EAD (Encoded Archival Description ; Version 2002 Official Site)

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002

EAD Elements

<repository> Repository


The institution or agency responsible for providing intellectual access to the materials being described. The <corpname> element may be used within <repository> to encode the institution's proper name.

Although the repository providing intellectual access usually also has physical custody over the materials, this is not always the case. For example, an archives may assume responsibility for long-term intellectual access to electronic records, but the actual electronic data files or systems may continue to reside in the office where they were created and maintained, or they may be held for long-term storage by a unit such as a data library that is able to provide the appropriate technical facilities for storage and remounting. When it is clear that the physical custodian does not provide intellectual access, use <physloc> to identify the custodian and <repository> to designate the intellectual caretaker. When a distinction cannot be made, assume that the custodian of the physical objects also provides intellectual access to them and should be recognized as the <repository>.

The <repository> element is comparable to MARC field 852.

May contain:

#PCDATA, abbr, address, archref, bibref, corpname, emph, expan, extptr, extref, lb, linkgrp, name, ptr, ref, subarea, title

May occur within:

archref, did, entry, event, extref, extrefloc, item, label, p, ref, refloc


AUDIENCE #IMPLIED, external, internal


        <archdesc type="inventory" level="subgrp">
                <head>Overview of the Records</head>
                <repository label="Repository:">
                    <corpname>Minnesota Historical Society</corpname>
                <origination label="Creator:">Minnesota. Game and Fish Department</origination>
                <unittitle label="Title:">Game laws violation records,
                <unitdate label="Dates:">1908-1928</unitdate>
                <abstract label="Abstract:">Records of prosecutions for and seizures
                of property resulting from violation of the state's hunting and fishing laws.
                <physdesc label="Quantity:">2.25 cu. ft. (7 v. and 1 folder in 3 boxes)
                <physloc label="Location:">See Detailed Description section for box

Note: The Public Record Office of the United Kingdom uses a 7 level system of intellectual units devised specifically for that repository. In that system "lettercode" is the equivalent of "fonds" and "class" is the equivalent of "series."
        <archdesc level="otherlevel" otherlevel="Lettercode">
                <unittitle>Records of the Department of Economic Affairs</unittitle>
                <origination><corpname>Department of Economic Affairs</corpname></origination>
                <physdesc><extent>28 </extent>
                <repository>Public Record Office, Kew</repository>