Format Source Codes
Format Source Codes
Format Source Code Usage in
Format Sources contains a list of metadata formats for encoding bibliographic data and assigns a code to each. The purpose of this list is to enable the identification of formats so their structure and tagging can be discerned. For code assignment, general structure, usage, and maintenance guidelines see Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes.
Arrangement of the List
Entries in the list are arranged in alphabetical order by the code and consist of the source code followed by the bibliographic citation for the source documentation. The citations are linked to the online source for some codes.
Code Structure
Each code consists of a maximum of 12 characters, including lowercase alphabetic characters, numeric characters 0 through 9, and the hyphen (-). Possible additions to codes are described in Source Codes.
Format Source Codes
- annamarc
- ANNAMARC: specifiche relative ai nastri magnetici contententi i record della Biblioteca Nazionale Italiana nel formato ANNAMARC ([Roma]: Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle Biblioteche Italiane e per le Informazioni Bibliografiche)
- ausmarc
- AUSMARC bibliographic format (Canberra: National Library of Australia
- bibsysm
- calco
- Formato CALCO: monografias e publicaçöes seriadas (Brasília: Ministério da Educaçäo e Cultura)
- canmarc
- Canadian MARC communication format: bibliographic data (Ottawa: Canadian MARC Office)
- canmarca
- Canadian MARC communication format: authorities (Ottawa: Canadian MARC Office)
- catmarc
- Manual del CATMARC (Barcelona: Institut Català de Bibliografia
- ccf
- CCF: the common communication format (Paris: Unesco)
- ccmarc
- Zhong guo ji du mu lu ke shi shi yong shou ze = China MARC format manual (Bei jing: Hua yi chu ban she)
- chmarc
- Chinese MARC format (Taipei: National Central Library)
- danmarc
- DanMARC: edb-format til lagring og udveksling af bibliografiske data i maskinlæsbar form (Ballerup: Bibliotekscentralens Forlag)
- dc
- Dublin core (Dublin, OH: OCLC Research)
- finmarc
FINMARC-yhtenäisformaatin sovellusohje
Helsingin yliopiston kirjasto, Tieteellisten
kirjastojen atk-uksikkö)
- hunmarc
HUNMARC: a bibliográfiai rekordok adatcsere
(Budapest: Országos Széchényi
- ibermarc
Formato IBERMARC para registros bibliográficos
(Madrid: Ministerio de Cultura, Biblioteca
- indimarc
- Indian MARC (Calcutta: Bureau of Indian Standards)
- indomarc
- Format MARC Indonesia (INDOMARC) untuk buku (Jakarta: Perpustakaan Nasional R.I.)
- intermrc
- INTERMARC (M): format bibliographique d'échange pour les monographies: manuel (Paris: Groupe INTERMARC)
- jpnmarc
- Japan/MARC manyuaru = Japan/MARC manual (Tokyo: Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan)
- kormarc
- Han`guk munhon chadonghwa mongnokpop (Hancamok) = Korean machine readable cataloging (KOR MARC) (Seoul: Kungnip Chungang Tosogwan)
- librism
- LibrisMARC (Stockholm: Kunglige biblioteket)
- local
- Locally defined format
See the explanation in the Introduction. - mab
- Maschinelles Austauchformat für Bibliotheken (Frankfurt a.M.: Deutsche Bibliothek, Zentrale Bibliographische Dienstleistungen)
- mads
- Metadata Authority Description Schema (Washington DC: Library of Congress)
- malmarc
- MALMARC (Penang: Universiti Sains Malaysia)
- marc
- MARC 21
format for bibliographic data (Washington, DC:
Library of Congress)
Used when needing to indicate a specific edition or translation - marca
- MARC 21 format for authority data (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- marcal
- Manual abreviado para codificación en formato MARCAL (libros) (México: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología)
- marcc
- MARC 21 format for classification data (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- march
- MARC 21 format for holdings data (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- marci
- MARC 21 format for community information (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- marcsui
- Manuel USMARC: version suisse ([Berne]: Bibliothèque suisse)
- marcxml
- MARC 21 XML schema (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- mekof
- Kommunikativnyi format dlíà obmena bibliograficheskimi dannymi na magnetnoi lente (Moskva: Izdatel'stvo Standartov)
- mods
- Metadata object description schema (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- normarc
- NORMARC: veiledning i MARC-katalogisering og kort oversikt over arbeidsrutiner (Oslo: Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo)
- onix
- ONIX (Online
Information Exchange)
- pica
- PICA+ format (s'Gravenhage: Pica-Bureau)
- pulmarc
- Zhong wen ji du bian mu ke shi = PUL MARC format (Bei jing: Bei jing da xue tu shu guan zi dong hua yan jiu shi)
- rusmarc
- Predmashinnyi format bibliograficheskoi zapisi (Moskva: Rossiskaíà Gosudarstvennaíà publichnaíà nauchno-tekhnicheskaíà biblioteka)
- samarc
- SAMARC: South African national format for the exchange of machine-readable bibliographic descriptions (Pretoria: National Library Advisory Council)
- sbn
- SBN (National Library Service, Italian Libraries Network)
- swemarc
- SweMARC - bibliografiska formatet (Stockholm: Kunglige biblioteket)
- swemarca
- SweMARC - auktoritetsformatet (Stockholm: Kunglige biblioteket)
- swemarck
- SweMARC - klassifikationsformatet (Stockholm: Kunglige biblioteket)
- swemarcs
- SweMARC - beståndsformatet (Stockholm: Kunglige biblioteket)
- trcmarc
- TRC MARC jinmei tenkyoroko (Tôkyô: Toshokan Ryûtsû Sentâ)
- ukmarc
- UK MARC manual
(London: British Library,
Bibliographic Services Division
- unimarc
- UNIMARC manual (London: IFLA UBCIM Programme)
- unimarca
- UNIMARC/authorities: universal format for authorities (Munich: Saur)
- unimci
- Prirucnik za UNIMARC (Zagreb: Nacionalna i sveucilisna biblioteka)
- unimru
- Rukovodstvo po UNIMARC = UNIMARC Manual (Moskva: Gosudarstvennaíà publichnaíà nauchno-tekhnicheskaíà biblioteka Rossiíà)
- unimrua
- UNIMARC authorities: mezhdunarodnyi kommunikativnyi format UNIMARC dlíà Gosudarstvennaíà publichnaíà nauchno-tekhnicheskaíà biblioteka Rossiíà)
Format Source Code Usage in MARC
MARC 21 Formats and Fields
- Bibliographic records
- 886 $2 (Foreign MARC Information Field / Source of data)
- 887 $2 (Non-MARC Information Field / Source of data)