Name and Title Authority Source Codes
Name and Title Authority Source
Name and Title Authority Source Code
Usage in MARC and MODS/MADS
Name and Title Sources identifies databases and lists containing standard names of persons, organizations, families, and meetings and standard titles for resources and assigns a code to each database or list. The purpose of this list is to enable the source of an authorized form of a name or resource title in a metadata records to be indicated by a code. For code assignment, general structure, usage, and maintenance guidelines see Source Codes for Vocabularies, Rules, and Schemes.
Some subject heading lists also incorporate names and titles. Thus the lists assigned source codes in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes may also be used in the usage elements identified for names and titles if appropriate. Many of the subject sources that contain names and titles, along with subjects, are repeated on this list with the same source code.
Others subject heading lists, such as the Library of Congress Subject Headings employ independent name and title lists for parts of a subject heading. Thus the sources assigned source codes in this list may also be used in the usage elements identified for subjects in Subject Heading and Term Source Codes, if appropriate.
Arrangement of the List
Entries in the list are arranged in alphabetical order by the code and consist of the source code followed by the bibliographic citation for the source documentation. The citations are linked to the online source for some codes.
Code Structure
Each code consists of a maximum of 12 lowercase alphabetic characters. Possible additions to codes are described in Source Codes.
Name and Title Authority Source Codes
- abne
- Autoridades de la Biblioteca Nacional de España (Madrid: Biblioteca Nacional de España)
- banqa
- Fichier d'autorité local de Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec)
- bibalex
- Bibliotheca Alexandrina name and subject authority file (Alexandria, Egypt: Bibliotheca Alexandrina)
- cantic
- CANTIC (Catàleg d'autoritats de
noms i títols de Catalunya)
(Biblioteca de Catalunya)
- cerlt
- CERL thesaurus
- conorsi
- CONOR.SI [name authority file] (Maribor, Slovenia: Institut informacijskih znanosti (IZUM))
- gkd
- Gemeinsame Körperschaftsdatei (Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek)
- gnd
Gemeinsame Normdatei
(Leipzig, Frankfurt: Deutsche Nationalbibliothek)
- hapi
- HAPI thesaurus and name authority, 1970-2000 (Los Angeles, CA: UCLC Latin America Center Pubs.)
- hkcan
- Hong Kong Chinese Authority File (Name) - HKCAN (Hong Kong: JULAC)
- lacnaf
- Library and Archives Canada name authority file (Ottawa: ON: Library and Archives Canada) [equivalent to second indicator value 5 in name and title headings]
- naf
- NACO authority file (Washington, DC: Library of Congress)
- nalnaf
- National Agricultural Library name authority file (Beltsville, Maryland; National Agricultural Library) [equivalent to second indicator value 3 in name and title headings]
- nliaf
- National Library of Israel Authority File (Jerusalem: National Library of Israel)
- nlmnaf
- National Library of Medicine name authority file (Bethesda, Maryland: National Library of Medicine) [equivalent to second indicator value 2 in name and title headings]
- nznb
- New Zealand national bibliography (Wellington: National Library of New Zealand)
- sanb
- South African national bibliography authority file
- viaf
- Virtual International Authority File
- ulan
- Union list of artist names (Los Angeles: Getty Research Institute)
- unbisn
- UNBIS name authority list (New York, NY: Dag Hammarskjöld Library, United Nations; [London]: Chadwyck-Healey)
Name and Title Authority Source Code Usage in MARC and MODS/MADS
MARC 21 Formats and Fields
- Bibliographic records
- 600-651, 654, 662 $2 (Subject Added Entries / Source of heading or term)
- 751 $2 (Added Entry - Geographic Name / Source of heading or term)
- 752 $2 (Added Entry - Hierarchical Place Name / Source of heading or term)
- Authority records
- 700-788 $2 (Heading Linking Entries / Source of heading or term)
MODS/MADS Elements
- mods: titleInfo @authority
- mods: name @authority
- mods: subject / titleInfo @authority
- mods: subject / name @authority
- mads: authority / name @authority
- mads: authority / titleInfo @authority
- mads: related / name @authority
- mads: related / titleInfo @authority
- mads: variant / name @authority
- mads: variant / titleInfo @authority
- mads: affiliation / organization / name @authority
- mads: affiliation / organization / titleInfo @authority