EAD (Encoded Archival Description ; Version 2002 Official Site)

Encoded Archival Description Tag Library, Version 2002

EAD Elements

<titlepage> Title Page


A wrapper element within <frontmatter> that groups bibliographic information about an encoded finding aid, including its name, author, and other aspects of its creation and publication. It contains much of the same information found in the <filedesc> portion of the <eadheader>, such as the <titleproper>, <subtitle>, <author>, <sponsor>, <publisher>, and <date> of the finding aid. Although it is possible to generate an electronic or printed title page directly from the <eadheader>, use of the <titlepage> may be more accommodating of local preferences, including displays of photographic illustrations, institutional logos, or other graphic images.

May contain:

address, author, bibseries, blockquote, chronlist, date, edition, list, note, num, p, publisher, sponsor, subtitle, table, titleproper

May occur within:



AUDIENCE #IMPLIED, external, internal


            <titleproper>Inventory of The Arequipa Sanatorium Records,
            <num type="Collection number:">BANC MSS 92/894 c</num>
            <publisher>The Bancroft Library<lb/>University of California,
      	      Berkeley<lb/>Berkeley, California
            <list type="deflist">
                    <label>Processed by:</label>
                    <item>Lynn Downey</item>
                    <label>Completed by:</label>
                    <item>Mary Morganti and Katherine Bryant</item>
                    <label>Date Completed:</label>
                    <item><date>May 1994</date></item>
                    <label>Encoded by:</label>
                    <item>Gabriela A. Montoya</item>
            <p>&copy; 1996 The Regents of the University of California.
            All rights reserved.</p>