SRU (Search/Retrieval Using URL)

Diagnostics List

The diagnostics below are defined for use with the SRU namespace: info:srw/diagnostic/1. The number in the first column identifies the specific diagnostic within that namespace (e.g., diagnostic 2 below is identified by the uri: info:srw/diagnostic/1/2). The details format is what should be returned in the details field. If this column is blank, the format is 'undefined' and the server may return whatever it feels appropriate, including nothing. Some of the diagnostics from earlier versions of the standards have been deprecated, however they are still listed here, suitably marked, for reference. For additional explanation of these diagnostics, see Notes.

Diagnostic Categories: General | CQL | Result Sets | Records | Sorting | Explain | Stylesheets | Scan

General Diagnostics
Number Description Details Format
1 General system error note Debugging information (traceback)
2 System temporarily unavailable note
3 Authentication error note
4 Unsupported operation note
5 Unsupported version note Highest version supported
6 Unsupported parameter value note Name of parameter
7 Mandatory parameter not supplied note Name of missing parameter
8 Unsupported Parameter note Name of the unsupported parameter
235 Database does not exist note  
Diagnostics Relating to CQL
Number Description Details Format
10 Query syntax error note
11 DEPRECATED. Unsupported query type
12 Too many characters in query note Maximum supported
13 Invalid or unsupported use of parentheses note Character offset to error
14 Invalid or unsupported use of quotes note Character offset to error
15 Unsupported context set note URI or short name of context set
16 Unsupported index note Name of index
17 DEPRECATED. Unsupported combination of index and index set
18 Unsupported combination of indexes note Space delimited index names
19 Unsupported relation note Relation
20 Unsupported relation modifier note Value
21 Unsupported combination of relation modifers note Slash separated relation modifiers
22 Unsupported combination of relation and index note Space separated index and relation
23 Too many characters in term note Length of longest term
24 Unsupported combination of relation and term note Space separated relation and term
25 DEPRECATED. Special characters not quoted in term
26 Non special character escaped in term note Character incorrectly escaped
27 Empty term unsupported note
28 Masking character not supported note
29 Masked words too short note Minimum word length
30 Too many masking characters in term note Maximum number supported
31 Anchoring character not supported note
32 Anchoring character in unsupported position note Character offset
33 Combination of proximity/adjacency and masking characters not supported note
34 Combination of proximity/adjacency and anchoring characters not supported note
35 Term contains only stopwords note Value
36 Term in invalid format for index or relation note
37 Unsupported boolean operator note Value
38 Too many boolean operators in query note Maximum number supported
39 Proximity not supported note
40 Unsupported proximity relation note Value
41 Unsupported proximity distance note Value
42 Unsupported proximity unit note Value
43 Unsupported proximity ordering note Value
44 Unsupported combination of proximity modifiers note Slash separated values
45 DEPRECATED. Prefix assigned to multiple identifiers
46 Unsupported boolean modifier note Value
47 Cannot process query; reason unknown note  
48 Query feature unsupported note Feature
49 Masking character in unsupported position note the rejected term
Diagnostics Relating to Result Sets
Number Description Details Format
50 Result sets not supported note
51 Result set does not exist note Result set identifier
52 Result set temporarily unavailable note Result set identifier
53 Result sets only supported for retrieval note
54 DEPRECATED. Retrieval may only occur from an existing result set
55 Combination of result sets with search terms not supported note
56 DEPRECATED. Only combination of single result set with search terms supported
57 DEPRECATED. Result set created but no records available
58 Result set created with unpredictable partial results available note
59 Result set created with valid partial results available note
60 Result set not created: too many matching records note Maximum number
Diagnostics Relating to Records
Number Description Details Format
61 First record position out of range note
62 DEPRECATED. Negative number of records requested
63 DEPRECATED. System error in retrieving records
64 Record temporarily unavailable note
65 Record does not exist note
66 Unknown schema for retrieval note Schema URI or short name
67 Record not available in this schema note Schema URI or short name
68 Not authorised to send record note
69 Not authorised to send record in this schema note
70 Record too large to send note Maximum record size
71 Unsupported record packing note
72 XPath retrieval unsupported note
73 XPath expression contains unsupported feature note Feature
74 Unable to evaluate XPath expression note
Diagnostics Relating to Sorting
Number Description Details Format
80 Sort not supported note
81 DEPRECATED. Unsupported sort type
82 Unsupported sort sequence note Sequence
83 Too many records to sort note Maximum number supported
84 Too many sort keys to sort note Maximum number supported
85 DEPRECATED. Duplicate sort keys
86 Cannot sort: incompatible record formats note
87 Unsupported schema for sort note URI or short name of schema given
88 Unsupported path for sort note XPath
89 Path unsupported for schema note XPath
90 Unsupported direction note Value
91 Unsupported case note Value
92 Unsupported missing value action note Value
93 Sort ended due to missing value
94 Sort spec included both in query and protocol: query prevails    
95 Sort spec included both in query and protocol: protocol prevails    
96 Sort spec included both in query and protocol: error    
Diagnostics Relating to Explain
Number Description Details Format
100 DEPRECATED. Explain not supported (Use 4)
101 DEPRECATED. Explain request type not supported
102 DEPRECATED. Explain record temporarily unavailable (Use 64)
Diagnostics relating to Stylesheets
Number Description Details Format
110 Stylesheets not supported note
111 Unsupported stylesheet note URL of stylesheet
Diagnostics relating to Scan
Number Description Details Format
120 Response position out of range note
121 Too many terms requested
note maximum number of terms

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No. added Cat. Description Notes/Examples
1   general General system error The server returns this error when it is unable to supply a more specific diagnostic. The sever may also optionally supply debugging information.
2   general System temporarily unavailable The server cannot respond right now, perhaps because it's in a maintenance cycle, but will be able to in the future.
3   general Authentication error The request could not be processed due to lack of authentication.
4   general Unsupported operation
Currently three operations are defined -- searchRetrieve, explain, and scan. searchRetrieve and explain are mandatory, so this diagnostic would apply only to scan, or in SRU where an undefined operation is sent.
5   general Unsupported version Currently only version 1.1 is defined and so this diagnostic has no meaning. In the future, when another version is defined, for example version 1.2, this diagnostic may be returned when the server receives a request where the version parameter indicates 1.2, and the server doesn't support version 1.2.
6   general Unsupported parameter value This diagnostic might be returned for a searchRetrieve request which includes the recordPacking parameter with a value of 'xml', when the server does not support that value. The diagnostic might supply the name of parameter, in this case 'recordPacking'.
7   general Mandatory parameter not supplied This diagnostic might be returned for a searchRetrieve request which omits the query parameter. The diagnostic might supply the name of missing parameter, in this case 'query'.
8   general Unsupported Parameter This diagnostic might be returned for a searchRetrieve request which includes the recordXPath parameter when the server does not support that parameter. The diagnostic might supply the name of unsupported parameter, in this case 'recordXPath'.
10   query Query syntax error The query was invalid, but no information is given for exactly what was wrong with it. Eg. dc.title foo fish (The reason is that foo isn't a valid relation in the default context set, but the server isn't telling you this for some reason)
12   query Too many characters in query The length (number of characters) of the query exceeds the maximum length supported by the server.
13   query Invalid or unsupported use of parentheses The query couldn't be processed due to the use of parentheses. Typically either that they are mismatched, or in the wrong place. Eg. (((fish) or (sword and (b or ) c)
14   query Invalid or unsupported use of quotes The query couldn't be processed due to the use of quotes. Typically that they are mismatched Eg. "fish'
15   query Unsupported context set A context set given in the query isn't known to the server. Eg. foo.title any fish
16   query Unsupported index The index isn't known, possibly within a context set. Eg. any sanderson (dc has a creator index, not author)
18   query Unsupported combination of indexes The particular use of indexes in a boolean query can't be processed. Eg. The server may not be able to do title queries merged with description queries.
19   query Unsupported relation A relation in the query is unknown or unsupported. Eg. The server can't handle 'within' searches for dates, but can handle equality searches.
20   query Unsupported relation modifier A relation modifier in the query is unknown or unsupported by the server. Eg. 'dc.title any/fuzzy starfish' when fuzzy isn't supported.
21   query Unsupported combination of relation modifers Two (or more) relation modifiers can't be used together. Eg. dc.title any/cql.word/cql.string "star fish"
22   query Unsupported combination of relation and index While the index and relation are supported, they can't be used together. Eg. within "1 5"
23   query Too many characters in term The term is too long. Eg. The server may simply refuse to process a term longer than a given length.
24   query Unsupported combination of relation and term The relation cannot be used to process the term. Eg dc.title within "sanderson"
26   query Non special character escaped in term Characters may be escaped incorrectly Eg "\a\r\n\s"
27   query Empty term unsupported Some servers do not support the use of an empty term for search or for scan. Eg: dc.title > ""
28   query Masking character not supported A masking character given in the query is not supported. Eg. The server may not support * or ? or both
29   query Masked words too short The masked words are too short, so the server won't process them as they would likely match too many terms. Eg. dc.title any *
30   query Too many masking characters in term The query has too many masking characters, so the server won't process them. Eg. dc.title any "???a*f??b* *a?"
31   query Anchoring character not supported The server doesn't support the anchoring character (^) Eg dc.title = "^jaws"
32   query Anchoring character in unsupported position The anchoring character appears in an invalid part of the term, typically the middle of a word. Eg dc.title any "fi^sh"
33   query Combination of proximity/adjacency and masking characters not supported The server cannot handle both adjacency (= relation for words) or proximity (the boolean) in combination with masking characters. Eg. dc.title = "this is a titl* fo? a b*k"
34   query Combination of proximity/adjacency and anchoring characters not supported Similarly, the server cannot handle anchoring characters.
35   query Term contains only stopwords If the server does not index words such as 'the' or 'a', and the term consists only of these words, then while there may be records that match, the server cannot find any. Eg. dc.title any "the"
36   query Term in invalid format for index or relation This might happen when the index is of dates or numbers, but the term given is a word. Eg > "fish"
37   query Unsupported boolean operator For cases when the server does not support all of the boolean operators defined by CQL. The most commonly unsupported is Proximity, but could be used for NOT, OR or AND.
38   query Too many boolean operators in query There were too many search clauses given for the server to process.
39   query Proximity not supported Proximity is not supported at all.
40   query Unsupported proximity relation The relation given for the proximity is unsupported. Eg the server can only process = and > was given.
41   query Unsupported proximity distance The distance was too big or too small for the server to handle, or didn't make sense. Eg 0 characters or less than 100000 words
42   query Unsupported proximity unit The unit of proximity is unsupported, possibly because it is not defined.
43   query Unsupported proximity ordering The server cannot process the requested order or lack thereof for the proximity boolean
44   query Unsupported combination of proximity modifiers While all of the modifiers are supported individually, this particular combination is not.
46   query Unsupported boolean modifier A boolean modifier on the request isn't supported.
47 June 2004 query Cannot process query; reason unknown The server can't tell (or isn't telling) you why it can't execute the query, maybe it's a bad query or maybe it requests an unsupported capability.
48 June 2004 query Query feature unsupported the server is able (contrast with 47) to tell you that something you asked for is not supported.
49 July 2004 query Masking character in unsupported position eg, a server that can handle xyz* but not *xyz or x*yz
50   result set Result sets not supported The server cannot create a persistent result set.
51   result set Result set does not exist The client asked for a result set in the query which does not exist, either because it never did or because it had expired.
52   result set Result set temporarily unavailable The result set exists, it cannot be accessed, but will be able to be accessed again in the future.
53   result set Result sets only supported for retrieval Other operations on results apart from retrieval, such as sorting them or combining them, are not supported.
55   result set Combination of result sets with search terms not supported Existing result sets cannot be combined with new terms to create new result sets. eg cql.resultsetid = foo not dc.title any fish
58   result set Result set created with unpredictable partial results available The result set is not complete, possibly due to the processing being interupted mid way through. Some of the results may not even be matches.
59   result set Result set created with valid partial results available All of the records in the result set are matches, but not all records that should be there are.
60   result set Result set not created: too many matching records There were too many records to create a persistent result set.
61   records First record position out of range For example, if the request matches 10 records, but the start position is greater than 10.
64   records Record temporarily unavailable The record requested cannot be accessed currently, but will be able to be in the future.
65   records Record does not exist The record does not exist, either because it never did, or because it has subsequently been deleted.
66   records Unknown schema for retrieval The record schema requested is unknown. Eg. the client asked for MODS when the server can only return simple Dublin Core
67   records Record not available in this schema The record schema is known, but this particular record cannot be transformed into it.
68   records Not authorised to send record This particular record requires additional authorisation in order to receive it.
69   records Not authorised to send record in this schema The record can be retrieved in other schemas, but the one requested requires futher authorisation.
70   records Record too large to send The record is too large to send.
71   records Unsupported record packing The server supports only one of string or xml, or the client requested a recordPacking which is unknown.
72   records XPath retrieval unsupported The server does not support the retrieval of nodes from within the record.
73   records XPath expression contains unsupported feature Some aspect of the XPath expression is unsupported. For example, the server might be able to process element nodes, but not functions.
74   records Unable to evaluate XPath expression The server could not evaluate the expression, either because it was invalid or it lacks some capability.
80   sort Sort not supported the server cannot perform any sort; that is the server only returns data in the default sequence.
82   sort Unsupported sort sequence The particular sequence of sort keys is not supported, but the keys may be supported individually.
83   sort Too many records to sort used when the server will only sort result sets under a certain size and the request returned a set larger than that limit.
84   sort Too many sort keys to sort the server can accept a sort statement within a request but cannot deliver as requested, e.g. the server can sort by a maximum of 2 keys only such as "title" and "date" but was requested to sort by "title", "author" and "date".
86   sort Cannot sort: incompatible record formats The result set includes records in different schemas and there is insufficient commonality among the schemas to enable a sort.
87   sort Unsupported schema for sort the server does not support sort for records in a particular schema, e.g. it supports sort for records in the DC schema but not in the ONIX schema.
88   sort Unsupported path for sort the server can accept a sort statement within a request but cannot deliver as requested, e.g. the server can deliver in title or date sequence but subject was requested.
89   sort Path unsupported for schema The path given cannot be generated for the schema requested. For example asking for /record/fulltext within the simple Dublin Core schema
90   sort Unsupported direction the server can accept a sort statement within a request but cannot deliver as requested, e.g. the server can deliver in ascending only but descending was requested.
91   sort Unsupported case the server can accept a sort statement within a request but cannot deliver as requested, e.g. the server's index is single case so sorting case sensitive is unsupported
92   sort Unsupported missing value action the server can accept a sort statement within a request but cannot deliver as requested. For example, the request includes a constant that the server should use where a record being sorted lacks the data field but the server cannot use the constant to override its normal behavior, e.g. sorting as a high value.
93 Dec 2005 sort Sort ended due to missing value missingValue of ‘abort’
110   stylesheet Stylesheets not supported The SRU server does not support stylesheets, or a stylesheet was requested from an SRW server.
111   stylesheet Unsupported stylesheet This particular stylesheet is not supported, but others may be.
120   scan Response position out of range The request includes a position in response that is not valid for the list. For example a request indicates a response position = 15 and maximum terms = 20, meaning that it wants a response to include 15 entries before the term, plus the term, then another 4. The server would return this diagnostic if there were not 15 previous entries.
121 July 26, 2004 scan Too many terms requested Say you ask for 500 terms and the server has a (fixed) maximum of 300. It would supply a value of '300' for details. If 'details' is not supplied, this might mean that the server doesn't have a fixed maximum and was just unable to deliver all the requested terms.
235 March 16, 2012   Database does not exist  

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