[East Corridor, Great Hall. Printing Press mural in Evolution of the Book series, John W. Alexander. Library of Congress Thomas Jefferson Building, Washington, D.C.], photograph by Carol Highsmith
Celebrating Books Catalog of Publications

General Publishing Program

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Learn more about the General Publishing Program

Services for Publishers

  • Cataloging in Publication (CIP)
    Serving the nation's libraries by cataloging books in advance of publication.
  • Copyright Mandatory Deposit
    Building the collections of the Library of Congress through mandatory deposit of copyrighted works published or distributed in the United States.
  • Copyright Registration
    A form of protection provided by the laws of the United States (title 17, U. S. Code) to the authors of “original works of authorship,” including literary, dramatic, musical, artistic, and certain other intellectual works.
  • International Standard Music Number (ISMN)
    A standard identifier for notated music (e.g., scores, parts, sheet music, song books, teaching methods, tablature) whether published in print, online or other media.
  • International Standard Serial Number (ISSN)
    A standard identifier for serials (e.g., journals, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, annuals) whether published in print, online or other media.
  • Preassigned Control Number (PCN) — LCCN Information
    A unique identification number that the Library of Congress assigns to the catalog record created for each book in its cataloged collections.
  • Recommended Formats Statement

    Best practices for ensuring the preservation of, and long-term access to, the creative output of the national and the world in both analog and digital formats.

ISBN Information

The Library of Congress does not administer or distribute International Standard Book Numbers.

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