ES Statuses and Update

Question from: Pearl Janifer Janifer@COMPUSERVE.COM Mon, 11 Aug 1997 05:37:36 -0400

Please explain the various Extended Service status values, particulary as they apply to the Update Extended Service.

OperationStatus and taskStatus both apply to Extended Services in general; updateStatus and recordStatus are specific to Update.

OperationStatus and taskStatus distinguish the ES operation from the ES task. The "ES operation" is the ES request followed by the ES response, the result of which is the spawning of an ES task, which may be monitored by taskStatus. Thus operationStatus is set only once, after the operation is complete, in contrast to taskStatus, a dynamic status that changes as the status of the operation changes.

However neither operationStatus nor taskStatus convey any status information specific to the ES type, and therefore it is assumed that each ES definition will include one or more additional statuses as needed.

For Update, there are updateStatus and recordStatus. These distinguish the update task at large from update action that applies to each individual record.

Following is a summary of these four statuses.

Status: Approved 1/98
Table, prepared by Janifer Gatenby, will be added when available.
Library of Congress