Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002EAD Elements<title> TitleDescription:The formal name of a work, such as a monograph, serial, or painting, listed in a finding aid. Subtitles of such works are not separately encoded but may instead be listed as part of the <title> element. Do not confuse with <titleproper>, which is used for the title of the encoded finding aid. Also do not confuse with <unittitle>, which is used to encode the name of the described materials, such as the title of a collection, record group, fonds, series, file, or item. Do not confuse with the TITLE attribute which is found in several linking elements. The <title> element may be used inside of <unittitle>, and it is possible that a <unittitle> may contain no text other than that which is further specified by the <title> element. (See example below.) The RULES attribute can be used to specify the descriptive rules followed when forming the title, such as AACR2R. The ENTITYREF or HREF attributes may be used to name either the entity or pointer when linking to a machine-readable version of the cited <title>. The RENDER attribute permits specification of how the content of a particular <title> element should be displayed or printed, e.g., bold, italics, quoted, etc. The <title> element is comparable to MARC fields 130, 240, 245, 630, 730, and 740. While XML Linking Language (XLink) Version 1.0, which is the basis for EAD linking elements, is a stable document, examples of EAD usage are hypothetical and have not been tested in real XLink-based applications. Those wishing to use XLink are encouraged to consult the specification available online at <http://www.w3.org/TR/xlink/>. May contain:#PCDATA, date, emph, extptr, lb, num, ptr May occur within:abstract, archref, bibliography, bibref, bibseries, container, controlaccess, creation, descrules, dimensions, emph, entry, event, extent, extref, indexentry, item, label, langmaterial, langusage, materialspec, namegrp, origination, otherfindaid, p, physdesc, physfacet, physloc, ref, relatedmaterial, repository, separatedmaterial, unitdate, unitid, unittitle Attributes:
Examples:1. <c01> <did> <unittitle>Short stories, </unittitle> <unitdate>1946-1954</unitdate> </did> <c02> <did> <unittitle><title render="italic">The Lottery</title> </unittitle> </did> </c02> </c01> 2. <bibref> <title render="italic">Library of Congress Acquisitions: Manuscript Division, <date>1982,</date></title> p. 29. </bibref> |
May 26, 2006 |