Z39.50-1995 Defect Report Z39.50MA-DR0006: Explain Icon

February 1999
Defect Report Number: Z39.50MA-DR0006

Source of Report: Makx Dekkers

Submitted-to and Date: 7/96

Report Concerning: Explain

Type of Defect: Technical

Reference in Document: Explain ASN.1, TargetInfo and DatabaseInfo

Nature of Defect:
In both TargetInfo and DatabaseInfo, an icon can be supplied. This field is a non-key brief element. Some Explain implementors do not want to retrieve the icon because of the effect on performance. So there should be a way to retrieve the (other) brief elements without the icon.

Solution Proposed:
Define an element set name, 'brief-1', for TargetInfo and DatabaseInfo records, identical to 'brief' except to exclude the icon.

Status/Secretariat Response:

Library of Congress