Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version
EAD Elements
<lb> Line Break
An empty formatting element that forces text to start on a new line at a point
chosen by the author rather than a linewrap algorithm or style sheet. Use only
when a line break is needed within an element, for example, within a <titlepage>.
Use a style sheet to specify line breaks between elements.
May contain:
May occur within:
abstract, addressline, archref, author, bibref, bibseries, container, corpname,
creation, date, descrules, dimensions, edition, emph, entry, event, extent,
extref, extrefloc, famname, function, genreform, geogname, head, head01, head02,
imprint, item, label, langmaterial, language, langusage, legalstatus, materialspec,
name, num, occupation, origination, p, persname, physdesc, physfacet, physloc,
publisher, ref, refloc, repository, resource, runner, sponsor, subarea, subject,
subtitle, title, titleproper, unitdate, unitid, unittitle
San Joaquin County Historical Society and Museum
<extptr actuate="onload" show="embed" entityref="sjmlogo">
Lodi, California