April 2002 ZIG Meeting

Registration List

Below is a list of registrants for the April 2002 ZIG meeting at OCLC.
Updated: April 1

  1. Cary Gordon, The Cherry Hill Company; USA, cgordon@chillco.com
  2. Joe Zeeman, The Library Corporation; USA, joe.zeeman@tlcdelivers.com
  3. Robert Sanderson, University of Liverpool; England, azaroth@liv.ac.uk
  4. Jo Rademakers, K.U.Leuven/LIBIS; Belgium, johan.rademakers@libis.kuleuven.ac.be
  5. William E. Moen, NISO SC AV, School of Library and Information Sciences, UNT; USA, wemoen@unt.edu
  6. Eric Ward, OCLC; USA, warde@oclc.org
  7. Kelly Womble, OCLC ; USA, womblek@oclc.org
  8. Jacob Poulsen, DBC; Denmark, ja7@dbc.dk
  9. Sandra Mayor, Universidad Central de Venezuela; Venezuela, smayor@epidauro.med.ucv.ve
  10. Pat Stevens, OCLC; USA, stevens@oclc.org
  11. Lennie Stovel, RLG; USA, mds@notes.rlg.org
  12. Pieter van Lierop, Geac; France, pvanlierop@geac.fr
  13. Barbara Shuh, National Library of Canada; Canada, barbara.shuh@nlc-bnc.ca
  14. Robert Madsen, Epixtech, Inc; USA, robcmadsen@yahoo.com
  15. James Bullen, National Library of Australia and Columbia University; Australia, jb2091@columbia.edu
  16. Carlos R. Cervantes Méndez, Biblioteca Nacional de México; México, D.F., cmendez@biblional.bibliog.unam.mx
  17. Eric Ferrin, Penn State University; USA, egf@psu.edu
  18. Juha Hakala, Helsinki University Library; Finland, juha.hakala@helsinki.fi
  19. John Lowery, British Library; UK, john.lowery@bl.uk
  20. Amit Chawla, Satyam; India, amit_chawla@satyam.com
  21. Matt Goldner, Fretwell-Downing, Inc.; USA, matt.goldner@fdgroup.com
  22. Douglas Childs, SIRSI Corporation; USA, dougc@sirsi.com
  23. Poul Henrik Jørgensen, Danish Bibliographic Centre; Denmark, phjdk@hotmail.com
  24. Rondon Andrade, IOOP - Online Information; Brazil, rondon@ioop.com.br
  25. Slavko Manojlovich, SIRSI / Memorial University Of Newfoundland; Canada, slavko@mun.ca
  26. Carrol Lunau, National Library of Canada/Bath Profile; Canada, carrol.lunau@nlc-bnc.ca
  27. Andrea Giuliano, ICCU; Italy, a.giuliano@iccu.sbn.it
  28. Julie Blume Nye, Fretwell-Downing; USA, julie.nye@fdgroup.com
  29. Janifer Gatenby, OCLC | PICA; Netherlands / France, janifer.gatenby@pica.nl
  30. Larry Dixson, LC; USA, ldix@loc.gov
  31. Dana Dietz, OCLC; USA, dietzd@oclc.org
  32. Kevin Gladwell, British Library; UK, kevin.gladwell@bl.uk
  33. Ian Ibbotson, Knowledge Integration Ltd; UK; ian.ibbotson@k-int.com
  34. Mark H Needleman, Sirsi Corporation; USA; markn@sirsi.com
  35. Sebastian Hammer, Index Data; Denmark; quinn@indexdata.dk
  36. Ralph LeVan, OCLC; USA; levan@oclc.org
  37. Ray Denenberg, LC; USA; rden@loc.gov

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