EAD (Encoded Archival Description ; Version 2002 Official Site)

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002

EAD Elements

<note> Note


A generic element that provides a short statement explaining the text, indicating the basis for an assertion, or citing the source of a quotation or other information. Used both for general comments and as an annotation for the text in a finding aid. Not used when more specific content designation elements are appropriate, e.g., <abstract>, <altformavail>, <archref>, or <scopecontent>. Do not confuse with Other Descriptive Data <odd> element, which is used within <archdesc> and <c> to designate information that is more than a short comment in a <note>.

The placement of a <note> is dependent on the design of the document and the purpose of the <note>. A <note> may appear at the end of the text as endnotes, at the foot of a section as footnotes or embedded within the text. One or more <note> elements may be grouped in a <notestmt> element in the <filedesc> portion of the <eadheader>. The ACTUATE and SHOW attributes can be used to mask a <note> from display until it is requested by a finding aid user.

The <note> element is comparable to ISAD(G) data element 3.6.1 and MARC field 500.

May contain:

address, blockquote, chronlist, list, note, p, table

May occur within:

accessrestrict, accruals, acqinfo, altformavail, appraisal, archdesc, archdescgrp, archref, arrangement, bibliography, bioghist, blockquote, c, c01, c02, c03, c04, c05, c06, c07, c08, c09, c10, c11, c12, controlaccess, custodhist, daodesc, descgrp, did, div, dsc, dscgrp, entry, event, extref, extrefloc, fileplan, index, item, namegrp, note, notestmt, odd, originalsloc, otherfindaid, p, phystech, prefercite, processinfo, ref, refloc, relatedmaterial, scopecontent, separatedmaterial, titlepage, userestrict


ACTUATE #IMPLIED, onload, onrequest
AUDIENCE #IMPLIED, external, internal
SHOW #IMPLIED, embed, new


    <archdesc level="collection">
        <did> . . .
            <repository label="repository" encodinganalog="852">
                <corpname>Library of Congress, <subarea>Prints and Photographs Division,
                </subarea></corpname> Washington, D.C. 20540
                <p>For information about Prints and Photographs Division collections
                and services, see the
                Prints and Photographs Division's Reading Room Home Page:
                <extptr actuate="onrequest" href="/rr/print.htm">
                    http://www.loc.gov/rr/print.htm" show="new">
        </did> . . .