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DATE: December 13, 2016
NAME: Defining New Subfields $i and $4 in Field 386 of the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats
SOURCE: ALCTS Subject Analysis Committee Subcommittee on Genre/Form Implementation
SUMMARY: This paper proposes adding subfields $i (Relationship information) and $4 (Relationship code) to field 386 (Creator/Contributor Characteristics) in the MARC 21 Bibliographic and Authority Formats. The subfields will be used to provide a note or relationship designator term or code that may be used to clarify the relationship of the creator/contributor terms recorded in the field to the resource being described.
KEYWORDS: Field 386 (BD, AD); Creator/Contributor Characteristics (BD, AD); Creator Categorizations (BD, AD); Contributor Categorizations (BD, AD); Group Categories of Persons (BD, AD); Subfield $i, in field 386 (BD, AD); Relationship information (BD, AD); Subfield $4, in field 386; Relationship code (BD, AD); Relationship Designators (BD, AD)
12/13/16 – Made available to the MARC community for discussion.
01/21/17 – Results of MARC Advisory Committee discussion: Approved, with the understanding that the exact wording of subfield $i and $4 definitions may be amended as part of the editorial process to make them consistent with other definitions of these subfields in the formats.
03/21/17 - Results of MARC Steering Group review - Agreed with the MAC decision.
MARC Proposal 2013-06 established field 386 (Creator/Contributor Characteristics) in the Authority and Bibliographic Formats. The field has the following subfields:
$a - Creator/contributor term (R)
$b - Creator/contributor code (R)
$m - Demographic group term (NR)
$n - Demographic group code (NR)
$0 - Authority record control number or standard number (R)
$2 - Source (NR)
$3 - Materials specified (NR)
$6 - Linkage (NR)
$8 - Field link and sequence number (R)
As catalogers have begun using this field, it has been found that there are situations where it would be useful to be able to designate a relationship between the demographic characteristics recorded in the field which corresponds to the role of the creators or contributors with those characteristics in relation to the work or expression being described. For a resource with multiple creators and/or contributors, not every person is necessarily responsible for all aspects of a resource. A work may have creators who have different demographic characteristics and whose roles may be different. Examples include: a work created jointly by a child interviewer and an adult interviewee; a graphic novel written by an American woman and drawn by a Japanese man. The contributors to an expression of a work also may not have the same characteristics as the creators. Examples include: a musical work created by a French composer performed by an American children’s choir; a translation by a Briton of a novel written by a Russian.
Currently there is no way to express these differences of characteristics related to the roles of the persons involved.
Subfields $i (Relationship information) and $4 (Relationship code) are defined in other fields in the MARC formats and if added to field 386 could be used to record an uncontrolled textual phrase or a relationship designator from a controlled vocabulary and/or a code to allow catalogers to specify the relationship between a demographic characteristic and the role of the creator or contributor in the creation of a work or expression.
At ALA Annual 2016, during the discussion of 2016-DP30, MAC noted an inconsistency between the name for proposed $4 and the description of the subfield. MAC questioned whether a MARC relator code was desired or if the intention was to use codes maintained by some other body. The latter is what was intended, and the proposed definition below has been corrected. MAC did agree that there is a case for defining subfields $i and $4 in field 386.
2.1. Proposed Changes
Define new subfields $i and $4 in field 386 in both Bibliographic and Authority format:
$i - Relationship information (R)
Designation of a relationship between the demographic characteristics recorded in the field and the role of the creators or contributors with those characteristics in relation to the work or expression being described. This may be an uncontrolled textual phrase or a controlled textual value from a list of relationships.$4 - Relationship code (R)
Designation in coded form of a relationship between the demographic characteristics recorded in the field and the role of the creators or contributors with those characteristics in relation to the work or expression being described.
There are two ways the proposed new coding could be employed, both of which are illustrated in the examples. The coding could be used to supply demographic characterizations of group creator/contributors, such as specifying the age group of an unnamed performing choir. It could also be used to supply demographic characterizations of individuals or of named bodies when the role specifications for an entity's access point and for the 386 field can be matched unambiguously. Deciding how to employ the coding if approved will be up to communities of practice.
Some of the relationship designators used in the examples have been drawn from RDA. Others might be found in another controlled list of terms or may be uncontrolled textual phrases. The examples deliberately show different possibilities for the same role or function. Communities of practice will determine best practices and recommended controlled vocabularies. The proposed new subfields are bolded.
i) Hagadah shel Pesaḥ = The Passover Haggadah. All illustrations by autistic children.
386 ## $i Illustrator: $a Autistics $a Children $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
ii) Seal for a pal : a story of the Pribilof Islands, Alaska / by Paul Eric Layman ; illustrated by Aleut children of St. Paul Island
386 ## $i Author: $a Men $a Montanans $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Illustrators: $a Children $a Aleuts $a Saint Paul Island, Alaska, residents $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]iii) Legends of New Caledonia : a collection of legends from the Isle of Pines / translated by Hilary Roots and illustrated by the children of the island
386 ## $4 [code for translator role] $a New Zealanders $a Women $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $4 [code for illustrator role] $a Children $a New Caledonians $a Kunies $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]iv) Christmas with the children of France. Traditional carols sung by a French children's choir
386 ## $i Performer: $a Children $a French $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
v) Smash : trial by fire / written by Chris A. Bolton ; art by Kyle Bolton. A graphic novel for children written by a Seattleite and illustrated by a Portlander
386 ## $4 [code for author role] $a Seattleites $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $4 [code for artist role] $a Portlanders $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]vi) Cello concertos / Dvořák, Herbert. Performers: Gautier Capuçon, cello ; Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra ; Paavo Järvi, conductor. Contents: Cello concerto in B minor, op. 104 / Antonín Dvořák -- Cello concerto no. 2 in E minor, op. 30 / Victor Herbert
386 ## $3 Cello concerto in B minor $i Composer: $a Czechs $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $3 Cello concerto no. 2 in E minor $i Composer: $a Americans $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Instrumentalist: $a French $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Performer: $a Germans $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Conductor: $a Estonian Americans $a Americans $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
i) A collection of traditional carols sung by a French children’s choir
130 #0 $a Christmas with the children of France
386 ## $i Performer: $a Children $a French $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]ii) A graphic novel for children written by a Seattleite and illustrated by a Portlander
100 1# $a Bolton, Chris A. $t Smash
400 1# $a Bolton, Kyle. $t Smash
385 ## $n age $a Children $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Author: $a Seattleites $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Artist: $a Portlanders $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]iii) An interview of a German filmmaker by a British film historian
100 1# $a Herzog, Werner, $d 1942- $t Herzog on Herzog
400 1# $a Cronin, Paul. $t Herzog on Herzog
386 ## $i Interviewee: $a Germans $a Men $a Motion picture directors $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $i Interviewer: $a Britons $a Men $a Film historians $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]iv) A translation by a Mexican of a work by an American
100 1# $a Anderson, Poul, $d 1926-2001. $t Time patrol. $l Spanish $s (Escalera)
500 1# $w r $i Translator: $a Escalera, Manuel de la, $d 1895-1994
386 ## $4 [code for translator role] $a Mexicans $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]v) A work by an ancient Roman edited by a French scholar
100 1# $a Cicero, Marcus Tullius. $t De officiis. $l Latin $s (Testard)
500 1# $w r $i Editor: $a Testard, Maurice, $d 1921-2006
386 ## $i Editor: $a French $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]vi) A series of cello scores by different composers edited by an English woman
130 #0 $a Schott cello series
500 1# $w r $i Editor: $a Dinn, Freda
386 ## $4 [code for editor role] $n nat $a English $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
386 ## $4 [code for editor role] $n gdr $a Women $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]vii) An arrangement by a Catalan cellist of a work by a French composer
100 1# $a Fauré, Gabriel, $d 1845-1924. $t Après un rêve; $o arranged $s (Casals)
500 1# $w r $i Arranger of music: $a Casals, Pablo, $d 1876-1973
386 ## $i Arranger of music: $a Catalans $a Men $a Cellists $2 [source code for controlled vocabulary]
There are several situations in the proposal for specification of associations between Works and Agents. Each would need to be analyzed but the data in MARC will assist in the transformation of that data to BIBFRAME.
In field 386 (Creator/Contributor Characteristics) of the Bibliographic and Authority Formats, define new subfields $i and $4:
$i - Relationship information (R)
Designation of a relationship between the demographic characteristics recorded in the field and the role of the creators or contributors with those characteristics in relation to the work or expression being described. This may be an uncontrolled textual phrase or a controlled textual value from a list of relationships.$4 - Relationship code (R)
Designation in coded form of a relationship between the demographic characteristics recorded in the field and the role of the creators or contributors with those characteristics in relation to the work or expression being described.
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