Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version
EAD Elements
<emph> Emphasis
A formatting element for marking words or phrases that are stressed or emphasized
for linguistic effect. Use the RENDER attribute to specify the kind of emphasis,
e.g., bold or italics.
When the content of an entire element should always be rendered in italics
or some other display feature, use the style sheet functions instead of the <emph> element.
May contain:
#PCDATA, abbr, archref, bibref, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp,
ptr, ref, title
May occur within:
abstract, addressline, archref, author, bibref, bibseries, container, corpname,
creation, date, descrules, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, extent,
extref, extrefloc, famname, function, genreform, geogname, head, head01, head02,
imprint, item, label, langmaterial, language, langusage, legalstatus, materialspec,
name, num, occupation, origination, p, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc,
publisher, ref, refloc, repository, resource, runner, sponsor, subarea, subject,
subtitle, title, titleproper, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
ID |
#IMPLIED, altrender, bold, bolddoublequote, bolditalic, boldsinglequote,
boldsmcaps, boldunderline, doublequote, italic, nonproport, singlequote,
smcaps, sub, super, underline |
<abstract label="Abstract">
Papers document Donald C. Stone's work with Ornstein and Swencionis on the
<emph render="italic">est</emph> Outcome Project, and the development
of his doctoral research, including his various publications
on the human potential movement, up to the completion of his doctoral dissertation.