Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002EAD Elements<extref> Extended ReferenceDescription:A linking element that can include text and subelements as part of its reference to an electronic object that is external to the EAD document. Use the ENTITYREF or HREF attribute to identify the external object. Use the <ref> element to point to another location within the EAD document. While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAD linking elements, is a stable document, examples of EAD usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at <http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/>. May contain:#PCDATA, abbr, address, archref, bibref, blockquote, chronlist, corpname, date, emph, expan, extptr, famname, function, genreform, geogname, lb, list, name, note, num, occupation, origination, persname, ptr, ref, repository, subject, table, title, unitdate, unittitle May occur within:abstract, archref, bibliography, bibref, container, creation, descrules, dimensions, emph, entry, event, extent, item, label, langmaterial, langusage, materialspec, origination, otherfindaid, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, ref, relatedmaterial, repository, separatedmaterial, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes:
Example:<bioghist> <head>Chronology</head> <chronlist> . . . <chronitem> <date normal="199510">October 1995</date> <event> <extref linktype="simple" entityref="nobelsite" title="Nobel Prize eMuseum" actuate="onrequest" show="new">Awarded Nobel Prize in Physics by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.</extref> </event> </chronitem> . . . </chronlist> </bioghist> |
May 26, 2006 |