or uncontrolled form, and subfield $2 is available to record the MARC code that identifies the source of the term in $p (Place of event) when it is from a controlled list. Additionally, subfields $b and $c of field 033 are available to record place of an event in coded form; it is most commonly used in conjunction with 518. There is potential overlap between field 370 and 518 $p (and/or 033 $b/$c) if an associated place is related to an event. Such overlap is not unique (see for example, fields 380 (Form of Work) and 655 (Index Term--Genre/Form)). The choice among 033, 370, and 518 should be left to communities of practice to decide best practices.
2) The Field Definition and Scope for field 370 states:
For a work or expression: the country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work or expression originated.
Because the field definition and scope of the field makes it clear that it may be used for both works and expressions, revisions are proposed in the existing text for the name and definition of subfield $g.
Current text:
$g - Place of origin of work (R)
The country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work originated. Dates associated with place of origin of work are recorded in subfields $s (Start period) and $t (End period).
Proposed revision:
Wherever “work” appears, add “or expression”:
$g - Place of origin of work or expression (R)
The country or other territorial jurisdiction from which a work or expression originated. Dates associated with place of origin of work or expression are recorded in subfields $s (Start period) and $t (End period).
Finally, it is common for catalogers to need record a non-jurisdictional place of origin. Some examples would include a work created on Long Island, New York, an anthology of Appalachian songs, or a compilation of East African poetry.
PCC policy already sanctions the recording of non-jurisdictional places in field 370. The Descriptive Cataloging Manual Z1 gives examples of a person born in a concentration camp or on a non-jurisdictional island:
370 ## $a Auschwitz (Concentration camp) $2 naf
370 ## $a Whidbey Island (Wash.) $2 lcsh
The current scope statement of the field, “A town, city, province, state, and/or country associated with persons, corporate bodies, families, works, and expressions,” is simply too restrictive. It would seem to disallow recording a county or other jurisdiction not in the list, as well as non-jurisdictional places. We propose that the field definition and scope and subfield definitions be revised to be more inclusive of all kinds of places (see section 5).
Some of the relationship designators and codes used in the examples have been drawn from the MARC Code for Relators, including some new ones, listed below, which are pending approval by NDMSO. Others might be found in another controlled list of terms or may be uncontrolled textual phrases. The examples deliberately show different possibilities for the same relationship. Communities of practice will determine best practices and recommended controlled vocabularies. The proposed new subfields are bolded.
Proposed new terms and codes for the MARC Code List for Relators used in the examples below, pending NDMSO approval:
Burial place [bup]
Education place [edp]
Employment place [emp]
Repository place [rpp]
Translation place [trp]
Origination place [orp] [covered by definition of 370 subfield $g]
Capture place [cap]
Discovery place [dvp]
Bibliographic Records:
i) Seal for a pal : a story of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska / by Paul Eric Layman ; illustrated by Aleut children of St. Paul Island
370 ## $i Illustrations created in: $g Saint Paul Island (Alaska) $2 naf $0 (DLC)n 80163018 $0
ii) Brokeback Mountain. An American film set in Wyoming, filmed largely in Alberta.
257 ## $a United States $2 naf
370 ## $i Filming location: $c Canada $f Alberta $2 naf
370 ## $4 stg $i Setting: $f Wyoming $2 nafiii) Totus tuus : choral music / Henryk Górecki. Performed by The National Youth Choir of Great Britain, Mike Brewer, conductor. Recorded August 26, 2010, in the Chapel of Merton College, Oxford, and April 15 and August 25, 2011, in the Chapel of Oundle School, Oundle, Northamptonshire.
370 ## $g Poland $2 naf
370 ## $i Capture place: $f Oxford (England) $f Oundle (England) $2 naf
Authority Records for Works and Expressions:
i) A manuscript collection originating in Palestine and discovered in caves in the West Bank
130 #0 $a Dead Sea scrolls
370 ## $g Palestine $2 naf $0
370 ## $i Discovery place: $f Qumran Site (West Bank) $2 lcsh $0 (DLC)sh 85110123 $0 An American film set in Wyoming, filmed largely in Alberta
130 #0 $a Brokeback Mountain (Motion picture)
370 ## $g United States $2 naf
370 ## $4 cap $c Canada $f Alberta $2 naf
370 ## $4 stg $f Wyoming $2 nafiii) A series of classic Russian plays; series originates in New York
130 #0 $a TCG's classic Russian drama series
410 2# $a Theatre Communications Group. $t TCG's classic Russian drama series
370 ## $i Series origination place: $g New York (N.Y.) $2 naf
370 ## $i Component works origination place: $g Russia $2 nafiv) An American work translated in Mexico
100 1# $a Anderson, Poul, $d 1926-2001. $t Time patrol. $l Spanish $s (Escalera)
500 1# $w r $i Translator: $a Escalera, Manuel de la, $d 1895-1994
370 ## $4 trp $c Mexico $2 nafv) A performance of a Finnish symphony by a New Zealand orchestra
100 1# $a Sibelius, Jean, $d 1865-1957. $t Symphonies, $n no. 5, op. 82, $r E♭ major. $h Performed music $s (New Zealand Symphony Orchestra)
370 ## $i Capture place: $f Wellington (N.Z.) $2 naf $0 $0 A manuscript held in a library in Florence, Italy
110 2# $a Biblioteca medicea laurenziana. $k Manuscript. $n Ashb. 1502
370 ## $4 rpp $i Repository place: $f Florence (Italy) $2 naf
510 2# $w r $i Current owner: $a Biblioteca medicea laurenzianavii) A famous gem held in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Museum of Natural History in Washington, D.C.
150 ## $a Hope diamond
370 ## $i Repository place: $f Washington (D.C.) $2 naf $0 (DLC)n 79018774 $0,_D.C.
Authority Records for Persons:
i) Burial place (Culver City, California) recorded for actor/singer Bing Crosby
100 1# $a Crosby, Bing, $d 1903-1977
370 ## $a Tacoma (Wash.) $b Alcobendas (Spain) $c United States $2 naf
370 ## $4 bup $f Culver City (Calif.) $2 naf $0 Authority record answer to the question “Who is buried in Grant’s Tomb?”
100 1# $a Grant, Julia Dent, $d 1826-1902
370 ## $a Saint Louis (Mo.) $b Washington (D.C.) $c United States $2 naf
370 ## $i Burial place: $f Riverside Park (New York, N.Y.) $2 lcsh
370 ## $i Burial place: $f Morningside Heights (New York, N.Y.) $2 naf100 1# $a Grant, Ulysses S. $q (Ulysses Simpson), $d 1822-1885
370 ## $a Point Pleasant (Ohio) $b McGregor, Mount (N.Y.)
370 ## $c United States $2 naf
370 ## $i Burial place: $f Riverside Park (New York, N.Y.) $2 lcsh
370 ## $i Burial place: $f Morningside Heights (New York, N.Y.) $2 nafGrant’s Tomb is located in Riverside Park in the Morningside Heights neighborhood in Upper Manhattan and is the burial place of Ulysses S. Grant and his wife Julia Dent Grant.
iii) Brian Feigenbaum teaches high school dance and history in Groton, Massachusetts and lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts
100 1# $a Feigenbaum, Brian
370 ## $a Brooklyn (New York, N.Y.) $c United States $e Cambridge (Mass.) $2 naf
370 ## $i Employment place: $f Groton (Mass.) $2 nafiv) The poet Lucile Adler was born in Kansas City, Missouri, educated at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont, and died in Santa Fe, New Mexico
100 1# $a Adler, Lucile
370 ## $a Kansas City (Mo.) $2 naf $0
370 ## $b Santa Fe (N.M.) $2 naf $0
370 ## $c United States $2 naf $0
370 ## $4 edp $f Bennington (Vt.) $2 naf $0
Bibliographic Records:
i) A recording made in Nigeria of folk music of that country; liner notes written in England
370 ## $g Nigeria $2 naf
370 ## $3 Liner notes: $g England $2 nafii) A graphic novel collaboratively created by two brothers, one a writer who lives in Portland, Oregon and the other an artist from Seattle, Washington
370 ## $3 Text: $g Portland (Or.) $2 naf $0
370 ## $3 Artwork: $g Seattle (Wash.) $2 naf $0 Four plays from North Africa / edited with an introduction by Marvin Carlson. New York : Martin E. Segal Theatre Center Publications, [2008]. Contents: The veil / Abdelkader Alloula (Algeria) -- Araberlin / Jalila Baccar (Tunisia) -- House of wives / Fatima Gallaire (Algeria) -- The folies berbers / Tayeb Saddiki (Morocco).
370 ## $g Africa, North $2 lcsh
370 ## $3 The veil $g Algeria $2 naf
370 ## $3 Araberlin $g Tunisia $2 naf
370 ## $3 House of wives $g Algeria $2 naf
370 ## $3 The folies berbers $g Morocco $2 nafiv) A recording of three Czech concertos, captured live in different locations
370 ## $g Czech Republic $2 naf
370 ## $3 Violin concerto: $4 cap $f New York (N.Y.) $2 naf
370 ## $3 Piano concerto: $4 cap $f Toronto (Ont.) $2 naf
370 ## $3 Oboe concerto: $4 cap $f Pittsburgh (Pa.) $2 naf
Authority Records:
i) A series of graphic novels collaboratively created by two brothers, one a writer who lives in Portland, Oregon and the other an artist from Seattle, Washington
100 1# $a Bolton, Chris A. $t Smash
400 1# $a Bolton, Kyle. $t Smash
370 ## $3 Text: $g Portland (Or.) $2 naf $0
370 ## $3 Artwork: $g Seattle (Wash.) $2 naf $0
380 ## $a Graphic novels $2 lcgft $0 An opera composed by an American, with a libretto written by a Briton
100 1# Glass, Philip. $t Waiting for the barbarians
500 1# $i Composer: $a Glass, Philip $w r $0
500 1# $i Librettist: $a Hampton, Christopher, $d 1946- $w r $0
370 ## $3 Music: $g United States $2 naf $0
370 ## $3 Libretto: $g Great Britain $2 naf $0
There are multiple situations in the proposal for places to be associated with Works, Agents, or Instances. Each would need to be analyzed but the data in MARC will assist in the transformation of that data to BIBFRAME.
In field 370 (Associated Place) of the Bibliographic and Authority formats:
5.1. Define new subfields $i, $3, and $4:
$i - Relationship information (R)
Designation of a relationship between the associated place recorded in the field and the resource or entity being described. This may be an uncontrolled textual phrase or a controlled textual value from a list of relationships.$3 - Materials specified (NR)
Part of the described materials to which the field applies.$4 - Relationship code (R)
Designation in coded form of a relationship between the associated place recorded in the field and the resource or entity being described.
[Note: Proposed revisions are shown below by strikethroughs for deletions and bold for additions.]
5.2. Rename and revise the definition of subfield $g:
$g - Place of origin of work or expression (R)
The country,orother territorial jurisdiction, and/or other place with geographic extent from which a work or expression originated. Dates associated with place of origin of work or expression are recorded in subfields $s (Start period) and $t (End period).
5.3. Revise these sentences in the Field Definition and Scope to:
A town, city, province, state,
and/orcountry, and/or other place with geographic extent associated with persons, corporate bodies, families, works, and expressions.For a person: the town, city, province, state,
and/orcountry, and/or other place with geographic extent associated with a person's place of birth, death, residence, and/or identity.For a work or expression: the country,
orother territorial jurisdiction, and/or other place with geographic extent from which a work or expression originated.
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