Explain parameter namedResultSets

Issue raised by: Oreste Signore 2 May 1996

What does the parameter "namedResultSets" of Targetinfo in Explain mean? Does it mean the target supports: This question arise from the two different bib-1 error diagnostics: Does support of "result set naming" imply that the result set name is supported as an operand in the query?

The two features, "named result sets" and "result set as query operand", are completely orthogonal. A target might not support named results sets (meaning that an origin may use only "default" as Result-set-name in a Search Request) while the target may support the use of the "default" result set in a query. Conversely the target might support named result sets (meaning that an origin may use names other than "default" as Result-set-name in a Search Request) but not support result set name as an operand in a query.

Status: Approved (10/96)
Library of Congress
Library of Congress Help Desk (10/18/96)