SRU (Search/Retrieval Using URL)

GILS Profile

This profile provides an SRU view of the GILS (Global Information Locator Service) profile of ISO 23950.

The identifier for this profile is: info:srw/profile/14/gils-1.0


GILS requires only the implicit relations provided in the grammar of CQL: Less Than (<), Less Than or Equal (<=), Equal (=), Greater Than or Equal (>=), Greater Than (>), Not Equal (<>).
GILS does not require the default relations defined in CQL.

Relation Modifiers


Term Format
GILS requires four of the CQL defined structures: string, word, uri, and isoDate.


GILS queries in CQL use indexes from the gils context set, as well as indexes defined in three other context sets: cql, rec (Record Metadata), and dc (Dublin Core).

Required Indexes
GILS requires that certain indexes be searchable, but only when content is present. These indexes are: Identifier, Subject, Agency Creator, Title, and Publication Date.

Context Index Names Description Z39.50 Attributes
cql anywhere The set of all indexes from all context sets known to the server. [bib-1 1=1016
1= 1035]
cql serverChoice The set of one or more indexes from any context sets known to the server. [bib-1 1=1016
1= 1035]
Title, author, and description of the information resource
dc title
The name of the information resource. [bib-1 1=4
1= 1097]
dc author
The name of the originator of the information resource.
Note: originator is defined as "The agent, whether person or organization, responsible for all or portions of the information resource."
[bib-1 1=1005
1= 1098]
dc agencyCreator
The name of the organization responsible for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1005
1= 1098]
dc contributor The name of the contributor, other than the originator, of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1003
1= 1106]
dc description The text describing the information resource.
Note: Also known as "abstract" in GILS.
[bib-1 1=62
1= 1100]
gils keywords The group of words or phrases describing the information resource. [bib-1 1= 29]
dc subject The terms of the controlled vocabulary associated with the subject of the information resource.
Note: Also known as "subjectTermsControlled" in GILS.
[bib-1 1=1112
[gils 1=2002
1= 2057]
gils subjectThesaurus The name of the thesaurus or similar authoritative source of terms associated with the subject of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1113]
[gils 1= 2036]
gils subjectTermsUncontrolled The terms, not from a controlled vocabulary, associated with the subject of the information resource. [bib-1 1= 29]
dc identifier The identifier of the information resource. [bib-1 1= 1007]
dc language The identifier of the language of the information resource. [bib-1 1=54
1= 1105]
dc source The text describing the source from which the information resource is derived. [bib-1 1=1155
[gils 1= 2035]
gils audience The text describing the intended audience of the information resource.
gils lineOfBusiness The identifier of the line of business of the information resource.
Note: line of business is defined as: "The designation developed by the U.S. Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) as a way to group information resources, part of the OMB Federal Enterprise Architecture program."
Date and time period for the information resource
dc date
The date of publication of the information resource. [bib-1 1=31
1= 1102]
gils creationDate The date of origination of the information resource [util 1=1,
[bib-1 1= 1012]
gils modificationDate The date of modification of the information resource. [util 1=1,
[bib-1 1= 1012]
gils lastReviewDate The date of last review of the information resource. [util 1=1,
[bib-1 1= 1012]
gils timePeriod The time period associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1125]
[gils 1= 2062]
gils timePeriodTextual The text describing the time period associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1126]
[gils 1= 2045]
gils timePeriodStructured The date range associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1127]
[gils 1= 2044]
gils beginningDate The start date of the period associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1128]
[gils 1= 2072]
gils endingDate The end date of the period associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1129]
[gils 1= 2073]
Place details for the information resource
gils publicationPlace The name of the location of publication of the information resource. [bib-1 1= 59]
gils spatialDomain The set of geographic designations of the coverage of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1116]
[gils 1= 2059]
gils bounds The set of geographic coordinates that delimit the coverage of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1117]
[gils 1= 2060]
gils north The value of the northern-most coordinate of the location of the coverage of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1120]
[gils 1= 2040]
gils west The value of the western-most coordinate of the location of the coverage of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1118]
[gils 1= 2038]
gils south The value of the southern-most coordinate of the location of the coverage of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1121]
[gils 1= 2041]
gils east The value of the eastern-most coordinate of the location of the coverage of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1119]
[gils 1= 2039]
gils place The name designating the location associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1122]
[gils 1= 2061]
gils placeKeywordThesaurus The name of the registered thesaurus or similar authoritative source of place names associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1123]
[gils 1= 2043]
gils placeKeyword The name designating the location identified in the authoritative source of location names associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1124]
[gils 1= 2042]
Contact details for the information resource
gils contact The party acting as contact for the information resource.
Note: The party may be a person, an organization, or both.
[bib-1 1=1162]
[gils 1= 2067]
gils contactName The name of the person acting as contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1163]
[gils 1= 2023]
gils contactOrganization The name of the organization acting as contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1164]
[gils 1= 2024]
gils contactStreetAddress The name of the street of the location of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1165]
[gils 1= 2025]
gils contactCity The name of the city of the location of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1166]
[gils 1= 2026]
gils contactStateOrProvince The name of the sub-division of the country of the location of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1167]
[gils 1= 2027]
gils contactZipOrPostalCode The postcode of the location of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1168]
[gils 1= 2028]
gils contactCountry The name of the country of the location of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1169]
[gils 1= 2029]
gils contactNetworkAddress The identifier of the Internet electronic mail address for the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1170]
[gils 1= 2030]
gils contactHoursOfService The text describing the hours of service of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1171]
[gils 1= 2031]
gils contactTelephone The number of the telephone of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1172]
[gils 1= 2032]
gils contactFax The number of the fax of the contact for the information resource. [bib-1 1=1173]
[gils 1= 2033]
Constraints on access or use of the information resource
dc rights
The text describing the constraints on use of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1161
[gils 1= 2005]
gils accessConstraints The text describing the constraints on access of the information resource [bib-1 1=1157 1=1158]
[gils 1=2066 1= 2004]
gils securityClassification The text describing security classification control constraints of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1160]
[gils 1= 2053]
gils originatorDisseminationControl The text describing dissemination control constraints assigned by the originator of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1159]
[gils 1= 2052]
Records management characteristics of the information resource
gils purpose The text describing the purpose of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1175]
[gils 1= 2003]
gils agencyProgram The text describing the agency programme associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1176]
[gils 1= 2034]
Related characteristics of the information resource
gils methodology The text describing the methodology used to produce the information resource. [bib-1 1=1156]
[gils 1= 2037]
gils supplementalInformation The supplemental information associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1174]
[gils 1= 2050]
gils crossReference The cross-reference to another information resource associated with the information resource. [bib-1 1=1177]
[gils 1= 2068]
gils crossReferenceTitle The name that is the distinctive designation of the cross-referenced information resource. [bib-1 1=1178]
[gils 1= 2046]
gils crossReferenceRelationship The text describing the relationship of the cross referenced information resource to the information resource. [bib-1 1=1179]
[gils 1= 2070]
gils crossReferenceLinkage The code and identifier pair identifying the address of the cross-referenced information resource. [bib-1 1=1180]
[gils 1= 2047]
gils linkageType The code identifying the data type at the address of the cross-referenced information resource.
Note: By convention on the Internet, the code is expressed as a MIME type.
[bib-1 1=1153]
[gils 1= 2022]
gils linkage The identifier of the address of the cross-referenced information resource.
Note: By convention on the Internet, the identifier is expressed as a URN or URL.
[bib-1 1=1154]
[gils 1= 2021]
Characteristics of the information resource product
dc publisher
The name and other information associated with the party acting as distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1131
[gils 1= 2000]
dc productLanguage
The identifier of the language of the information resource product.
Note: May use ISO 639, Codes for the representation of names of languages.
[bib-1 1=54
1= 1105]
gils productCreationDate The date of original creation of the information resource product.
gils productLastReviewDate The date of last review of the information resource product.
dc format The code identifying the data type at the reference address of the information resource product.
Note: By convention on the Internet, the code is expressed as a MIME type.
[bib-1 1=1153
[gils 1= 2022]
dc type The code identifying the medium of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1031
1= 1103]
gils availability The product derived from the information resource.
Note: Product may include service.
[bib-1 1=xxx]
[gils 1= 2063]
gils medium The code identifying the medium of the information resource product. [bib-1 1= 1031]
gils resourceDescription The name of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1143]
[gils 1= 2016]
gils orderProcess The ordering information for the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1144]
[gils 1= 2064]
gils orderInformation The text describing the process for ordering the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1145]
[gils 1= 2017]
gils cost The indicator identifying whether or not there is a price for the information resource product.
Note: A value of zero means free of charge.
[bib-1 1=1146]
[gils 1= 2054]
gils costInformation The text describing the price of the information resource product.
Note: Text may include conditional price information.
[bib-1 1=1147]
[gils 1= 2055]
gils technicalPrerequisites The text describing technical prerequisites for use of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1148]
[gils 1= 2018]
gils productTimePeriod The time period associated with the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1149]
[gils 1= 2065]
gils productTimeTextual The text describing the time period associated with the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1150]
[gils 1= 2020]
gils productTimeStructured The date range associated with the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1151]
[gils 1= 2019]
gils beginningDate The start date of the period associated with the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1128]
[gils 1= 2072]
gils endingDate The end date of the period associated with the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1129]
[gils 1= 2073]
gils linkageType The code identifying the data type at the reference address of the information resource product.
Note: By convention on the Internet, the code is expressed as a MIME type.
[bib-1 1=1153]
[gils 1= 2022]
gils productIdentifier
The identifier of the information resource product.
Note: By convention on the Internet, the identifier is expressed as a URN or URL.
[bib-1 1=1154]
[gils 1= 2021]
Distributor details for the information resource product
gils distributorName The name of the person acting as distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1132]
[gils 1= 2001]
gils distributorOrganization The name of the organization acting as distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1133]
[gils 1= 2006]
gils distributorStreetAddress The name of the street of the location of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1134]
[gils 1= 2007]
gils distributorCity The name of the city of the location of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1135]
[gils 1= 2008]
gils distributorStateOrProvince The name of the sub-division of the country of the location of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1136]
[gils 1= 2009]
gils distributorZipOrPostalCode The postcode of the location of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1137]
[gils 1= 2010]
gils distributorCountry The name of the country of the location of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1138]
[gils 1= 2011]
gils distributorNetworkAddress The identifier of the Internet electronic mail address of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1139]
[gils 1= 2012]
gils distributorHoursOfService The text describing the hours of service of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1140]
[gils 1= 2013]
gils distributorTelephone The number of the telephone of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1141]
[gils 1= 2014]
gils distributorFax The number of the fax of the distributor of the information resource product. [bib-1 1=1142]
[gils 1= 2015]
Records management characteristics of the information resource product
gils dispositionAuthority
The identifier of the disposition authority of the information resource.
Note: records control schedule is defined as: "The schedule or list of events, times, etc. in the life cycle of a record or document."
[bib-1 1=1181]
[gils 1= 2056]
gils vitalRecords The indicator of vital record designation of the information resource product.
Note: vital records is defined in 36 CFR 1236 as: "essential agency records that are needed to meet operational responsibilities under national security emergencies or other emergency or disaster conditions ( emergency operating records) or to protect the legal and financial rights of the Government and those affected by Government activities (legal and financial rights records)."
Characteristics of the locator record of the information resource
rec locationIdentifier
The identifier of the location of the locator record of the information resource.
Note: Typically assigned at search time by the server, e.g., directory structure, SQL table, record store identifier.
[util 1=4]
[bib-1 1= 12]
rec languageCode The code of the language of the locator record of the information resource.
Note: Also known as languageOfRecord in GILS.
[util 1=3]
[bib-1 1=1183]
[gils 1= 2071]
rec creationAgentName
The name of the agent responsible for creation of the locator record of the information resource. [util 1=2,
[bib-1 1= 1019]
rec creationDate The date of origination of the locator record of the information resource. [util 1=1,
[bib-1 1= 1012]
rec lastModificationDate The date of modification of the locator record of the information resource. [util 1=1,
[bib-1 1= 1012]
gils originalControlIdentifier The identifier of an original locator record from which was derived the locator record of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1182]
[gils 1= 2049]
gils recordReviewDate The date scheduled for review of the locator record of the information resource. [bib-1 1=1184]
[gils 1= 2051]


  1. To retrieve records about information resources having "USGS" in the point of contact and modified since 1 January 2004, the query would be: = "USGS" and rec.lastModified > "2004-01-01"