CreativeWork / Book: RDFa with codelab: LODLAM Toronto 2016

By Dan Scott,

About this codelab

In this codelab, you will learn about the CreativeWork class and its properties by enhancing a catalogue page that describes a Book (a specialization of CreativeWork). You will use the vocabulary and express it via RDFa attributes.

Audience: Intermediate

Prerequisites: To complete this codelab, you should already be familiar with HTML, RDFa, and The previous exercise offers a practical introduction to those concepts.

From basic HTML to RDFa: first steps

In this exercise, you will perform the steps required to add simple RDFa structured data to an existing library catalogue page for a book.

View the page source HTML

Open book_step0.html in an HTML-friendly text editor such as vim, emacs, nano, Sublime, Atom... anything but Notepad! You should see something like the following HTML source for the web page:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8">
  <title>Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world
    : Newport, Cal, author.
    : Book, Regular Print Book
    : Toronto Public Library</title>

<meta name="description" content=""One of the most valuable skills in our
economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll ...">

<meta property="og:title" content="Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world">
<meta property="og:type" content="book">
<meta property="og:image" content="">
<meta property="og:url" content="">
<meta property="og:site_name" content="Toronto Public Library">

      <img alt="" src="">

    Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world

      <span>First Edition.</span>

    <a href="">Newport, Cal, author.</a>

Note: In a pinch, you can use the browser development tools to view and edit the source of the web page (CTRL-Shift-i in Chrome or Firefox, in the Elements or Inspector tab respectively).

Extract and view structured data in HTML

There are a number of structured data parsers, both online and locally installable, that can help you check the results of your work. Copy and paste the HTML source into each of the following online structured data extraction tools:

Notice that the results vary between the parsers. Some of them reveal that there is, indeed, some markup already embedded in the page--but that markup is sparse:

@prefix og: <> .

   og:title "Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world"@en;
   og:type "book"@en;
   og:image ""@en;
   og:description """One of the most valuable skills in our
economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you master this skill, you'll
   og:url ""@en;
   og:site_name "Toronto Public Library"@en .

This is another example of Open Graph Protocol markup, a vocabulary and syntax based on RDFa 1.0 developed by Facebook and promoted as a means of embedding simple machine-readable markup in the head section of web pages. While this is a good start—enough to identify the title of the page and an image that can be used in short snippets—you can surface much richer data by using RDFa 1.1 and marking up the body of the web page with the vocabulary.

Add the type and associated properties for your page

Browse the type hierarchy

The types are arranged in a top-down hierarchy. Starting at the top level of the type hierarchy, browse through the CreativeWork type hierarchy to find the type that is most applicable for this page--in this case, Book. Notice again how each type inherits the properties from its parent (beginning with Thing), offers its own more specific definition for its raison d'etre, and may add its own properties to enable you to describe it more completely.

Communities can propose extensions to, and these show up at the bottom of the type hierarchy as other potential types that you could use--for example, Atlas, ComicStory, or Thesis from the W3C Schema Bibliographic Extension community.

Screenshot of Atlas,
      ComicStory, and other types from proposed extensions

Galleries and museums might find types such as Movie, Painting, Photograph, Sculpture, or VisualArtwork more relevant to their interests.

There is a working group for Archives that have proposed an extension for Archives, but the group needs evidence of more participation and expertise before the proposal will be accepted by the steering committee.

Add the type declaration for the document

To declare an RDFa type for an HTML document, add the @typeof attribute to the <body> element and set the value of the attribute to Book. Remember that when you add a @typeof attribute, add a @resource attribute at the same time to avoid creating a blank node.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <meta charset="utf8">
  <title>Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world
    : Newport, Cal, author.
    : Book, Regular Print Book
    : Toronto Public Library</title>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">

Add a name property for the type

Every type has a name property available to it, because the property is declared on the Thing type from which every other type inherits. In the case of a Book, the title of the book is mapped to its name. Go ahead and add a @property="name" attribute to the <h1> element to assert that the content of that element is the name of the technical book.

Warning: A common mistake is to use the headline property (from the CreativeWork type) for title rather than name. Just use name, as it is common to all things in the vocabulary and clearly identifies the name of the work!

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>

Add an author property for the type

This book has an author, and if you check the documentation for Book you will find that there is indeed an author property. Notice that the expected type of the author property is either a Person or Organization type. Identify the author using the @property="author" attribute.

Note: You might be tempted to add the attribute to the existing <a> element of the HTML document, but the scope of the <a> element includes more than just the name of the author, so you would be asserting (falsely!) that the author was "Newport, Cal, author.". So you will have to add another <span> element to wrap just the "Newport, Cal" part of the string.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author">Newport, Cal</span>,

Improve the author property

Double-check the results of your work in the structured data parsers. Is the author property associated with the correct subject (URL)? Remember that an <a> element sets a new subject matching the value of its @href attribute.

If you were caught, and the author property is associated with the subject rather than the #book URL, let's fix that by using the @about attribute to explicitly refer to your chosen subject (URL).

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

Add a datePublished property for the type

Right now a date of publication is visible on the page, but as the data just lives inside an undifferentiated string of text, it would difficult for a machine to know what the data means. To remove this uncertainty, add the @property="datePublished" attribute.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished">2016, </span>

Improve the datePublished property

The value of the datePublished property from your previous example shows up as "2016, ", which isn't as precise a date as you might like.

If you check the datePublished documentation, you will find that the expected value of the property is Date, which in turn is defined as a date value in ISO 8601 format. For a date, then, the expectation is a value formatted like YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD.

One approach to specifying a date value that satisfies the formatting requirements would be to add yet another <span> element around just the date. However, while that would work for this specific case, if you had a date presented for human consumption like "May 15, 2016" that approach would not work unless you changed the human-visible content to the machine-readable "2016-05-15", in which case some humans might be unhappy. Instead, you can make both the machines and the humans happy by supplying an inline, properly formatted value using the @content attribute. Go ahead and add @content="2016" to the <span> element.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished" content="2016">2016, </span>

Specify the copyrightYear property (RDFa lists)

As the datePublished property you have established is just a year, you can use the same @property attribute to also specify the copyrightYear property. RDFa allows you to specify a list of properties or types that apply to a given value by separating each entry with a space.

Add copyrightYear to the @property="datePublished" attribute.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>

Specify the language of the CreativeWork

Even though the description of a given resource is on a web page written in one language (often designated by the @lang attribute on the <html> element), the work itself may be written in a different language. The inLanguage property enables you to specify the language of the work, using the language codes from the IETF BCP 47 standard: for example, "en", "en-CA", "fr-CA", or "oj".

Apply the inLanguage property to the page, using the @content attribute to specify a valid language code.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Add an image property for the Book type

Every type in can have an image property. One potential use case for search engines is to use the image property to guide the search engine to choose the appropriate image from a page that might contain multiple images to provide a more visually attractive search result. Your catalogue page contains an image. Add the @property="image" attribute to the <img> element.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
      <img alt="" property="image"

<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Add book-specific properties to the Book entity

When you look at the documentation for the Book type, one of the properties that is specific to the Book type is the bookEdition property--and your sample book says that it is a first edition, which just might be of interest to researchers. Add the @property="bookEdition" attribute to the corresponding span element.

Repeat for the isbn and numberOfPages properties.

Note: processors in particular understand that this level of granularity is not always possible in practice, and will do the best they can with the data they receive. So if the best you can do is mark the value of an ISBN in your web page as 9781455586691 (hardback) instead of just the actual ISBN itself, processors may still be able to work out the actual value.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
      <img alt="" property="image"

<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>

      <span property="bookEdition">First Edition.</span>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
  <span property="numberOfPages" content="304">, 304 pages</span>
      <th scope="row">ISBN:</th>
      <td property="isbn" content="9781455586691">9781455586691 (hardback)</td>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Add a description property

You might have noticed that some of the RDFa parsers generate a rich snippet that shows you what your page might look like as a search result. You may also have noticed that the rich snippet did not contain much content of your page other than its title. To help search engines generate a better rich snippet, you should include a @property="description" attribute in your web page.

This record has a great description, so add the @property="description" attribute accordingly.

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
      <img alt="" property="image"

<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>

      <span property="bookEdition">First Edition.</span>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" about="#book">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
  <span property="numberOfPages" content="304">, 304 pages</span>
  <div property="description"><span>Summary/Review:</span> "One of the
    most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you
    master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep work is the
    ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's
      <th scope="row">ISBN:</th>
      <td property="isbn" content="9781455586691">9781455586691 (hardback)</td>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Link to external URLs: the work itself

No book, painting, author, or creator exists in a vacuum, yet the web sites we publish often create an impression that our organization is the only one providing information about it—and the information we provide is often minimal. You can expand on that by linking to other URLs that provide more linked data about your subjects.

For example, the information about the author of the book you are describing is currently limited to his name. The link you provide just leads to a search for more works by the same author. But there are web sites and linked data resources that provide much more information about him. In this step, assume that your system can include a list of additional links for authors and the works that are being described, but that you are also working with a strict designer who forbids you from altering the look or content of the page. In this situation, a good option is to use a <link> element to define the property value for the machines while not adding any futher human-visible content to the page.

To link to three external URLs that identify this book, and which can offer more linked data directly about the book as well as serve as global identifiers for the subject for which other sites can make their own assertions, add the following block of code anywhere within the scope of the Book. The solutions add the element directly under the <body> element.

<link property="sameAs" href="">
<link property="sameAs" href="">
<link property="sameAs" href="">
Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
      <img alt="" property="image"

<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>

      <span property="bookEdition">First Edition.</span>
    <a href=""><span
      property="author" resource="#author">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
  <span property="numberOfPages" content="304">, 304 pages</span>
  <div property="description"><span>Summary/Review:</span> "One of the
    most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you
    master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep work is the
    ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's
      <th scope="row">ISBN:</th>
      <td property="isbn" content="9781455586691">9781455586691 (hardback)</td>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Link to external URLs: the author

You can identify the author more precisely using the same approach.

  1. Elevate the existing @property="author" assertion from a plain text value to a Person type by adding a @typeof="Person" attribute.
  2. When you add a @typeof attribute, you should also add a @resource attribute to identify the subject. In this case, add @resource="#author".
  3. Mark up the @property="name" of the author.
  4. At this point, you might notice that the name is associated with the subject of the book, rather than the author. That is because of the @about attribute that you previously added. Move all of the attributes (@property="author", @typeof="Person", @about="#book", and @resource="#author" from the <span> to the <a> element, and add an @about="#author" attribute to the <span> element.
  5. Add the <link> elements that assert that this subject is the same as those identified with other URLs. Add the following block of code anywhere within the scope of the author block:
<link property="sameAs" href="">
<link property="sameAs" href="">
<link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
<link property="sameAs" href="">
Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
      <img alt="" property="image"

<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>

      <span property="bookEdition">First Edition.</span>
    <a href="" property="author"
      typeof="Person" about="#book" resource="#author"><span
      property="name" about="#author">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
  <span property="numberOfPages" content="304">, 304 pages</span>
  <div property="description"><span>Summary/Review:</span> "One of the
    most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you
    master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep work is the
    ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's
      <th scope="row">ISBN:</th>
      <td property="isbn" content="9781455586691">9781455586691 (hardback)</td>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Link to external URLs: subjects

Many controlled vocabularies provide linked data representations that are perfect for incorporating into your own description, both in your source as well as in the data you publish. The about property is commonly used to surface subject descriptors which can be linked to deep, rich vocabulary sources.

Libraries using the MARC21 standard can include a link to a specific subject term in subfield $0 of a subject field, using the Standard Identifier source code prefix of (uri) to indicate that it is a link. The Library of Congress makes their subject headings available as linked data through the LC Linked Data Service; for example, the entry Cognition includes broader and narrower terms, usage notes, and provenance metadata.

The Getty Vocabularies provide linked data URIs as part of the Art & Architecture Thesaurus Online. For example, the entry cognition offers a rich set of linked data, including labels in other languages, provenance, licensing terms, and broader terms.

For each of the subjects on this page, find the URI for a matching controlled vocabulary term and use that as an identifier for the @property="about" attribute. For example, using the Library of Congress subject heading for Cognition could look like:

<li property="about" resource="">
  <a href="">Cognition.</a>

Check your markup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<body vocab="" typeof="Book" resource="#book">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
  <link property="sameAs" href="" about="#author">
      <img alt="" property="image"

<h1 property="name">Deep work : rules for focused success in a distracted world</h1>

      <span property="bookEdition">First Edition.</span>
    <a href="" property="author"
      typeof="Person" about="#book" resource="#author"><span
      property="name" about="#author">Newport, Cal</span>,

  <span>Year/Format: </span>
  <span property="datePublished copyrightYear" content="2016">2016, </span>
  <span property="numberOfPages" content="304">, 304 pages</span>

    <li property="about" resource="">
      <a href="">Cognition.</a>
    <li property="about" resource="">
      <a href="">Distraction (Psychology)</a>
    <li property="about" resource="">
      <a href="">Mental work.</a>
    <li property="about" resource="">
      <a href="">Success.</a>
  <div property="description"><span>Summary/Review:</span> "One of the
    most valuable skills in our economy is becoming increasingly rare. If you
    master this skill, you'll achieve extraordinary results. Deep work is the
    ability to focus without distraction on a cognitively demanding task. It's
      <th scope="row">ISBN:</th>
      <td property="isbn" content="9781455586691">9781455586691 (hardback)</td>
      <th scope="row">Language:</th>
      <td property="inLanguage" content="en">English</td>

Checkpoint: Your HTML page should now look like step2/check_c.html

For properties that take a plain text value instead of a URL, you can use <meta property="propertyName" value="value"> to provide that implicit information.

Note: Do not use this approach as a license to stuff your web page full of lascivious keywords that have no connection to your content in the hopes of drawing a larger audience to your site. The search engines learned about this "spiderfood" tactic back in the 90's and will punish your site mercilessly with low relevancy ranking if you are determined to have been trying to game their systems. The generally accepted best practice is to try to only add machine-readable markup to the same content that humans can see. Reserve <meta> elements only for the most important purposes.

Lessons learned

In this exercise, you learned:

Next codelab: Holdings

About the author

Dan Scott is a systems librarian at Laurentian University.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.